Marcus Bachmann and the Dan Savage Future
I think this is termed, in “blog lingo”, “Dan Savage Bait” — a reference to a news item that almost seems designed specifically to attract the notice of whoever is baited…
After Gay Marriage Vote, Archbishop Dolan Warns of a Dan Savage Future.
It deserves a punchline. I don’t know, I’ll reach back a decade (in large part because I’m not all that interested in Dan Savage to have a stock-pile of references at my disposal) and say… Watch out for door-knobs?
I saw a reference to Marcus Bachmann, the husband to now Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann. It was in regards to rumors, stemming from his work with a gay reparative therapy clinic, and out of some very stereotypical homosexual tics he shows in his personality, and out of his rather harsh rhetoric about homosexuality. The thing that struck me was the claim that these rumors had been bubbling from the “far right”. Which doesn’t strike me as the case, unless we’re moving further to the right than any right concerned with elections. The most recent mentions I’ve seen of “rumors” started with a Dan Savage allusion and link — that “Hey! Looks like Michele Bachmann has been gay married!” line… apparently Cher broke into something with a twitter. And we run into the current hubbub.
The Christian Right would just as soon back up the idea of “gays being cured”, and not take the activity of curing gays as a latent simmering self-loathing.
Maybe we want to go that route of suggesting that the “gay rights movement” has taken inherently conservative focuses, with marriage and military servBice, but that’d run slam up against Leviticus and the promise of Marcus Bachmann knocking homosexuality out of the youth — brainwashed by their Glee and their diet sodas.