
Delia Lopez explains the perils of her vote re count.  Which resulted in an extra vote for the Pacific Green Party candidate, and thus a slight decrease in the percentage of the vote for her.

Obama Pharma Deal comes back to haunt Obama Administration.  In return, however, they exacted a high price: a promise by the White House to oppose any congressional efforts to use the government’s leverage to bargain for lower drug prices or import drugs from Canada, along with other provisions that would save Big Pharma big money.  

[New Jersey Governor] Christie has turned state politics into one never-ending yo’ mama joke.

Students — STOP EMAILING US Experts.

Janet Napolitano, head of a government department that should not exist, joins up with WalMart for weird 45 second youtube video on “Home Town Security”.

Food Stamp use sky-rockets.  The politics tends toward the “Must slash Food Stamp” stance.

There is nothing special about McDonalds Burgers’ lack of decomposition


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