Into Alex Jonestown again: ridiculousness squared IT BURNS!!!
Yeah, my first thought on seeing this was “Is that… the Anton?” — which strikes me as a little odd, given his place in the Larouche firmament — I mean, he co-wrote the Bush book, and was the one who hackled Ezekial Emanuel! — that he would be dialing for dollars. But maybe his sales technique is that good that he is the one to raise funds from Tornado and Flood Victims.
My gauge has been, of late, to bring some things up to the current date with respect to the congressional campaigns of Kesha Rogers, Rachel Brown, Summer Shields —
Diane Sare, Dave Christie, and Bill Roberts, and some hypothetical debate and fparty forum question which will be asked but would if they were real candidates taken seriously. Unfortunately, this one editorial news item is not enough to run on for questioning on the ethics of “Fund raising from Natural Disasters”, but… maybe someone should look into that. I suppose this is what the current “government failing to accurately and precisely predict natural disasters” part of the “Globalist Plot to Eliminate 4 Billion People” is all about.
While Summer Shields, being that he is running for the Democratic House leader’s seat, will likely be with even fewer party functions than the others next year, if he were he should be asked why either his Obama Impeachment prediction didn’t come true or, since he isn’t impeached, whether he believes we’re now living under Nazi Germany.
Something else someone should look into:
The Glenn Beck connection:
About 30-40 years ago, members of Lyndon LaRouche’s cult followed Frances Fox Piven (a specialist on urban poverty) around the country to disrupt her speaking tours, and she was nearly pushed down a flight of stairs by someone calling her a fascist and CIA agent. Now, Glenn Beck has placed this elderly Jewish woman on his list of most despicable Jews, alleging that she “sows the seeds of revolution.” And, Glenn Beck’s followers make open threats of violence against this elderly woman, right on Glenn Beck’s website. […]
Since Glenn Beck lifts a lot of his material directly from Lyndon LaRouche, I’m wondering what the relationship is? Does Glenn Beck simply read and regurgitate LaRouche’s ideas, to save time on research? Or, is there some actual collaboration? Do some of Glenn’s employees have membership in the LaRouche organization?
Hm. There’s a reason that I have chopped Beck and Alex Jones into my “continuing look-over” of The “Larouche Challenge”. Actually there’s a few reason — one is that I sometimes get bored peering at “rare species of exotic floral” and want so go to something of clearer and larger imprint on our political culture. The Jones — Beck connection is pretty well documented: Beck has lifted material from Jones, generally drawing up a partisan cast for them. In the past, I’ve drawn up Jones — Larouche as pretty much entirely ideological — the eternal battle against THEY, wallowing in the same fever swamp and one that Larouche has played a part in for the past few decades. But Jones’s having now found a spot for Larouche in his rotation of guests pretty well cements something a tad more — my thought on this matter has shifted about 30 degrees. I have a half baked theory that upon Larouche’s death, Steinberg and Chaitkin and others now have readied connections with Jones that allows for an escape hatch — whether directly with Jones or just as a primary platform for Executive Intelligence Review sans Larouche.
I have tried to see if anything new has filtered into Alex Jones space Larouche-wise that suggests more corroboration, but there’s enough ideological symmetry that I can’t really say if there’s any difference — the “environmentalist Malthusian eugenics plot” has long been there, and my perception of an up-tik in “British Royal Family” items may just be from looking for something.
I want to thank “The New Survivalist” (his politics appear to be just as the name suggests) for getting this Alex Jones — Lyndon Larouche conflab sliced to 17 minutes. Much more brings the problem of the Overwhelming Crazy. I hope The New Survivalist will do this task again in the future.
In my research I found that LaRouche was a double agent, check his brainwashed youth if you do not believe me. The specific problem was that he wants total power with no better solution than the fascism that he would claim to solve. Sorry to his fans, for a second there I thought we had a new brave hope…
The incompatible nature of the two’s ideology is glaring, even with the similarities. I do not for a second believe Jones buys into the “Mobilize the Public to get Glass Steagal Repealed in the next month and this will immediately put Obama out of office and will awaken the public from the long nightmare” stance, or the “Majority in Congress, and Senate, and Gubernatorial System (?) are good people” line. (How about John Kerry, huh?) But Jones smiles along and nods anyway.
Some lines from these 17 minutes: “some weaklings in the United States afraid to close in on itself.” “Cannot survive the conditions in July — will collapse sometime in the Summertime.” “Twitter operates a riot creating operation. Twitter as an organization is control, control from the type. […] Reduce the population from 7 Billion down to 1. We’re looking at a whole system — began in the Roman Empire. [–] established as a new empire with [] Venetian Party… did a lot of killing… outcome with the 70 years’ war.” … The Obama Administration is an instrument of that policy of genocide. If you look at the policy — only Obama and what he represents are the people who are behind – Are we going to be Human or are we going to be cannibals? If you go for Obama, you are going for Cannibals. 8:52: “He’s impeachable because he’s insane also. And he couldn’t be what he is if he weren’t insane. This man is a mental case of a certain type.”
[Jones brings up the 57 states gaffe, and I don’t know about the Age of daughters thing… neither all that interesting, really — but in the world of this conspiracy thing, as well as partisan hackery — politicians can never ever make a misspeak.  I’ll have to check into the “There’s news today asking if he’s starting to have mental problems” ]
“He’s crazy. Nero…” False Flag: Ruling Class Tricks, block from removing them from power: 9/11. British system, certain branch of its operation, together with Saudi Kingdom — [the funding for 9/11… a vast ]… Congressmen, good ones, not working together on a common cause… not effective in fighting against a man who is rotten… “Bush all over the place.   “Glass Steagal will unite enough members of Congress to create a force that will be able to face stand up to Obama … if succeed, we will have crippled Obama and lead to elimination of him from the Presidency. And then, the American people will see that they have their nation back, and… Mobilize.” (To question of whether a Staged Terror Attack is in order, an example of the two having two different agendas and talking past each other) “Incorrect. Restore sense of … we can win this fight and win it in short order.”
Comment-palooza Time! For this, and various youtube clips of the show. Here.
Two or three decades ago I sent the Larouchies photocopies of a 33rd degree Council book I got in a used book store. They asked me what my solution was. I told them the only solution was to take out all the mass-murderers – the entire political-judicial-legal-bureaucratic system and start over with a theocratic system.
They said, No, no. We can fix things like this with economics. Build a bridge in Germany, etc. Wrote them off, although I really like their books – like Dope, Inc., Ugly Truth About the ADL, etc.
Really its homey to have a 90 year old “expert†on everything puff & blow like he has all the answers but come on now… We know this country is whiskey bent and hellbound if its down to us having to LISTEN TO LYNDON LAROUCHE!
How ironic and bizarre is this?!? Lyndsay LaRouchan,a two headed monster brought to us by……………Alex Jones?!? I thought Alex was a serious person.
You really have to wonder just what is Alex Jones’ agenda.
Who’s next on the platform,Paris Hilton? David Duke? Oops,forgot,Dave’s already aboard.You know,the Jew thing.
Thanks Alex for consistently identifying fringe elements to the 911 Truth movement. One step forward, 3 steps back.
LaRouche is a seriously imbalanced and mentally frail individual. He wanted to build a canal across Africa in the later 60s and early 70s. He has not got one single balanced thought in his repetroire. His shtick is humourous, not hillarious as that would imply intellegence, but humourous as in nut case.
Ok, I’ll be the fall guy on this cointelpro post…
LaRouche is a brilliant individual and the fact that paid gov trolls like yourself expend your employers resources in efforts to discredit him is further proof of that.
LaRouche’s philosophies would save America and much of the rest of the world if people in power listened to him and applied his knowledge.
That’s right folks, if you search for info about LaRouche online, you’ll see that for years there’s been a massive smear campaign effort online spanning hundreds of sites and negative articles that have flooded the search engines, pushing most if not all the positive info off the front pages of the search results and into the abyss. This is a tactic used by detractors to discredit individuals and groups who do not fit into the plans of governments and those in power. It’s a tactic to bury people, and the comment made by magnacarta above is parroting the negativity.
So when you see magnacarts’s comment above, then you google LaRouche’s name to find out what he’s talking about, it looks like LaRouche is a crackpot because google’s search results seem to back up his statement. It also has the added benefit of making supporters of LaRouche look like crackpots themselves (See my reply above).
Unfortunately, most cursory searches are enough to convince the majority of people without a second thought as they see something shiny or their phone beeps with a txt from their bff or the redbull starts to kick in.
It’s very effective, but only if you are naive enough to keep falling for it.
Knowing the propagandists tactics and being able to see them in action is the first step to truly waking up.
(Hey. I know all about that Conspiracy!)
i just want to second WeCanHide’s insight into the Google search technique of burying alternative information. i was looking into Mao’s education at Yale Divinity School east and membership in some oriental Skull and Bones thing. nomatter how i worded my search i had to go ten pages deep to find anything.
The false flag attack they they are speaking of will be the tactical nukes that went mising in the soviet union. The illumanati purchased these to be used on american soil.This will keep obama in power unless the illumanati can buy another canidate because less face it. We know they bought Jimmy Carter,George Bush Senior,Bill Clinton,Bush junior, Barak Hussein Obama. Revelation states the Beast will hate the women(america) and will eat her flesh(economy) and burn her with fire. Stock up on food.
LaRouche sounds like confusion specialist. Blah blah blah. Screw LaRouche. What an Ass! Why should someone control whether you live or die while telling you what to believe. Screw this prick. The only problem is the nature of hierarchy and its psychotic nature. It seems like it’s coming from somewhere where they don’t care. Didn’t people formerly live without central oppression and control. Isn’t centralized oppression “slavery”?
U really gotta’ love how Alex ALWAYS (110% of the time) tries 2 diflect attention away from jewz =)) WHOA NO! Never mind the people coming up with these big $ scams R mostly jewz – it’s the magical ‘English crown’ & some old guys in suits ‘over there’ someplace ‘secret’. No, it’s not those Israeli bags of krap right here in USA working tirelessly their entire lives 2 destroy the place. It’s the magical ‘regal clan’ someplace else ROFL!! =)) This is what happens when U marry a jew, Mr. Jones.
LaRouche Legend. I just love him. Wish he could live forever
ONe of the true great Americans.
I was raised as a conservative and a Republian
but i respect this FDR democrat. Bless Larouche Forever. 
He’s right on Glass Steagall and he’s trying to take the side of the federal government, in an idealistic sense, and that, is to be, respected. LaRouche is a genius and a legend. One of the finest sons of America. He defended ex-slaves. He respects native Americans. He wants us all to live together, and, to be educated, in a classical sense. LaRouche is for productive, physical economy. He is true greatness. LaRouche And Alex Jones are what we are losing. People, we must stand now
bring back the glass act or kick there arse
larouche is a known right wing socialist. he was an infornment for the government, he worked with the reagon administration, he worked with the liberty lobby and the kkk. do i need say more?
No, because you sound wholly ignorant. Learn about the real world, and keep your mouth closed until then.
love larouche. but his opinions on jazz music is completely lacking in understanding.
he doesnt understand that jazz musicians are among the most scientific of musicians. their knowledge of theory is immense. i am a professional pianist who plays both classical and jazz and see no problem with either. jazz has helped me to learn modern classical works with more understanding of their systems. important for memory.
We must watch that we do not jump out of the frying pan into the fire! Lyndon LaRouche is a Marxist/Leninist who believes in *breaking people down* so that they cannot think for themselves, while playing classical music, and then *rebuilding* them to think and behave as he and others like him rebuild their thinking– brainwashing.
LaRouche is a communist and a fraudster.Hard to believe Alex has him on.
By the way, conspicuous by its omission is the Vatican, which is the oldest, wealthiest, and most corrupt institution on the planet (or in known civilization) but rarely hear reports on their dealings and influence in the world scene…… Holy Puppetmasters, Batman!
this guy is so boring my eyballs dried up and fell out.
Yeah right, Obama getting thrown out of office by next month, ha..that’ll happen.
LaRouche sounds a little nuts to me.
Funny, I haven’t even watched the video yet, and already this was my first question, that’s because i know LaRouche. I just know he’s going to rattle on for 30 minutes saying nothing, but doing it an a creative way. However, i’ll give him a chance…one more time, and listen. LaRouche must have had a very troubled childhood, trying to fit in somewhere… he’s still at it.
How is this guy relevant to anything today? just curious….
They put this crap in the “education” category of youtube?
What a joke
We’ve heard of honor among the thieves – here we have an instance of honor among the political kooks. LR is an older and kookier Alex Jones, and Alex never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like. Still he has his good points – he does a good job in interviewing Ron Paul, e.g.
AJ + LaRouche = Valhalla
Thank you, InfoWars.
You will be historic
i assure it.
I don’t trust him, some of these old farts on guest list of AJ are / have done bad deeds in name of governments in the past, now they came out against what they did in the past, taking pride with their experiences, almost bragging, to me those people are phonies as 3 dollar bills.
Lyndon’s been around long enough to know what’s works and what doesn’t… and he’s clean. David Suckafella is also old…but he’s dirty. That’ll happen… from sucking too much diseased nwo dick. Al Capone also went crazy from syph. If Capone hadn’t been put away by the mob for tax evasion…he would have done business as usual and nobody would have noticed the difference. Bush, Clinton, Obama…syphillis.
meet lyndon at Powell’s book store in portland, oregon – I told him I bought books there often, he looked at me like I was a queer – and besides what good is all this talk, sure lyndon knows what he’s talking about, but other than that, why does corruption still continue, you would think with such knowledge and greatness, lyndon could change things, but alas – it’s all just talk.
a new low for AJ, everything said here a lie. “well I know you don’t like to talk about yourself(Larouche). Total BS. Research the guy yourself, LL is a self centered nut. Like Hitler/Jim Jones, LL has predicted doomsday events over and over while being wrong and has a “youth movement” named after him. Also he was never an economist(was a B2B shoe salesman) but did write an econ book. He did not come out of Calcutta an economist, there actually he joined the socialist party . . .
Ok, so i listened to LaRouche for two vids. Same old Lyndon. He never EVER get’s to the point. Why? Because there is no point – its all double-talk in a circle.
The guy dismisses Obama because LaRouche is a racist, pure and simple. Not that dismissing Obama bothers me, but i’d rather see him impeached for treason.
LaRouche is living in the ’50’s when the word ‘Transatlantic’ meant something.
LaRouche never was relevant, and nothing has changed.
his was one of the most powerful interviews i have seen so far. its both refreshing and liberating to hear someone talk about things as they really are.
after half a life time of disinformation spread by that sloppy whore the main stream media its refreshing to me to hear the truth.
make that man president!
People thought I was crazy supporting Lyndon LaRouche for president in the 1980′s, and they think I’m crazy for talking to his supporters now. Yeah, Mr. LaRouche is crazy – like a fox! Man, this guy is like a breath of fresh air!
Okay. Time for Point / Counterpoint.
Point: Lyndon LaRouche for Prezz
Ron Paul is a douche bag
ANDÂ Paul — Larouche — Kucinich.
Har de Har Har. But you know… Lyndon LaRouche, former Advisor to President Reagan Addresses the American Nation on 25th June 2011 (26:21):
Fun fact for this person: Larouche hates Thomas Jefferson. He warned Conservatives about Thomas Jefferson in his book “The Truth about Thomas Jefferson”. “Sovereign Independent” — AND so we have something to pile into these sentiments:Â
And for the purpose of the Commenter for “Black News”
Anybody who has followed LaRouche over the years knows damn well that he is not a racist, in fact, he is the “Anti-Racist” Obama is controlled by White billionaires and he loves the Oh-so-white-WASP BITCH Queen of England. LaRouche is fighting the racist genocidal Prince Philip, consort to Obama’s beloved Queen Elizabeth-Obama is a pawn for these racist genocidalists, and so, apparently, are you!
Hey! That item (see the Larouchies cursing King and see Dennis King recounting his experiences with Our Town here.) was was also picked up by “African Globe“.
“Irish Green Eyes. Welcome to My World“. (The neat thing about this story finally receiving some traction, limited though it is, is that it puts a new photograph into the pool. I was getting sick of the last one.)
This isn’t the only video out there receiving a smattering of comments.
I don’t know what made me laugh harder…the video featuring a “panel†of LaRouche, Santa Claus and Urkel, or the first YouTube Comment: “If you want there is a group forming in the Ozarks…â€
And a bit more Chris Christie disruption item from mah29001: Oh indeed, how typical is it that Lyndon LaRouche who states how we’re heading toward a Fascist like state does not mind his supporters were involved in trying to disrupt a Chris Christie event?
Strange those who sing the loudest on the coming of Fascism are the Fascists themselves.
Alliances abound:
Kentucky State Senator Perry Clark. (admitting to demagouging on the EPA)
And here’s something else I didn’t know about Perry Clark until about 5 minutes ago when the Google Mechanism informed me, but I thought I should share it. In 2004, Perry Clark endorsed Lyndon LaRouche for President. And LaRouchites still promote Clark to this day (a “Long-standing LaRouche ally).
falsity of the feds’ lies about the Oklahoma City psyop than did Coop and his cagey CAJI-ites, although the Birchers, the Willis Carto Spotlighters, and the Larouchies were close (and characteristically uncooperative) rivals
Charlie Veitch just left the 9/11 Truth Movement, and is getting 9/11 Truth calls of being bought off by “THEM”:
Many,many people realized the 9/11 movement is a cult that is rotten with Jew haters,former Urantia Cult leaders,Scientologists,LaRouchies (just get a load of Alex today!) liars,opportunists and egomaniacs and have rethought their position.You illustrate expertly the paranoid style that dominates.
A guy changes his mind and right away he’s with the FBI.
How ironic when you are the schnook with the agenda.
“Police shades�!? Goober,get off the train,it’s hurtling over the falls.
The Post Office Tour continues see here.
Went over to our little post office and there was a Lyndon LaRouche table on the sidewalk with a big DUMP OBAMA sign.
Oy, Lyndon LaRouche. He makes Ron Paul look normal. The economy is going to do in Obama, imho.
The LaRouchies are now on the Right. They went from Castroite to Constitutionalists.
The problem with matching funds.