
I have no firsthand knowledge of this, just passing this along.”  The current anti-Obama rumor on his oh-so-lavish foreign (policy) trip.

Bush Dissented in his own Cabinet.  Was against Military Action in Iraq?

There is no Democratic Party in the South, take 1 billion.

Your 2010 Vote
Priorities are not apt to be what’s up for legislative compromises, unless we figure Donations who steer the money around as the biggest force in Elections.

Who leads the Missouri Legislature?

The trouble in Iowa.

Likely Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rep. Doc Hastings
… Jay Inslee’s victory and then loss to Hastings figures in Dan Savage’s suggestion to Alan Grayson to move to friendlier climates.

You think this googleadsense ad is trying to tantalize me with false notions?
Answer:  No, she’s not searching for me.

America not the greatest.

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