Archive for December, 2010

The Woodrow Wilson Card is a really strange Card

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Pat Buchanan exonerates Haley Barbour by bringing up Woodrow Wilson? Always with the Woodrow Wilson.

Understand, Pat Buchanan, during the Nixon Administration, proferred affirmative action for everyone BUT blacks.

Also understand, Reason Magazine, as a sort of anti-Obama back track to Franklin Roosevelt’s shadow, ran an item about Wilsonites disillusioned and chomping at the bit against President Roosevelt.

Understand, Wilson was Nixon’s presidential role model in the sort of statecraft, world scene, grafting to your yearning of Greco-Roman Parliamentary theory sort of trope.

Meantime, in other equivalency throws for the defense of Haley Barbour, there is this thing about the pre-desegregated Yankees.  The difference between the New York Yankees of the 1940s and the Citizens Councils is that the premise of those Yankees teams was to most efficiently hit balls around with sticks and run in circles and stop the hitting of balls and running around in circles, whereas the premise of the Citizens Councils was to halt the march to desegregation.  Actually, we’re stuck back at Barbour’s point of contention — “in the North, they thought they were the Klan”.  Put this alongside the demands of how to understand Confederate history, and so long as these contentions remain we have a problematic political culture.

But Hey!  Did you know that Bull Connor was a Democrat?

“Be Discerning with your sources”

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

I’m stitting, and am joined adjacently by  a mother with her — 2 year old is my generic description — in a stroller.  The baby immediately points at me, says something in gibberish which sounds like it could be translated in full, and laughs.  Mom shoos kid away from pointing at me, and redirects the kid’s attention anywhere else.  The kid drifts back to my direction, and starts laughing again.  I shurg, and divert my gaze awkwardly for the remainder.
Someone walks in at the next stop.  He sees the baby, and in that sort of instinctive manner with such cases, starts making goo-goo faces at the kid.  He doesn’t get anywhere with the child — who looks ahead stone-faced.

Overheard conversations:
She passes off a dream.  Its meaning is evident, and I chomp at the bit to interject to explain the facets of dream-land, but am undercut by not only the other two she’s conversing with rolling down a few things, but a more important statement: “the dream’s not important”; “your subconscious is just sorting things on the table.”  It appeared the woman was in the trap of thinking her dreams all have something of divine import — a trap some people fall into which I imagine would be a tad overwhelming.  (From the couple of times I have talked with her, I figure as much.)

The political discussion goes — “Now I’m further to the left than both of you, if that’s possible.  I call my daughter all the time, she responds to any suggestion of government tapping into her various activities with a ‘Yeah F — Them!”

The dramer tells of her quick and frantic political awakening over the past year.  She speaks of needing to get the word out, and lists people she’s been watching on the Internet.

“Alex Jones?  I’ve never heard of him.”
“No.  You’ve seen him.  You had to have.  He’s [Title of some such production].”
“Hm.  Maybe.  I don’t know.  But…. calm down.  It’s like, yep!  They’re making water a commodity for sale in Nigeria, but it’s no use stomping your foot on it.”
[The classic “I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do” line.]
“Also, be discerning with your sources.”

sticking it to them

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

You’ve seen these stickers in public locations around, picked up in bulk from the post office, scrawled in seemingly identical handwriting in a language and spelling approaching “text-ese”, with messages and commentary for the public’s consideration.  It’s an “info-war” for your mind.  Or “Culture Jamming”.  Or graffiti.  One of the three, or all of the three.

It’s routinely placed on a box of the Willamette Week.  Which is where I saw one reading:

I don’t know what this comment is directed at, or a response for.  It could be a supply side argument in the general direction of a “liberal” paper apt to react harshly to certain tax policies.  But I doubt it.  It’s not attached to anything, and the type of person who would place a sticker on a free weekly newspaper box does not strike me as the type to argue the Friedman school of Economics.

It does not appear to be anything for the cover feature — a series of articles of “slice of lice” portraits quirkily off of the Holiday season.  The only article I see in this week’s paper that this might possibly make sense is the piece on charities with large overhead budgets.  It might make an interesting argument depending on whether money falls to employees.  But this is a stretch.

It is the case where the sticker commentary does not necessarily need to directly reference the cover story.  But that is only when the Willamette Week is a high profile part of the story itself, and we are a ways off from Sam Breedlove.  Maybe the sticker is mis-placed and was meant for the Portland Mercury and its commentary on  “Peacock Lane”?

Don’t Look Back. You can Never Look Back.

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

I was born in a small town.  I was raised in a small town.
There is a wikipedia article about the small town.  Your encyclopedic information, more or less firmly in place.  Go into the history anals of the wikipedia address and I imagine these are fairly typical temporary contributions to this subject of article.  Go look at your small town and see if there are any similarities!

 ghetto ass little village right smack in the middle of
These two additions were made on the same day by the same user.  They were deleted three days later.  Then, a couple of days later someone added something more… positive, along the lines of a “Woot!”

It was the hometown of the awesome [name] Brothers, [name] and [name]
Deleted the same day.

The only person in the “notable residents” list was added at about this time, by someone who is apparently an aficinado in the field of this genre of things — a voice actor who did some radio stints way back, and starred in a famous cartoon in the late 1960s and early 1970s (which the courts ruled were not owned by Dan Decarlo), and is now on a “Focus on the Family” radio theater.

Then we get back to this:
fuck this city for real

A “bot” deleted that edit.  Bots will delete a lot of these contributions.

And then, more bored teenager hi-jinks:
hershey highway heading straight to your ass
This remained there for two weeks.  The bot wasn’t operating correctly.

Apparently seeing the addition of a “notable person” category, someone threw a lob to…

[name] a nazi general from World War III he killed twenty six people with his bare hands. He discriminates against all imigrants from foreign lands and hate towards the people of mexico.

Which, I can only guess he shared this with a friend, as someone added this the next day:
He created the Stranger, a technique known as sitting on your hand until it goes numb and the you masterbate with it
This person created an account, which was quickly deleted, and the only thing I can say is that his contributions for the neighboring small town are modestly more clever… modestly.

Someone added a college football player to the “notable person” category several months later, which I guess is a new addition to the “woot” category.  (Curiously he had to edit it twice to decide whether it was proper to leave the state or required a “University of” state.)  It was deleted by a wikipedia editor who deemed him not sufficiently notable.  But only after  nine months.  The college football player got his nine months in the sun on wikipedia.  Maybe he was benched at that point?

At last our depressed small town teenage vandals came up with something… anything.:
After the battle of Choxulla. General [name] defeated the dreaded purple orangutan of doom, Dreaded purple Orandgutan of doom was the dictador of Choxulla, he ruled with an iron fist for 200 years and forced his people to learn the dark form of majic that he was so fond of. Untill [name] destroyed the Dreaded Purple Orangutan of Doom, and his satanist followers in the battle of Choxulla were 73.5 percent of the inhabitants were killed. Afterwards he cristened the the new city [city name], and ended the use of magic and it was instantly replaced by rigorous training in Physics and technology. [Name] ruled 70 years from 1909-1979, [Name] ruled with an Iron Fist as well, but was considered more responsible because he could actually relate to the Human/Elven/Creaton inhabitants better than the Dreaded Orangutan of Doom. [Name] kept the city very clean/neat and kept his people under a military lifestyle and soon [city name] gained a reputation for being very diciplined and highly skilled in their sciences. Skarks rule was constantly seeing resistace from the elven race which highly agreed with the used of magic, and seeked a more free and relaxed form of government. The Creaton race (Creatons are animals wich have magic in their blood and have reached a higher level of conciousness) also were a great source of resistance, they still held rage at stark for killing their king the Dreaded Purple Orangutan of Doom, and seeked to regain their rightfull place as rulers.
This was deleted two hours later.
His contributions to the neighboring town are shorter, though no less creative.

We get another “woot” for the “notable residents” list:
[Name] — really nice guy

Deleted immediately.  And back to some hometown love:
May it be noted that its a peice of shit town that would burn to the ground it the world had any justice. Seriously this place should eat shit and die.
Deleted eleven minutes later.

Some racial issue:
lots of meskins live there since 1990’s
Deleted a minute later.

The football player was added again.  This time he had a much shorter stint — he made it for eighteen minutes.

And… more hometown love:
settlement type = HEHOLE!  (SIC?)
It will alwhays live in the gut of a giant turtle who likes to consume the souls of orphans and hates YOU!

Looking at his contributions, I’m impressed he tacked to a contribution for an old Speaker of the House of the first part of the twentieth century, and less impressed that his contribution was to note that he was “really gay.  Ha Ha Ha!”

More racial fun.  To a statistical round-up of demographics, after listing Africans Americans in a tiny percentage, someone adds: (Thank god!)” 
In the same editing binge, we have notable resident:
[Name], town douchebag
And he does the honors of deleting his own contributions.

In more recent years the town has become overrun with gangs and troublemakers. Some local residents have nicknamed the town Compton. Compton, CA is well known throughout the world for it’s gang violence and dangerous neighborhoods. Although anyone who has ever been there would agree it’s a much safer place to live.
Some standard issue homophobia, possibly reference to some local person.
[Name]- Local penis sucker – Can almost always be found at one of the local glory holes.

Both deleted… immediately.

Two edits made at the same time:
crap hole
Fine.  I suppose he’s sliding that in with:
The official language is Spanish.

And so it goes.
Um… It gets better?  Maybe?

Sports Snort: the final drive toward the 7-9 NFC West Championship

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Okay, Sports Fans!  Another week, and we have further clarification on that NFC West race I’ve been following with some glee.  First, a look at how the four teams fared last week.  The good news, for the hopes and dreams of the 7-9 Playoff Team (and Division Champion), is that they were all playing games against teams outside their division, and thus… all lost.

The Arizona Cardinals were officially elimated from the playoffs after losing 19-12 to the team with the worst record in the league, the Carolina Panthers.
Carolina 19 , Arizona 12

You know it’s going super bad for the Arizona Cardinals this season when the network studio crew covers its eyes and ears and doesn’t even want to discuss their game Sunday against the Carolina Panthers.

And that was at halftime.

“I didn’t see it,” Cardinals coach Ken Whisenhunt said. “That’s the business in the NFL. If you don’t play well, you’re going to be subject to that. Do I like it? No. Of course not. Our players don’t like it.

Seattle got thumped by the Atlanta Falcons.
Atlanta 34 Seattle 18
And this spurred a genuine “Quarterback Controversy”.

On Seattle’s first offensive play of the second half, Hasselbeck failed to get rid of the ball in his end zone, was sacked by Jamaal Anderson and fumbled. At the bottom of the pile was Babineaux, and the score gave the Falcons a 24-10 lead.
Hasselbeck followed with interceptions on Seattle’s next two series’ and was eventually replaced by Charlie Whitehurst. Hasselbeck now has 13 turnovers — 10 interceptions and three fumbles — in Seattle’s last four games. […]
Seattle was nearly perfect on its opening drive in taking a 7-0 lead on Marshawn Lynch’s 1-yard plunge and from there did little right. Hasselbeck followed up his costly end zone mistake by throwing interceptions on the Seahawks next two possessions, getting loudly booed.
Whitehurst was greeted with cheers from the remaining fans. The decision will only fuel speculation on what future Hasselbeck might have in Seattle — not only after this season, but next week at Tampa Bay.
The fans seemed to make their choice, chanting “Charlie” after Whitehurst scored on a 1-yard TD run in the fourth quarter.

The San Francisco 49ers were thumped by San Diego.
San Diego 34  San Francisco 7.
“After that game, right now “… you walk away not feeling good,” quarterback Alex Smith said.

The Saint Louis Rams were smashed by Kansas City, who got their starting quarterback back from injury to stay apace in front of San Diego in their divisional race… a division race where the teams actually have to win games in order to do “stay apace in front”.
Kansa City 27 Saint Louis 13

So, let’s look at the standing.
Saint Louis Rams:  6 wins, 8 losses
Seattle Seahawks : 6 wins, 8 losses
San Francisco: 5 wins, 9 losses
Arizona: 4 wins, 10 losses.

The Race for a 7 – 9 playoff hinges off of the three meaningful games.

This Sunday, the San Francisco 49ers will play host to the Saint Louis Rams in a crucial divisional match-up.  Should the 49ers win, they will remain in the play-off hunt, and have only a Tampa Bay home victory against Seattle to gain “control of their own destiny”, for the final game against the Arizona Cardinals.
Should the Rams win…  Seattle’s game in Tampa Bay would become, for them, meaningless, and perhaps they will just go ahead and throw the game away to rest their starters, in what would have to be the most hilarious example of that in league history.   (Particularly because the league shifted the time schedule to put a game against two teams fighting for the playoffs in a key slot).   This will set up the Exciting Final game of the season, a match-up between Saint Louis and Seattle for all the marbles.  Unfortunately, St Louis will be 7-8 with a chance at an 8-8 season, but I guess that would add to the anticipation for Final Game 7-9 Heroics.

“getting sh– done” while you were grumbling

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

There was an advertisement for the repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy which says that our NATO Allies tell us what to expect with the policy change “Business as Usual”.  Cue clips of military generals saying nothing happened when their country accepted homosexuals to serve openly.
Fox News rejected the ad.  Fox News viewers, represntative of the minority opposed, and so we have a model of “epistemological closure” when you can’t even buy an opposing view-point onto their air.  The effect is what I heard when I circled around the AM dial of Talk Radio (defacto Conservative Movement Republican) yesterday.  Here’s the debate / caller conversation set-up of the most enlightened variety: “I’m curious.  If you are gay, and in the military, what is the benefit for you to be out sexually?”  I don’t know, man.  Something on the order of avoiding a needless cover-up and constantly searching your mind to back-track to not be “unoverered.”  What kind of question is that?

There are now three votes to consider in relation to the final passage.  The first was the vote that should have gotten it done on its most timely manner, but which the erstwhile Moderate Republicans found an excuse to punt.  So we have Scott Brown, Susan Collins, and Olympia Snowe playing a political game to ensure that Obama’s party procure a bit more political punishment in November — one accomplishment delayed and put in jeopardy to affect the “Not Delivering” disenchantment in Obama — might be worth a handful of Congress-critters.  Moreover, the need was to put maximum leverage in getting the Tax Cut extended.
Make that consideration, Massachusetts voters, when Scott Brown campaigns with this issue in 2012, allowing the matter to dangle in the wind in a slightly less clean “Lame-duck” session.

The two Senate votes this weekend are a little odd.  The one that matters, in this era, is the cloture vote.  The Democrats all voted for repeal, save a shady and missing Senator Manchin of West Virginia.  The Republicans who crossed the aisle were Brown of Massachussets, Collins and Snowe of Maine, Senator Murkowski of Alaska — fresh off her write-in victory, Mark Kirk in Illinois, George Voinovich of Ohio…

And, out of nowhere, on the next vote (in this day and age, actually meaningless): Richard Burr of North Carolina and John Ensign of Nevada.  I do not really know what political ramifications for these two are — here’s Ensign on his reasoning, and here’s Burr speaking of a generational inevitability and shift he’s not in the mood of blocking.

We may as well note that where these Senators were holding DADT hostage for Tax Cuts, Senators such as Bob Corker of Tennessee tried to scuttle DADT by holding START hostage.  Russian press takes note.

Time Magazine’s Larouchie of the Year: SIDNEY HILL

Monday, December 20th, 2010

Eventually — well into 2010 — “Michael Retour” gets labelled a  “troll”.

The riff was on “Niagara Falls” (“Slowly I turned…”) where the annoying trigger provokes an extreme reaction. I think trolls like Michael Retour / Bill Cox (among others) could just save us all a lot of time from reading their nonsense if they would just type “N-i-a-g-a-r-a F-a-l-l-s” and leave it at that.

Mostly it’s just an understandable weariness of political discussions on an apolitical message board.  But Well, he sits on the Nobel Prize Committee.

Russia has so much power and so many options here.  This has changed the world.  I think Putin may have prevented a world war and I am nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize. 

He also likes this cover for called “West Coast Avengers“.   Myself, I’m more into the Central Mid – South-East Avengers.
What is a “troll” to an Internet message board forum?  I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder and whatever the forum decides to define as a “troll”.  And how do you define “sock puppet“?:

And, back to this.  Michael, I’m half-convinced you’re a sock puppet, but I’ve gotten some use out of arguing with you rather than hammering someone else on an emotional, worry-laden issue.  So, I’ll play this round through.  After that, I’m just gonna mess with you…

Maybe what qualifies as “troll” is when you in the year 2008 run over a host of Larouchian spiel, deny your affinity with Larouche but claim that now that the name has been thrown to you and you’ve had a chance to look it up, you’re impressed!, and then a year and a half later you give another clue into your Larouchianism, and then when asked about it you deny him again!

Michael Retour is on the John Byrne fan message board to Lyndon Larouche what Peter is in the New Testament to Jesus Christ!

Gee, why not simply ask all the other kooks in the Schiller Institute to investigate?  Maybe, I’m one of those evil Jewish Children of Satan they’ve gone on about in their diatribes.  […]
But, tell me, hasn’t LaRouche predicted the imminent downfall of the world and prevailing democratic governments every year or so, since about 1980?  Has he *ever* been correct about this *imminient* collapse?  What…you guys just play the odds every other year in the hopes that this one will come up the winner for your nihilistic dreams of global collapse?
What was last year’s webcast? […]
ute.  Hey, Michael, how about this one, from LaRouche’s “The Campaigner: Strategy for Socialism”, Sept. 1971, vol. 1: […]
Yep, no matter the year, it is ALWAYS one minute to midnight, with you guys.  And, we can fill in just about all the years in between with similar prognostications of ever “imminent” collapse.
You know, for a guy so opposed to the current economic system, he and his vanity press operation sure have made a lot of money off talking about an ever-present financial collapse just around the corner, haven’t they?
Etc. etc. 

Then we get Michael Retour’s responses:
Mike your patience might have been wearing thin but I am not associated with LaRouche and if I was I’d say so. […]
Some want to go back to a FDR model.  I am one of them.  Clinton is too.  Bill had this to say about that: “go back to the Home Owner’s Loan Corporation that was a product of the depression.  That actually made a profit for the American people by stabilizing what was otherwise a disastrous run on the market for financing homes.”
Now are Bill and Hillary Clinton associated with LaRouche because they’re proposing FDR-like models for this crisis? 
Sorry Mike, pick another guy to pin the tail on the donkey with. 

Mike I did a little searching today and you know what?  LaRouche makes a lot of sense.  Thanks for the heads-ups on him.  A lot of controversy I see too. 
I don’t care about the controversy surrounding a politician like LaRouche.  That’s natural in politics. 
I don’t buy them either.  Looking at the websites (thanks Mike) the guy comes off as a FDR-style Democrat
Oh yes.  He never heard of this “Larouche” fellow until this stranger introduced him to him on this message board after seeing his swarm with Larouchian buzz-words, and now that he has — Wow! 
Thanks for pointing out LaRouche for me.  I like the way the guy thinks!!

… Just like Retour, apparently.
A year and a half later, and we see:
am running three congressional campaigns now: one in Texas, one is Massachusetts and one in California. My Texas candidate won the primary.
Asked if he’s with Larouche, he answers “no”.  This post shows that the forum has a good degree of turn-over with the John Byrne fan message board, with “Michael McCallum” responding in 2010 and clearly not having paid attention in 2008:
(I hate giving up on my LaRouche theory, because the pieces all fit, dang it!)

Old news, I gather.  And now into my related dejavu field of Wikipedia Review — no not that one, THIS ONE.
Starting with the clever “Cla68”, who, unlike every other larouchian bented wikipedia editor, has a broad and vast wikipedia contribution list.  Indeed, he may just be the Larocuhies’ permanent “Go to Editor” for “little help”.  But watch him slide out of wikipedia editing culture — in bold:

Here for example. Xinhua appears to have been the only news organization, that I could find, to record that LaRouche predicted, in 1999, the global economic crisis which occurred a few years later. This is important information for an article on LaRouche. Do you remember that in the past a couple of editors who regularly edit the LaRouche articles were calling the Eurasian Land Bridge a figment of LaRouche’s imagination and a disruptive meme propagated by “HK socks?” It took me all of 10 minutes searching in Infotrac to find that there really was a land bridge and that it was a notable topic. The resulting article now averages almost 4,000 hits a month. That example shows how unfortunate the result can be when we don’t aggressively look for more sources to help us out with additional information. So, why don’t we focus on the sources, no matter what language they are in, and the information they may or may not provide us in continuing to make this article as complete and NPOV as possible? Cla68 (talk) 23:20, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

What global economic crisis occured a few years after 1999? I must have missed it. The problem with the Eurasian Labdnbridge was that HK and his socks kept adding material to the effect that it was LaRouche’s idea. — Will Beback 

Some of the ideas of how to develop the Eurasian Land Bridge did apparently originate with LaRouche, and that’s apparently why he received some coverage in the Chinese and Russian press, as opposed to the US press which often, based on what I’ve seen living in a foreign country, ignores issues outside the US, whether a US pundit is involved or not. That is why we can’t overlook foreign sources. How can you “overuse” an article from an RS if it provides useful information? Cla68 (talk) 23:59, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

Despite your unproven assertion that there is more coverage of LaRouche and his movement in foreign sources there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of articles in US news sources. Relying extensively on one foreign source is likely to give undue weight to the viewpoint in that article.   Will Beback  talk  00:17, 7 December 2010 (UTC)

Despite your unproven assertion that there is more coverage of LaRouche and his movement in foreign sources there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of articles in US news sources. Relying extensively on one foreign source is likely to give undue weight to the viewpoint in that article.   Will Beback  talk  00:17, 7 December 2010 (UTC)

We leave that up to the reader to decide, don’t we? That’s why we list the sources at the bottom of the article. Cla68 (talk) 12:15, 7 December 2010 (UTC)

 Oh, it BURNS!

Have I gone to this one already?  Delia Peabody gallops about:

I wouldn’t say I’m familiar. I spent a few hours searching the web. As far as LaRouche’s views are concerned, they are usually dismissed as fringe with little elaboration. Delia Peabody (talk) 14:48, 10 December 2010 (UTC)

Yep!  Just started looking him up just a few hours ago.  Indeed, how about this Russian Guy?

I went back and looked at the old version of the article, and I don’t think an explanation was ever offered for the deletion of quite a bit of material sourced to GG Pirogov, conference presentation to the Lebedev Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) on the academy’s website. Delia Peabody (talk) 16:18, 17 December 2010 (UTC)

Is Pirov a member of the movement?   Will Beback  talk  20:50, 17 December 2010 (UTC)

I dont see the relevance of this question. He is an academic who commented on LaRouche. Doesn’t get any better. (talk) 08:39, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

A Russian academic? Before we add more exotic sources from faraway lands, we should add more sources from the subject’s home country. I just got a copy of International Trotskyism, 1929-1985: a documented analysis of the movement by noted scholar Robert J. Alexander. It contains a long section on LaRouche. But there isn’t room for everything.   Will Beback  talk  09:07, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Cla68 has a point of order:
Will, what exactly is your objection to using Pirogov as a source, that he isn’t an American? Cla68 (talk) 09:24, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

One problem is that HK socks keep trying to add an exceptional claim using Pirogov as the only source. As far as I can tell he’s a minor academic who delivered an address about LaRouche. Conference addresses are not, to the best of my knowledge, edited the same way as a normal publication, so they are essentially self-published. This particular address only exists in Russian on a website. It’s a weak source, too weak for a remarkable claim. BLP and other policies call on us to use the best available sources. Too bad you don’t get it. 😉   Will Beback  talk  09:42, 18 December 2010 (UTC)
Why don’t you link to the source and I’ll check it out myself. Cla68 (talk) 09:49, 18 December 2010 (UTC)
Good to see that Will Beback retains a Sense of Humor, if in a somewhat impotent position for Wikipedia Quality Control.
I’m sure one of the accounts will post a link for you.   Will Beback  talk  11:56, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Angel’s Flight!

I’m getting the impression here that there are some editors who are only concerned with adding negative sources and excluding positive or neutral ones, regardless of scholarship, notability, reliability or national origin. Angel’s flight (talk) 16:37, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Will someone please post a link to the source so I can look at it? Cla68 (talk) 06:32, 19 December 2010 (UTC)
Never mind, I located it.
Imagine that.
The presentation appears to be a valuable, secondary exposition on LaRouche’s views which would be helpful for this article.

And the ultimate Larouchian Wikipedia Team Rhaspberry, from a “Pachuco cadaver”:
So many new accounts.
Ban them all — you know you want to.

Time Magazine has named its “Larouchian of the Year”.  Perhaps this will surprise everyone, but they skipped right past the various losing Congressional Candidates (who will apparently have another crack at Time Magazine’s “Larouchian of the Year” title with their 2012 run) and gave the cover to… SINDNEY HILL!
Who, unlike Rachel Brown, Kesha Rogers, and Person Not on the Ballot — is still making the rounds on Internet searches.  Besides the larouchepac website, where we see:

This week, the LaRouche Democratic candidates who inspired the nation during the 2010 election season—Rachel Brown of Massachsuetts, Summer Shields of California, and Kesha Rogers of Texas—announced their intentions to appear on the ballot in each of their respective states as candidates for Congress in 2012.

And a ton of words ascribed to each of them.

  See here for Sidney Hill:

He screams “free speech” like a child screams for ice cream.
“Anybody wanna help me?!”
You’re the LaRouche fan, what do YOU think?

I’m all for arresting people who are too crazy to tone it down a notch when talking to cops. He’s throwing a temper tantrum.

Time’s runner-up was Harley Schlanger.  And why not?  He appeared on Press TV and got play on Drudge, off of inside tips from “Ulstermann”.  (See too his interviews with Jeff Rense… seeing his voice right here.)
The third mention for Larouchian of the Year was Lyndon Larouche, for breaking the “Knights of the Golden Circle” conspiracy wide open.

This guy is american patriot.  You wouldn’t call him a communist.  But he’d make sure the people of america were all employed and putting heroine junkies in proper rehab and getting them to work on major human projects like maglev rail accross america and the world and water projects in to green the arizona, nirvada desert etc.
He’d sure be working with other countries peacefully.  No war.  But he’s a strict mo-fo.  He doesn’t like rock n roll.
Not like he  would ban rock n roll – but he’s your classical kind of guy, who wants to colonize mars, give nuclear energy to the world so every person in the world is out of poverty and has proper living standards. […]
He believes the main purpose of being human is creativity…   not war, violence, destruction.. and you now america is in a position to stop violence and war throughout the world with nuclear power – even if there are green nazis against its amazing potential.

Hey!  This stuff should be put into wikipedia!   Someone get into the page that he’s “pro-steak”.

I’m not Lyndon LaRouche – so i can’t say if Nuclear Energy is in-fact the answer to the world’s problems.    […]   Yes LaRouche is anti-GMO – but pro-steak – but who cares – he’s omni-lateral and omni-vorous.

 What kind of people dig Larouche?

Lyndon LaRouche – would appeal to the do-gooder, average-joe patriot – who realises Ron Paul is a limp wrist – and wants some real potential visionary-actions to happen.  There’s some serious science with this guy – so he would appeal to sci-fi scientists who want to colonize mars, maglev trains, etc.   Would not appeal to Zeitgeist target audience even if some of the claimed conspiracies are similar – it’s just bi-polar brands.  American patriot wrapped in red, blue and white v Zeitgeit, Venus Project new-age psychedelic-surrealist, technology – even though both are very pro maglev train.

Coming in fourth in Time Magazine’s poll… this guy.

Men refuse to answer questions, stare ahead.
I think this is a “end of the year” bias.  I’m referring to the man staring ahead, and not the one who has his back to the camera. 

Time Magazine stopped the list at five.  Rachel Brown beat out Kesha Rogers off of the basis of getting coverage later in the election cycle due to a later primary, and everyone getting a bit bored with an uninteresting general election.

The War on Christmas continues:

 I walk out the door and make an elaborate show of bopping my head to the music, but I have to walk past the LaRouche people.  (Should be humming Bach instead of rock music.  Then maybe they’ll respect you.)  I just have to:  there’s no way around them.  There is one girl and one boy.  She is white and he is black.  They are “boy” and “girl” not because they are actually young, but because they have the political disposition of thirteen year-old emo kids.  They are “white” and “black” because of genetic happenstance. […]

“You know who’s going to be hanging from the Christmas tree this year?” she says, a bit too triumphantly.
And I sort of stand there for a second, puzzled, and then say to the white girl, “I thought ornaments hung from Christmas trees, not people.”
And she seems stunned for a second–like she had genuinely never thought about the stupidity of her pitch–but regains her composure and soldiers on.  Because that’s what LaRouche people do, you know.  They soldier the fuck on.
“No, man.  It’s the system who’s going to be hanging from the tree.  The whole system’s coming crashing down.”

I’ve been fighting the system since before you were even born, MAN!  I just don’t know which one.

Christmas coming, and I wonder if in addition to some Christians carrying literature to “remind you of the reason for the season”, Australia will get these door to door knockers.

With almost 1,000,000 members (made up of 15 to 89-year-olds) in its email database, the CEC has no intentions of falling silent. Mrs Robinson says she intends to door knock every house in her rural electorate of O’Connor by the next federal election. It’s a big task, the division stretches more than 900,000 sq km from the Great Southern to the Goldfields. Mrs Lawler says the party never stops campaigning. […]
“We never stop campaigning, votes don’t change history, people change history, so unless the people change, they’re not going to get the government they deserve.”

 I’ve changed my mind.  She beats out “looking Straight Ahead” guy for that slot in the Larouchian of the Year list.

The protestors had no intention of identifying themselves, and when asked to identify a local connection to their cause they were quick to claim community support, but unable to produce anyone local who was willing to stand in protest with them. Those with the signs and information had come in from Houston and likely knew very little about Taylor. […]
The more disturbing issue, though, was the inflammatory signs were complimented by a credit card machine on standby, eagerly awaiting your donation to the cause.

And why not?  Look what’s coming down the pike?

The key thing is what we’ve been getting from Europe for some time now, a number of weeks: The best estimate is, and I can qualify that, with certain facts, that the entire, present world financial-monetary system is going down, by about Christmastime….

There you have it.  The War on Christmas.

“So, the decision to act in joining me in this fight, is yours. There can be no compromise with pessimism in the population. If we are to survive, we must destroy the pessimism and demoralization which has gripped our population, with the power of profound ideas. March on, and we shall gain the victory. March on, and we shall gain the day. INDEPENDENCE FOREVER!!!”  — 2012 Congressional Candidate for the Texas 22nd District (give or take — numbers might shift in redistricting) Kesha Rogers.

Introducing the 9/11 Tooth Movement

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

The 9/11 Tooth Movement s an organization of Dentists who use their expertise in the field of Dental Surgery and Dental Hygiene to expose the inconsistencies, lies, and cover-ups of the official government accounts of the events of 9/11, as well those of the “un-official” versions proferred by the prominet so-called “researchers” in the 9/11 Truth Field.  To date, their documentaries, “What’s Inside the Cavity?” and “Behind the Fillings” have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of viwers on the Internet and through Educational Free DVD drops, despite the active suppression efforts of google, the Government, and the broader 9/11 Truth Movement.  After you see the up-coming release “Smashing the Molar”, you will never be able to trust Popular Mechanics Magazine or Mark Dice again.