
Inevitable:  Murdoch’s Sun hacked.
1897 scandals remembered

Elizabeth Warren off CFPB
same difference for Republicans
Scott Brown’s Senate seat a booby prize.

Ron Paul Fan Crap

Gould, Arkansas bans citizens’ groups

Governors Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Mary Fallin of Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma:  Join us in prayer against our problems

Jesus makes an appearance somewhere in the Bible Belt

Bill Clinton.  I’m thinking the problem with the Debt Ceiling discussion is the “new n0rmal” problem.  Politics is all about leverage, the leverage is backing up — Pat Buchanan is formulating his wishes here.

which puts Bill Clinton to the left of Barack Obama.

Clinton Foundation sending Haiti shoddy trailers?

James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart slice up new video to attack Medicaid.

Debate Tom Coburn’s idea of getting rid of the dollar bill as part of comprehensive Debt ceiling deal.

Photoshop Propaganda Look

Marilyn Monroe statue unveiled in Chicago, tourists take a bunch of up-skirt photos

Conor Friedersdorf on the backlash against his quickly dashed Sarah Palin movie piece.



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