Archive for September, 2010

Only a few weeks left where I have to care about Rachel Brown. Except they’ll pull a Summer Shields on her and keep running her anyway.

Friday, September 3rd, 2010


From the time Frank first met Rachel Brown—during a town hall meeting in August 2009, when she confronted him on his support for Obama’s Nazi health policy—he has shown her nothing but disdain. His campaign actually sent the video of the confrontation all around the world, in an attempt to raise funds by showing Frank quip that talking to Rachel was like talking to a dining-room table. But now, 12 months later, in a tacit admission that he has badly miscalculated, and his ploy has backfired, Frank’s campaign has actually agreed to a debate.
But not without insane conditions. On Frank’s insistence, the event is scheduled one week before the election, on Sept. 7, at 7 p.m., at NewTv Studios in Newton, Frank’s hometown. No audience is to be allowed, and the Frank campaign explicitly demanded “no Lincoln-Douglas format.” That means a moderator will force the back-and-forth into time slots no more than two and a half minutes apiece.

What the Rachel Brown Campaign fails to realize is that the motivation of their opponent, Barney Frank, in brushing aside a “Lincoln — Douglas Debate” — is a virtuous one.  What Barney Frank is thinking about is how this Epic Debate will reverberate in time — he wants to usher in the “Frank — Brown Debate” format into the realm of History.
Incidentally, it certainly is disgusting how Frank sent a video of that exchange, and is adverting the big Debate.  Let’s watch it again.
Anyway, Barney Frank has sent a clear signal of how he intends on knocking down his opponent — Rachel Brown.  Skip this Jay Leno appearance to the 3:30 mark and watch as he derides the Bush Administration for its Mars mission.  See what he did there?  He’s tying Rachel Brown’s program in with the Bush Administration, as well rhetorically dumping Rachel Brown onto Mars.
Kind of like he did at that Town Hall appearance.  Let’s watch that exchange again.
Will Massachusetts voters vote their self-interest, and elect Brown, the way Texas voters did last March in electing LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers? That is impossible to say. But what can be said, is that the Brown campaign has had a lasting impact on the state, and the country, by reviving the real republican roots of Massachusetts, and thus creating the basis for a revolutionary turn back to the American System tradition, which the world so desperately needs.
With that, the Larouche org appears to be prepping Rachel Brown for the inevitable.  Her loss.  The likely, but not entirely certain, Barney Frank victory in November — even against a Republican tide.  Incidentally, from the EIR interview with Rachel Brown:
Yes. My campaign staff is actually a chorus, and that has been instrumental, in its ability to demonstrate irony for the population, and also, to uplift them. One thing we did, was to take our music to the subway trains of Brookline and Newton, where we would sing on the trains, then hand out literature and brief people. We also held concerts on street corners on Friday and Saturday evenings.
And is this right? I’ll have to look up Barney Frank’s primary opponents — he had one in 1994!
This is the first time he has faced a Democratic challenger in quite a long time, and it has been reported that Barney had to open a campaign office in Newton for the first time in 10-15 years.
In addition to that Jay Leno appearance, where we see a lot of sympathetic Ron Paul fan commenters, someone mentioned Rachel Brown here.  The results are quite funny.  We end up with one cheerleader — someone who has clearly assimilated Larouche in with his list of Political Dissidents — and another poster who at first applauds Brown, then retreats:
That’s what this Rockefeller controlled spawn of evil wants to do……A real LaRouche racist controlled by Rothschild. She actually wants to force the Global Banking System into a complete dictatorship.
Rachel Brown is worse than Cheney, Obama, Clinton, Calvin Coolige and possibly even Mitt Romney combined. And you thought all of THEM were evil..I’m tell you right now!

This is why everyone needs to check a candidate’s voting record….when we stopped doing that, that is when all these evil politicians got in. It was really our own fault. If we had read their record, I don’t think any of you would have elected globalist scum to office. Do you?

During his Rachel Brown Exploratory phase, he goes here:
They absolutely love her and Rachel is polling better in Massachusetts!!!!
Curious.  The only polls for this race that I know of are the “IPSOSDEFACTO” and other parody poll I made up for this blog — something or other Rothschild.  Anyway, when questioned, he directs everyone to this page and its comments, where as we see that Rachel Brown has locked up the “BubbaBubba” vote.

In other Rachel Brown campaign news — I have no idea how this event, held on the first, went down:  Come hear Rachel Brown speak to residents and staff of Longmeadow of Taunton Nursing Home.
We move on over to Texas, where the opponent to Pete Olson in Texas — 22 has challenged him to a debate.


Alas, Mr. Olson refuses to debate either myself or the democratic challenger, stating through his handlers that he has already won the election. But I digress. I suggest that possibly a candidate that would put America first might be a better choice for NASA contractors.
So says Libertarian candidate Steve Susman.  How his NASA budget goes with his Libertarian ideals, which being a Libertarian I would think he would want NASA just Privatized, I cannot say.  It should be an interesting race, this Pete Olson — Steve Susman election.  There is a third candidate, but she’s nuttier than a Fruitcake.  The Kesha Rogers Campaign is now alternating between chorus and “bel canto voice lessons” — pitch 256, and Plato Readings, with Leibniz thrown in for good measure.

The Summer Shields campaign continues flailing downward into oblivion.  Really, I don’t know what the point of that one is.  He’s running far behind in his Write-In Campaign against his other Write-In Campaign candidate, Spongebob Squarepants.   Maybe it all amounts to a Nostalgia Tour?
Having voted for Lyndon LaRouche several times when I was younger, I decided to listen to what they had to say and they gave me some propaganda and asked for money, and I gave them a dollar.


The Events page suggests his campaign is waiting around for the Big Webcast, another “Historical Webcast” snoozer.  I guess there, the Shields campaign will learn the implications of these words:

I have a special, probably indispensable role of national leadership to play in setting this action of recovery into actual motion. The situation that implies is essentially the following.
I am presently at the brink of 88 years of age. Speaking in relative terms, my role is indispensable in certain crucial respects, but remarkably good health at 88 is, despite all else, 88. Not only must you take that fact into consideration; I must take that fact into account in my way, as you must, for your own part in actually effecting this recovery in yours.

He’s also, I guess, seeking the Chinese American vote by eating at the “New Asia Restaurant”.  From there it’s all about a “Post Obama Period”, meaning — I guess, they’re planning for 2013 or 2017.
jdesid rounds up the campaigns in the comments section at this aflcio site.


The Big Star in the Post Office Tour, and related arenas, is — naturally — the Guy from Alaska.  Quite a loud guy, ain’t he?  He’s getting some knocking from supposed allies in the the NRA.  Grabs a crowd, disses a hippy who looks just like him, gets some guy to take his shirt off, and generally Entertains the Masses.  He’s known as “Wild Bill”.  The first few items here are the knowledge of Local Yokels.
The more interesting guy is his fellow Docket-Mate.

Hill was wrestled to the ground Thursday, August 26, by security guards at the Alaska State Fair. His arrest was widely publicized after a video of it was posted on YouTube. On the same day Hill took his banner to the fairgrounds, ostensibly to provoke fairgoers into impeaching the president, Aaron Waite-Ober set himself on fire in Talkeetna’s Village Park. Waite-Ober also tried to convince Magistrate Condie that free speech was his shield.“I was trying to do a trick. That’s why I set myself on fire,” Waite-Ober said. He was in the unenviable position of representing himself, one most defendants find themselves in during an arraignment hearing. “I’ve been staying out of trouble for the past year-and-a-half—except for those two mishaps, a 24-hour sleep off and whatever.” Waite-Ober insisted he could be released on his own recognizance, but the magistrate denied that request.
“Self-immolation, whether it is for a performance or whatever, doing so in a public park is cause for concern,” Condie told the defendant. He refused to set Waite-Ober free, and set bail at $500

I would like Wild Bill better if he Set Himself on Fire “for the Cause”.

Other Post office appearances — Marion!  Michigan State (with a conversation with an astrophysics student, yet.)!   Mesquite — for Summer Shields, Joseph Elkins with Gabriela Bess — “These people are worse than the Nazis,” Elkins said. “The Nazis thought the Jews were a cancer. These people are against all people. To them, humanity is the cancer.”.  Tamaqua  (Ryan Milton and Donald Mallory stopping in from Philadelphia)!     And into Middleton  comes the travelling band of New Jersey resident Chris Sare alongside Pennsylvanier  Jean-Sebastien Tremblay.

Getting support from this person:  Wiernasz is signing up for a petition calling for the impeachment of Obama, “our crack-smoking, illegal alien president,” Wiernasz claims as he reaches for a pen.

Calling Lyndon LaRouche an economist is like calling Emperor Norton a statesman – except that Norton was actually entertaining. Lyn’s been announcing that the next Great Depression will happen in the next couple of years for DECADES. He’s been wrong EVERY SINGLE time before 2010; it’s not very likely that he’s suddenly going to be right THIS time around.

Drumming up more nostalgia in Tredyffrin Township.

They told me that they have been going from post office to post office with their cause . . . I asked them what kind of response had they received in Tredyffrin.   They replied, ‘very polarized’ and that they were looking for open minds.  As we talked, cars would drive by and honk . . . I asked if honking meant that the drivers were supporting the ‘impeach Obama signs’ placed on the road.  Not necessarily they explained; some of the drivers honked and gave a ‘thumbs up’ of support but other honkers screamed obscenities at them.  While there, I witnessed several honkers in the screaming obscenity category.

And in the province of Glen Beck’s rally — here and here.  And… here:

Pamphlets were more explicit.“The Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four Ss: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism,” said one. “Underdogma, How America’s enemies use our love for the underdog to trash American power,” was another.
Lyndon LaRouche’s action committee collected signatures on a petition to impeach Obama for his “stated intention to shut down and destroy the Nasa [space] programme . . . the Hitler-like healthcare policy and the general, destructive features of all other leading Obama policies.”
Well in their element amongst these folks.
A retired couple from Illinois passed out fake trillion dollar bank notes. On the back of the bills was a warning to sinners: “If you have done those things, God sees you as a thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart. The Bible warns that if you are guilty, you will end up in Hell.”

Here is Some push-back from Communists.

Rather than seeing imperialism and capitalism—led by the United States—as the enemy of the world’s workers and oppressed peoples, Estulin and his co-thinkers (including the notorious Lyndon Larouche) propagate the fiction that a secret…

Ron Paulites want Ron Paul to host Saturday Night Live to do the comedy.

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

The Ron Paulites at the Daily Paul have a mixed feeling about Barney Frank.  Let’s go through these comments.

I think Congressman Frank is learning allot about liberty and the constitution from Congressman Paul…But sadly, it’s impossible to change a zebra’s stripes without a “grinder,” a “torch,” and a waste of time.

To wit.

im pretty surprized with him too. If only he would support the austrian school… it would be amazing me thinks.

Just get Barney Frank to think just like we do, and everything will be Super!

Barney is so transparent here. He is trying to gain popularity by “trying” to sound like Ron Paul. If all you ever saw is this much of Barney Frank, you would think he’s not a bad guy…..Seeing 3 inches of a dorsal fin in the water, does not mean it is only a 12 inch shark. “dah dummm———-dah dummm———–dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum”

Yes.  Nothing screams popularity like Ron Paul.

He’s exploiting Dr.Paul’s message for his own political gain. Notice how he says he has “teamed up with one of the most conservative members in congress, Ron Paul” and then that’s it. He goes on to make it his cause and his idea.

Ron Paul came up with the whole “Remove Foreign Bases” idea?

The real thoughts come in here:

P.S. I just had a thought – I think we should all pull a Betty White and campaign hard to get Ron Paul on SNL. As mentioned above I think it would really help Ron Paul’s image (and drum up support for a potential presidential run) if he had more exposure in pure entertainment settings, thus making him appear more personable and likable to the wider average TV audience.
What do you all think, should we try and get Ron Paul on SNL?

Yes.  Um.  Ron Paul.  Saturday Night Live host.  Brilliant!

My thoughts when I posted this idea was that Ron Paul could just play himself (i.e. the straight man), and let the SNL cast provide the comedy.

I think the comedy would write itself with endless possibilities based on the absurdities in Wash.DC. For example, perhaps a skit with a cast member playing an over-the-top smug Mr. Bernanke giving outrageous answers to questions from Ron Paul during a hearing.

We’re verging into the didactic.

what skits would he be in?
He/Lew Rockwell/Napolitano would need a long sit down with the writers.

Because Lew Rockwell KNOWS Comedy.  What, he is the man responsible for the racist “Ron Paul Newsletters” of the early 1990s — and those were downright HILARIOUS, right?

Here’s my idea: We give Saturday Night Live a skit, in the skit Will Ferrell can play George Bush. Chris Rock can play Barack Obama.

Why is Chris Rock playing Barack Obama?

Anyway, bottom line on the Saturday Night Live appearance:

SNL is a Zionist production
mike in st. lucia
They would never give Ron Paul that kind of exposure.

In its defense, this is the only “Zionism” mention on this post.
It’s been a pretty uneven go for the Zionists, this “Saturday Night Live” enterprise.  Not up to the game on the many “Saturday Night Dead” eras, and the odd uneven variances of the show — I guess they were up to something else at those points in time.

There’s Tabloid Trash, and then there’s Tabloid Trash

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

There is a Tabloid publication I have gotten to be annoyed about lately.

“This morning at the Supermarket, I saw the tabloid “Globe” with the headline “Obama is a Muslim!” Then I quickly remembered this “publication” is famous for reporting Elvis sightings and alien abductions.”

No — the alien stuff is The Weekly World News, which was always a respectable publication — the “Batboy” and all that amounted to a good deal of parody and lampooning and fun absurdity.  Meanwhile, the National Enquirer is a reasonable publication of gossip mongering — but when they state something is the case as fact, it tends to be true.  Other publications blare about every celebrity’s “Beach Bodies” — apparently there’s some people called the Kardashians who I’m supposed to compare bodies against.

What am I supposed to make of that publication that is blaring about Obama’s Birth Certificate, his Muslim religion, and “The Real Reason he wants to build that Mosque”?

In the past, the publication seemed harmless enough.  It has gone through a usual litany of “Presidential” affairs.  The worst they did with Bush was propagate the one about Condi Rice — something which was in the bloodstream of America’s sub-concious.  There was no taking seriously the headlines about Laura Bush’s excising him to the couch.
I guess they played with race by having Obama having an affair with this thin Blond woman in a bikini.  But it falls under the realm of the Bush crap.  And once again, as always, Michelle Obama is reportedly pushing Barack to the couch.

The perniciousness of these “Islam”, “Birth Certificate”, and related deranged rumors — the ones that eat at the idea that Obama is a foreign entity — differ from this crop of make believe.  Impulse buyers pick them up, and let it swirl in their mind.

Just go back to Nostradamus.  Everybody loves Nostradamus.  2012, right?