Cincinnati Bengals Conspiracy:Â ! (Linden LaRouche would be proud!) (wikipedia link)
British Monarchy Cannibalism:Â Oh shit, Oh Shit, OH SHIT! PLEASE don’t tell the LaRouchies about this!
This is 21st century Britain. Not LaRouche Planet.
“Dark Metal” fans discuss Nazism:Â In the western world, nowadays, a threat to what? I don’t think bands singing about SS occult shit, and keeping their blood pure etc. etc. is really a “threat.” Ideology limited to 10 copies, watch out!
Precisely. Stalinists or LaRouchies are regarded as merely cranks, but ‘fascists’ are somehow a threat.
“Primary Report”: Announced Candidates: Barack Obama, Randall Terry. Possible Candidates: Mike Gravel, Jim Hightower, Lyndon Larouche. (We’ll see.)
Here are my Top 5 Dangerously Crazy Cults:
2. LaRouche (please don’t unleash your Secret Service on me)
5. AlexJones/Zeitgeist/911truthers (please don’t make me think I know more than 99% of the worlds population based on watching Youtube videos containing 0% facts.)
speaking of which — 9/11 Truth crap.
Compared with Ron Paul — who is referenced as being on a radio show with photograph-cited White Supremacist teeny-bopper singers Prussian Blue.
did Paul inherit the Larouchies?
Fight between Ron Paul supporters and Ron Paul critic over Larouche comparison.
Dateline Frederick, Maryland:Â A representative of the LaRouche Political Action Committee waited through long discussions of city business June 2 to request support for a national banking resolution being considered by Congress.
If House Resolution 1489 is not passed by July 4, it will lead to another financial bailout and “a general breakdown crisis of most of the trans-Atlantic region of nations,” former presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche said in a May 26 speech archived on his website,
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-6th, is one of the co-sponsors of the resolution, which is sponsored by Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-9th. The resolution is called the Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2011.
Aldermen did not take any action.
Dateline Comédie du Livre, France’s second-largest book fair…
One bunch of very clean-cut revolutionaries set up a stand with a French-English sign, and I suspect they were LaRouchies, since they seem to be everywhere, ranting incoherently.
Pamphlet handed outside a post office. Read Up on Wikipedia.
Dateline Stockholm, LarouchePunkSE: This week in Stockholm, Johan Rockström and his eco-fascist accomplices tried to ram through a new policy of global governance toward mass genocide. What failed in Copenhagen would now be done behind locked doors, without any open debate.
Luckily, this fraud was exposed by the LaRouche movement’s political organizers, who intervened outside the event.
How History Will Remember —
… Just toss it in the meelee with infowars for Rothschild research citations.
… And again. Try the Schiller institute next – they’ve actually got people inside the admistrations they criticize.
Read it at the lpac sites:Â See here:Â Â In a discussion with leading associates yesterday, Lyndon LaRouche laid out an urgent timetable for the unique action which must be taken in order to save the world economy from plunging into a New Dark Age, and removing President Obama from office: ramming Glass-Steagall legislation through the U.S. Congress. There’s no room for “maybe” under the current circumstances of increasingly violent weather, and financial-economic breakdown, LaRouche argued. We have to get this done now.
Watching this video i realize that this has been going on for so long that out of 300mil americans only about 1mil of us even know whats really happening in this country.This video is so old but it seems as if what hes saying is exactly whats happening today.The plans he mentions for depopulation is precisely whats happening now.Think about what he said about mexico.I can feel it it my soul that martial law will be declared shortly after economic turmoil. FEMA camps are ready here in GA
Mr. LaRouch has a very great respect for his own opinion but I am uncertain if it is a deserved respect. Carter was elected. How did we avoid thermonuclear war?
Ok so he was wrong in 1976 and I love this guy. He was saying the same thing about the economy too but the Reagan fell in line after they tried killing him and bandaged the economy with war and drugs. Maybe he’s right this time because in the 70s there was no insane credit and a ridiculously uneducated population there way we have now.
Why should I believe him this time about WWIII?
(Any reaction to Imperialism:Â The Final Stage of Bolshevism?)
Ebdan88 says on June 2nd, 2011 at 6:00 am :
I really had Hope for Lyndon LaRouche. I thougt that he was a reall man who was in the good side, not the EVIL side!!? Now more and more i am hearing he is a Globalist. Just listen to his Speech!!? He talks about dumping Obama and having a Global Economi!!??? isnt that The Globalists want!!?? Oh boy they are EVIL Clever, maybe that is why they have the power for so long time …!!?
noodoo19 says on June 2nd, 2011 at 6:32 am :
Lyndon LaRouche seems like a sweet man with honourable intentions, and goodness knows we need someone to lead us out of the veritable abyss we are sinking more and more deeply into, but he is not very eloquent. it might be the reason that his ideology has not “taken†after such a long period of trying. somethimes the visionary needs to acknowledge his weaknesses, and find the right people to fill certain roles in order to see that vision through to success. just a thought.
Sixalienasa says on June 2nd, 2011 at 10:57 am :
I am afraid that Mr La rouche sounds like a Recording Contract. Rambling. Boring. Confusing.
I am a little too old to be President of the United States, but if the people want me then I am ready.
Answer to lpac stuff on ecoli scare:
Put away the tin foil hat. The reason is that manure from cows treated with super antibiotics has been used to fertilize bean seeds. Just a few days before the bean sprouts were harvested.
No conspiracy, unless the cows did it on purpose
Obama claims that we can’t forecast natural disasters, but LaRouche precisely forecast the natural disaster of Obama and his policies in April of 2009. The disaster that would result from failing to remove this President
Matthew Benzor talks about Ex Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburton. And the “Most far reaching operation into a U.S. citizen”. Can’t call this self- so much as other-directed.
Interesting commenter, he.
@roylee13 Engdahl does not want to mention the British Empire. Take a look at what Lyndon LaRouche has to say. Reply. berlinbueso says: June 8, 2011 at 12:56 pm. This guy is a sell-out. He used to work with LaRouche, then went off to
“Screw Loose Change”:Â Engdahl is a former Lyndon LaRouche disciple. — and questions.
How much crazier do you have to get in order to abandon Lyndon LaRouche?
suspect that LaRouche abandoned him, just as he dumped Webster Tarpley. LaRouche famously purged his group of most of the baby boomers in the 1990s, opting to go for a new generation of rubes.
Mystery Solved on William Engdahl, via Wikipedia…
These are the people to turn to for studies on the Authoritarian Personality?
Dope Inc in “We Are Change Oklahoma” website.
A youtube video was put up “Justice for Jeremiah — 8 Years Later.” Googling, I saw this — at first I glance I thought this was posted in 2006 — which would’ve made it completely surreal (a friendly note to “Spengler” before he disclosed his identity) — but it was posted in 2010.
The Larouche Movement has let it be known that they hate all of Manner of Human Decency by posting this tripe. I am unsure if I want to recreate it here — there are both pros and cons to doing so — but it’s necessary to read it. Click the link.
At first unrelated, but somehow still related, the figure who was in the Larouche movement and is still mentally of it — Xandafur — gives us this, a couple posts laer.:
Lyn is the the oldest new of the newest old, depending upon whether or not you’re new or old. If you think you’re new, than you might be old. If you think you’re old, than you might be new. If you’re new-old, than you’re old-new. Either way, you’re not an an old-new new-old, so go figure.
The most interesting series of posts in recent Factnet comes from “poe”, who a month or two ago expressed his raison d’etre as “Confronting Larouche and Confronting Dennis King”, a ludicrous expression of Equivalence which, even if given a 50-50 split on that score would amount to Larouchism. All right, follow this through:
King:Â Mrs. Duggan went in good faith to the former members in Germany, with awareness of the trauma they had experienced and a willingness to meet them halfway. She never called them Nazis. From most of them (the ones in a position to know, like Jonathan Tennenbaum) she encountered stony silence, hostility, and from a few, ludicrous excuses. She discovered that most of them really just didn’t give a damn what had happened to her son. They were too busy building up Solonline, their new entity based on LaRouche’s politics, and protecting their reputations.
poe:Â Just what about Solonline’s politics do you condemn? I’ve been to their website several times and found nothing there worthy of attack. I’ve read LaRouche and his team attack them as being Anglophiles controlled by George Soros, and you and your team attack them as still being controlled by LaRouche, but I haven’t seen any evidence that they are controlled by anybody. Neither you nor Lyn seem to like to see ex-members free of control, though, do you?
The most pressing tenant of Larouchian ideology held by “Solon Online” that King and Duggan hold against them is the idea (expressed recently by Ace’s blog, actually) is the idea that they shouldn’t talk to Duggan about the Wiesbedan Schiller Institute Conference of 2003 –and so long as they hold to this idea it’s fair to call them “Larouchianism Without Larouche”. Everything else is secondary, but I guess we await to see the use of the same header-image.
A couple years ago in the workings of this blog, I was a little puzzled by the Larouche Wikipedia Team’s interest in Mordechai Levy and the JDO and JDL, and AJ Weberman and through him Bob Dylan. It was pretty quick to find the source of their interest — and all I could say was that “Leatherstocking”‘s ham-fisted “Yippie” references to King were amusing. There isn’t a lot of “there” there — we have in Mordechai Levy a former “undercover Security Guard” who — well, I suppose we have the classic problem with the org and working with former associates — we could get some information from, who?, Frankhouser?
There’s not a lot of there there with this fracas — but the snippets show how they fall into piece for the Org’s campaign :
The JDO is a split-off from the JDL. At the time of the Tupac-EZ shakedown they were still the same organization. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that principled opposition to running protection rackets and making death threats (oops, I’m sorry, Dennis, I meant “boycotts” lol) against black rappers was an issue in the split. I don’t like the ADL for other reasons, but I agree with you that the ADL has condemned both the JDO and the JDL. Actually, they condemn them a lot more than they do LaRouche these days, but that’s a
Then there’s, an attempt to weave the discussion of solonline to this business.:
The difference between the JDL and the JDO is pretty much the same as the difference between the ICLC and SolonLine. One split off from the other. But they used to be one. At the time of the Tupac EZ threats they were still the same.
poe:Â Wikipedia disagrees:
The JDO was founded in the early 1980s by Mordechai Levy after a violent feud with the Jewish Defense League’s former leader Irv Rubin, who was killed or committed suicide in jail in 2002.[1] It is one of two United States offshoots of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) after a breaking with the JDL’s former leader Meir Kahane.[2]
To quote Stephen Colbert from the other day — on the news that Sarah Palin supporters had flooded wikipedia to alter the Paul Revere article to include Palin’s history of events — “I get all my historical information from wikipedia, just as Beach Volleyball Inventor Albert Einstein did.” The page about Engdahl refers to Larouche as an “American Statesman”, for Pete’s Sake! For poe, I’m struck by the reaching for not a contradiction — they split in the early 1980s, and then… in the 1990s… And I’m mainly interested in the wikipedia articles in discerning what relatively recent anonymous isp numbers were trying to do here.
To the current Wikipedia happenings: the lede no longer as having moved to the “far right” but as having “allied with” etc etc. A whole mass of material has been moved from “Views” to the man proper — the Earthean Conspiracy against the Org and Man.
The org itself is publishing articles along the lines of:Â “LaRouche’s Galactic Battle To Save Humanity Aired on Mexican Radio” and “LaRouche Featured on Icelandic Blog”.
Finally, before departing factnet, Hylozoic Hedgehog brought to attention the date that could be considered the chief element that would turn his political clique into a cult — from the dusty corridors of the early 1960s Trotskyite Movement Debating Societies.:
On 2 March 1962, LaRouche (a/k/a “Lynn Marcusâ€) gave a talk entitled “Freud and Marx. Their Theories of Knowledge†at a Friday night Militant Labor Forum which began at 8:30 pm. The notice for LaRouche’s talk appears in the 26 February 1962 issue of the Militant on page 2 of the paper in the “Weekly Calendar†section.
Forming some variety of Hall Putsch, I don’t know what type of Hall.
Witzshe v Larouche.
Larouche’s latest article “A Certain World Map” is an historical overview of the current situation mankind faces. I’d like to see what Rold Witzshe’s reaction is to it.
Calling out Joseph Potvin, damned Canadian.
The turn to Rolfwitz is complete.
Rolf has more websites than me… and that’s a rare thing.