Running, Running, Running.
Sharron Angle is running for President.
Apparently. I think this puts her in a strange line of candidates who made names for themselves in losing election bids garnering national attentions that threw themselves into a presidential bid. Like Abraham Lincoln.
Michelle Bachman is running too. I guess. Tim Pawlenty appears to want her to run.
Thinking maybe Sharron Angle and Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin will cut into one corner of the Republican electorate, that Newt Gingrich and John Bolton will cut into another side of the Republican electorate, and sensing an opportunity for the Gerald Ford wing of the Republican Party…
John Huntsman is eyeing the presidency. Maybe.
There is this theory that a bunch of Republican presidential candidates can’t jump into the race as yet — which by now before 2008 everyone was doing — because it’d cut their time with Fox News, sometimes involving elaborate contracts that restricts their access to C-SPAN. In that sense, Fox News is doing something of a service — bringing the presidential election back to that balance we saw where presidential candidates don’t declare until late in this year.
But what this means is that a time clock is ticking. May 2 is the first Republican Debate. There are no candidates. Ron Paul and his semi-doppleganger of a libertarian (proud McGovern voters just to end that damned war) Gary Johnson may just want to jump in, along with some others, just to have a platform for themselves to air out some views. Ditto Herman Cain. Understand, the Republican candidates under Fox News contract can wait awhile — they already have their platform to reach their audience.
Meantime, on the Democratic side, here’s who is lining up to run against Barack Obama.
Mike Gravel is considering, just to have an opportunity to furnish his youtube credentials. Alvin Greene has inquired about ballot access.  And Randal Terry — who, I don’t know — when he swarms arond any Obama campaign or “campaign” appearance — Obama vaguely campaigning for Primaries but with an eye toward deflecting some attention from the Republican Primary Process — the Secret Service will keep an eye on his supporters.