horse race coverage of the GOP’s 2012 bid at Obama

Watching as Michele Bachmann propel past himself in the polls in Iowa, Tim Pawlenty has commissioned his “Acti0n Film” director to film him and his wife talking about how Jesusy they are.

And a radio ad directs you to it.


“Sarah Pulliam Bailey, a political reporter for leading evangelical magazine Christianity Today, says Pawlenty has failed to capture the imaginations of the Christian right because he lacks a certain, well, evangelical fervor. ‘You just can’t see Tim Pawlenty holding a tent revival,’ she says. And as right-wing Christians gear up to try to defeat a well-defined — if somewhat exaggerated — foe in President Obama, many want a combative hero they can rally around, not just tolerate. The problem: Pawlenty comes off like a Good Samaritan at a time when the religious right wants fire and brimstone.”

Wait.   Isn’t wanting fire and brimstone the definition of the “religious right”, or did I miss that “time” when the religious right wanted something else?

Maybe there was a time they wanted a TOPPS George W Bush Baseball Card!

Michele Bachmann‘s moment will pass — she’ll hit her political ceiling and the Republicans will nominate Mitt Romney — and he will have as good a chance as anybody else in becoming President.  But for the moment — and maybe for a good, long moment — she will get the royal flushing treatment.  She had a pastor — don’t they all?.  Her pastor called the Pope the Anti-Christ.  Maybe.   Well, I do that all the time, so why should I care?

Bachmann signs weird things about slavery.

“Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President.”

Hm.  2 parent household, huh?

“Here’s the deal, the libs have gone out of their way to misrepresent us on this issue. There is no way that we are condoning slavery,” he said.

Marcus Bachmann gets panned by Jon Stewart and Jerry Seinfeld.

Gary Johnson has harsh words about Michele Bachmann.

Denouncing the document as offensive, Johnson said the pledge was nothing short of a promise to discriminate against everyone who makes a personal choice that doesn’t fit into the group’s narrow definition of virtue.
“While the Family Leader pledge covers just about every other so-called virtue they can think of, the one that is conspicuously missing is tolerance,” said Johnson in a statement.  “In one concise document, they manage to condemn gays, single parents, single individuals, divorcees, Muslims, gays in the military, unmarried couples, women who choose to have abortions and everyone else who doesn’t fit in a Norman Rockwell painting.”

And he’s winning nothing in the Republican nominating process.

Won’t even have pledges as momentos, like pledge-loving Rick Santorum.

Ron Paul is not running for another term of Congress.  This has lead to a mad scramble by candidates for The Libertarian Party.  And it means, more timely, that this is the end of his political career.
What, you think he’s going to win the Presidency?  Maybe … he has action movie trailer ads, like Tim Pawlenty!
He will move on to do commentary for Lew Rockwell and Alex Jones and have every word he utters somewhere dutifully put up in spots where a commenter can jump in and talk about the Jews.

Herman Cain does not have an action movie director for his ads — which are tailor-made for the internet — you have to get it under a minute and have higher production costs for television.

Newt Gingrich is attending a minor league baseball game in Iowa.  He’s still in the Race!

Mitt Romney current thumps Jon Huntsman in the Utah polls.  YET questions linger.

Romney is thus not Reaganesque but actually truly more Satanesque.

Somewhat more substantively here, an ad in waiting put together in 1994.

Roy Moore is in Denver.  Apparently he’s all recovered from his horse accident.

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