sticking it to them

You’ve seen these stickers in public locations around, picked up in bulk from the post office, scrawled in seemingly identical handwriting in a language and spelling approaching “text-ese”, with messages and commentary for the public’s consideration.  It’s an “info-war” for your mind.  Or “Culture Jamming”.  Or graffiti.  One of the three, or all of the three.

It’s routinely placed on a box of the Willamette Week.  Which is where I saw one reading:

I don’t know what this comment is directed at, or a response for.  It could be a supply side argument in the general direction of a “liberal” paper apt to react harshly to certain tax policies.  But I doubt it.  It’s not attached to anything, and the type of person who would place a sticker on a free weekly newspaper box does not strike me as the type to argue the Friedman school of Economics.

It does not appear to be anything for the cover feature — a series of articles of “slice of lice” portraits quirkily off of the Holiday season.  The only article I see in this week’s paper that this might possibly make sense is the piece on charities with large overhead budgets.  It might make an interesting argument depending on whether money falls to employees.  But this is a stretch.

It is the case where the sticker commentary does not necessarily need to directly reference the cover story.  But that is only when the Willamette Week is a high profile part of the story itself, and we are a ways off from Sam Breedlove.  Maybe the sticker is mis-placed and was meant for the Portland Mercury and its commentary on  “Peacock Lane”?

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