Geographical Confusion Mars Launch of new LYM Congressional Candidacies: Dave Christie Launches Bid for Washington 9th with Hard Hitting Blistering Attack on Oregon 3rd Inbcumbent Earl Blumenauer worthy of Delia Lopez

A sentence that is sure to be brought into wikipedia:

LaRouche, a polarizing political figure and eight-time presidential candidate, served 5 years of a 15-year sentence in federal prison.

There is an arbitrariness for the word “polarizing”.  Sometimes it gets used for matters that have approval ratings in the 70-30 split range.  This usage, I am having trouble conceptualizing the polarity.  Can someone diagram this magnet for me?
Your wikipedia update, by the way: Will Weback removed a dead link to the wikipedia page for Dennis King (as there is no longer a wikipedia page based on him).  The Larouche Wikipedia Team chimed in with a couple of insults of Dennis King as “not the King you were looking for” and “permanently unnoteworthy.”  That’s the big news item in Larouche Wikipedia Team Action.  I’ll keep you abreast of future activity on this front.

My thought on reading that Dave Christie is now running for the Democratic nomination in a Congressional district out of Seattle, out of a slate of six Larouchies — you could say they’ve doubled the square but a more accurate reading is that they’ve made a pentagram out of a triangle — was… They cannot possibly be running against Jim McDermott.  That makes no sense given the org’s political feignings — it’d be like challenging Dennis Kucinich.  Then again, this is a world where the Larocuhies have the Democrats divided in the familiar “FDR and etc” category against the “DLC / New” category, and slot Bill Clinton (and Big Time) in the former category.
But there was the qualifier — “Seattle area”, and with that, they’re challenging Adam Smith of the 9th Congressional District.  Kind of.

The district actually makes some sort of sense for the Larouchies, if you consider the big population center of “SeaTac” is practically named after the airport — and so they can double their supposed electoral battle against Representative Adam Smith with their actual contest against the Hare Krishnas.   OR. It appears they will be spending a majority of the campaign in McDermott’s district, which is just as well — it is the media market.  But we get some further geographic confusion.  Dave Christie uses his campaign announcement speech to brush lightly against the Member of Congress Adam Smith to launch a full attack on the 18th century Economist as one of the Fathers of Naziism:

And what we see then, is with Adam Smith’s writing, the idea that man is merely a beast, pursuing pleasure, avoiding pain, we see the later writings of Bentham, whose utilitarian philosophy was essentially that. Bentham also was writing for the British East India Company. And that utilitarian theory was at the core of the Nazi system.

From there he jumps down to his real target of enmity, the member of Congress from Portland — Earl Blumenauer.  And while I could venture into the virtues of his part in “end of life counselling” and discuss the matter of the Weasel that is Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, the more interesting part of the full frontal attack comes in in the following paragraph.  We’ve see that the Larouche og has been where others of his ilk have been — Wayne Madsen for instance, and it seems obviously Webster Tarpley — in describing off of something called “Ulstermann” a world where Obama is in a Nixon-like situation of talking to presidential portraits.  Apparently Earl Blumenauer has joined in on that fun!

And I would ask Blumenauer, who would he maybe be more afraid of confronting? Goering? Or Franklin Roosevelt? Perhaps walking to Roosevelt, and saying, “You know, FDR, the New Deal, the Glass-Steagall, this is all antiquated. We New Democrats have the solution — bailouts, austerity for the states and cities! We don’t need to put anybody to work, we’ll just start killing off the elderly, to get the resources for the bailouts. And, y’know Roosevelt, the war has been difficult for you, I see it — have you considered end-of-life counseling?” Perhaps Blumenauer would find Franklin Roosevelt’s wheelchair so far up his ass, he may not know what to do.

And if you think that’s harsh, you should have heard what he had to say to John Quincy Adams!  (Of course, Blumenauer’s high-five to Woodrow Wilson was simply disgraceful and shocking.)
I can only assume that the Larouche org saw that Delia Lopez already have this particular electoral market cornered (and in the general election yet).

Things get a bit more geographically confusing.  Shortly before making this big announcement, Dave Christie took his act, running the Larouche Youth Movement Basement Team, over to Kennewick.  (Yes, you read that right.  Kennewick.)  They appear to have reneted out a hall, plastered it with “Larouche Pac” stickers, and made big announcements on their big plans for Hanford.  (The people of the Radioactive Tumble-Weed have been warned… but, you know what type of stories they’re familiar with reading and seeing)

As the intersection of three rivers, the Yakima, Snake, and Columbia Rivers, and with its plentiful farmland, as well as home to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the Tri-Cities of Washington could not be better situated as the site of the first NAWAPA conference in the Pacific Northwest, December 4th, 2010. […]

Dave Christie, of LaRouche PAC, started with an introduction of the panelists, mentioning that this NAWAPA conference was not just in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, but was rather part of an international fight against the British Empire to fight for development, as opposed to the globalization policy of de-industrialization.

Scattered in this conference there was undoubtedly a mix of something worthwhile — somewhere after the news that this is a major front in the battle against the British Empire.  The Larouche speakers seem to come out loopily followed by more reasonable concerns from — what the hell was Hanford Advisory Board Keith Smith doing with this thing?

Kirsch then introduced Keith Smith, former head of the Machinists Union for southern Washington, and a retired machinist at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, where he also sits on the Hanford Advisory Board. Smith provided insight into scaling issues, making the point that due to the size of NAWAPA, simply scaling machinery up in a linear fashion results in exponential rates of complexity and or problems. He then went into some of the concerns around training a young generation of machinists, since it takes approximately 5 years and many of our skilled machinists are now approaching retirement.

It doesn’t take too much imagination to see where this conclusion splits into two different worlds:

But perhaps the most interesting part of the conference was the relationship between the presenters and the audience. There was a lively back and forth throughout the whole conference, essentially ending in a discussion that circled around the basic question of how you organize. It was here that Kirsch and other members of LaRouche PAC, both full-time members and active supporters, led the discussion on sticking to principle above all else. From the interviews that followed, many of the attendees left emboldened with their own sense of how to organize on based solely on principle.

I wonder… did this thing happen in a vacuum, or did it filter in any form whatsoever in any local press or media — a press release statement in the “events” section of the Tri-Cities Herald, perhaps?

Another candidate that brings about Geographic Confusion is Diane Sare, who says she is running in the “New Jersey-Philadelphia region”.  Given that this covers two states, I can only assume she will be campaigning across multiple congressional districts at area post offices, see which one meets her the most favorable response, and take the fight there.  We may also have an answer to who gets to speak to media outlets — if we see them smiling for the camera and not answering questions with a “We don’t talk to the Media” — it seems to suggest an improvement in chances that they’ll be tapped for electoral office — see here.

We can assume that the third new Congressional candidate — for the “Detroit area” — will not be running against Conyers or Dingell.  More on this whenever they decide to put him in an actual congressional district race.

Going down the comments for the Ballot Access News clips, we see that the campaign manager for the two Larouche nominees of Illinois in 1986, Gerald Pechenuk, chimes in against Rahm Emanuel. This is neither here nor there, Bill Clinton will surely do everything in his power to stop this Mad Man from ascending up the ladder to Chicago Mayor.  (If it weren’t for intervention on the part of the Emanuel style Eugenics Democrats, we’d have seen Adlai Stevenson III get to the presidency with Economics Adviser Larouche in tow.  Or so Pechenuk says.  Too bad he wasn’t quite where is now in 1986:

LaroucheIsRight:  The fun thing to think about for me, is that in three thousand years of this war the Oligarchy has never faced a foe as competent as Lyndon LaRouche. He is the best General our side has ever had. I don’t mean to say people should get giddy, but we can win this time if we focus and must every once of fight within us. I hope those who can will go to LaRouchePACdotCOM and contribute.

See also this comment:

Read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
I hear you can find that in an old copy of Dope, INC.  But probably not the just re-released version.

Hey.  This is interesting.  Ballot Access News missed a big scoop.  Look here and click on Robert Lauten’s comment line.  And you get the URL: .
It is a dead link, but there it is.  I assume that Robert Lauten will be running again on the American Independence Party line, meaning he’ll even be there for the General Election.
Otherwise, the comments section here veers over to the predictable: What 2012 election. Will Adolph Obama really let another election to take place?

To complete the package, the Org really needs to find their presidential candidate.  I assume that they in a post-Larouche candidacy lull right now, and will resume new runs after he passes away — selecting a candidate from amongst their sea of congressional candidates.  But surely they can use a caretaker style candidate to bridge the two eras.  You know who I suggest?
Do you really need to ask?
And you know… he can create a National Unity ticket by tapping Delia Lopez as a running mate!

Random item I read in a copy of 1933 American Mercury: a short bullet-point review of a book on the just now (1933) passe topic of Technocracy.  The author of the book — obviously pseudonym:  Spengler.  That David P Goldman really gets around!
Note:  I hope to never bind those two topics here again.  Then again, I already hoped to never mention Goldman again.  I’ll add a new one: I should stop with gratuitous references to Delia Lopez.

One Response to “Geographical Confusion Mars Launch of new LYM Congressional Candidacies: Dave Christie Launches Bid for Washington 9th with Hard Hitting Blistering Attack on Oregon 3rd Inbcumbent Earl Blumenauer worthy of Delia Lopez”

  1. Justin Says:

    Correction: they made a hexagon out of a triangle. Unfortunately I can’t say Pentagram with this one. Oh well.

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