100 Years of IBM
There are two comments left on this entry. The answer to the question I had when I saw this istem is 2 — it takes two comments for someone to post about the Nazis.
The author of the recently popular book alleges heavy IBM wikipedia editing — their statement found here. The German subsidary was cut off before World War Two began — taken by the Nazis (technology extant for everyone’s use) — and reunited after the War — your crux of the matter for the book. Naturally, if you go to the edit page on wikipedia, it appears IBM calls the author Edwin Black a conveyor of “Fringe” theories — though, I suspect the “fringe theories” are more along the lines of people who take off from Edwin Black and corral IBM as part of a prime mover of a “two sides against the middle” strategy to world control.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t paying attention when Ford Motor Company turned 100, which would’ve made an interesting slide-show — more interesting as there’s no real nuance in the Dearborn, Michigan history.