Archive for September, 2010

around the am radio dial over a couple of days

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Here’s your Am Talk Radio hear various personalities for less than 30 seconds over a few days round up.

I heard Mark Levine read from the “Communist Manifesto”.  Weird.  The premise seemed to be to connect this with the Obama Administration.  He also pointed to the “progressives” who say Obama “hasn’t gone far enough” in suggesting that this is what we’re up against… people who don’t think Obama is Marxist Enough.
Rush Limbaugh was on a rant that went like, “The reason they hate Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, and Sarah Palin… the reason they hate them when they have no reason to.  What have Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Sarah Palin done to destroy their Business or the lives of the unborn?”
I only heard a promo for Sean Hannity.  About the same, kind of “What these Libeals can’t admit is that they fell in love with this guy, and are now unable to admit that he has completely wrecked the Economy.”  Or something to that effect.
I don’t know who, but it was a host going off after the end of a caller, yelling that he’s a hypocrite who used the derogatory term “Tea Bagger”.
Michael Savage ran the Obama speech about “Christian by Choice” and asked, “Now why would he do that, point out that he’s Muslim by Birth like that?”

Yesterday, Savage was out on vacation, apparently, and filling in was… um… the employer and media content promoter of this guy:

A conservative activist known for making undercover videos plotted to embarrass a CNN correspondent by recording a meeting on hidden cameras aboard a floating “palace of pleasure” and making sexually suggestive comments, e-mails and a planning document show.

James O’Keefe, best known for hitting the community organizing group ACORN with an undercover video sting, hoped to get CNN Investigative Correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat filled with sexually explicit props and then record the session, those documents show.The plan apparently was thwarted after Boudreau was warned minutes before it was supposed to happen.
“I never intended to become part of the story,” Boudreau said. “But things suddenly took a very strange turn.” […]
“If they pursue this as you are a creep, you should play it up with them initially only to reveal that the tape was made beforehand confirming this was a gag…. If they [CNN] admit it was a gag, you should release the footage and focus on the fact they got punked, and make sure to emphasize Abbie’s name and overall status to help burden her career with this video, incident and her bad judgment in pursuing you so aggressively….If they go on the attack, you should point out the hypocrisy in CNN using the inherent sexuality of these women to sell viewers and for ratings, passing up more esteemed and respectable journalists who aren’t bubble-headed bleach blondes and keep the focus on CNN.

I … don’t know what the Hell this is.

It’s worth mentioning something of the nature of programming on the low-watt “Christian” radio station.  Early in the morning — sometime maybe 6:30 — sort of material culled from every nutcase from the backwaters in the Bible Belt, and visit our website to pick up dvds just like this program you just heard — it was a look at how Rothschild wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — I think, I wasn’t diagramming this stuff — and now as we await the End Days with the Israel and the …

I can only suggest that while the Conservative radio dominates the am radio dial through all part of this country, through much of this country the thing that counters it are these mixed amalgram odd Fundamentalist Christian radio broadcasts.  Well, there’s always the local sports’ team to pre-empt everything, so there’s a saving grace.
[Note: I can’t stand Schultz, Rhodes, Goldman.]

This is always fun: Rand Paul News

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Headline:  Conway camp calls on Paul to return money from white separatists.

This is the type of headline that when I see, I run straight to the comments section.  You understand the Ron Paul / Rand Paul base of national supporters who do that “Keyboard Warrior” stance on any “attack” on the Pauls, especially in this tight Senate race where, you know, the election could hinge on any single comment.

So we shift to a weird Equivalency … GEORGE SOROS!!!!
Conway’s campaign has accepted significant support from far left “progressive” groups like and donations from globalist billionaire George Soros (who has for example, bankrolled gun control/ban schemes the world over).
Conway’s campaign must immediately return that money and repudiate support from such as Soros and the MoveOn group since the leftist ideology they represent is totally “out of touch” with Kentucky values.
As is pretty much everything else Conway professes to support.

Hm.  That seems to the be a major theme.

when Conway returns the money from George Soros, I;m sure Rand Paul would do like wise.
Conway has spent 98% of his time tell Rand Paul what to do and none of the time telling the voters what he (Conway) would do in the Senate. I guess Obama and Reid will just tell Conway what to do if all parties somehow make it to Washington in Jan. 11.

Then there’s what Jack Conway represents:
From American Third Party Website =
Tidal Wave of Mexicans Flee into Texas from Self-Created Crime Disaster
Nearly a quarter of a million Mexicans have fled the drug-crime disaster ===
I made first visit to the A3P website this morning. The above is a reverse of the smear Conway directed towards Ran Paul. Do you really want Jack Conway representing you in Congress?

Anti-White Hatred Reaching New Zenith
Government anti-white hostility and pressure from the Obama-backed NAACP are the reasons why the Black Panthers who racially abused and threatened whites outside a Philadelphia polling station were not prosecuted, two former Department of Justice (DOJ) officials have revealed. JACK CONWAY SUPPORTS VIOLENCE AND THE BLACK PANTHERS.

There is a group of individuals who I gather are hoarding the Ron Paul Liberty Dollars.:
C’mon! I’m BEGGING the CJ to unleash their October Surprise against Rand Paul NOW! I’m so excited and eager for what they will try to concoct to help Conway that I can hardly stand it. (Well, not really…but I thought I would pretend so the CJ Editors think they still yield some influence).
On second thought, I’m going to go to bed. Yaaaawwwwwn…..

‘Cause you see… there can be no negative news about Ron and Rand Paul.  Every campaign utterance from the opposition … is a dirty trick.

And What I look forward to most of all… clarification of the donors.

Where did the “white” come into play with the separatist.
The movement is for an independent South.
Its biggest change would be elimination of public schools and more focus on religion. A place where the state flag would fly above the Federal flag.
In testimony from several people who have attended meetings nothing of race was ever mentioned.
All races are encouraged to join.
They want the southern culture and values to rise again.
Agree or disagree, only a liberal rag could put race into a non race story.
Some people are proud of there white heritage and are tired of having to carry white guilt for something they had nothing to do with. This country celebrates every races heritage and achievements except European (white). These people are tired of this and want to be proud of who they are and where they came from. Conway can go join the black caucus if he wants since there is no white alternative and to even bring up leads some to believe me a racist.

These comments don’t mention that both Paul and Conway are extraterrestrials here to prepare us for the alien colonization of earth. PUT ON YOUR TIN FOIL HATS SO THEY CAN’T CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS!

Modern Republicanism

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Upon Dwight Eisenhower’s landslide victory in 1956, against the backdrop of party losses, from Stephen E Ambrose Nixon — The Education:

“You know why this is happening, Dick?” he finally said.  “It’s all those damned mossbacks and hard-shell conservatives we’ve got in the party.  I think that what we need is a new party.”  His thoughts turned to the crowd waiting in the ballroom.  “You know,” Eisenhower said, “I think I will talk to them about Modern Republicanism.”  Nixon was aghast.  He had tied his fortunes to the Republican Party, as it was and without any preceding adjectives.  He strongly urged the President to avoid any such language, but Eisenhower did it anyway.  When he announced his victory for the Modern Republicanism, party regulars took it as a boast that he had won by himself, and as a threat to the Old Guard.  As Nixon laconically noted in his memoirs, this caused a “slightly sour note in some Republican circles.”
It would have been even sourer if Republicans had known that their President soon began scribbling on legal pads during especially dull meetings a list of those who he felt might join him in a new party, which he wanted to call the Americans for Modern Republicanism Party.  Nixon’s name headed all his lists.  Fortunately for Nixon, the thought of a third party always remained a fantasy.  […] As Eisenhower must have known, Nixon outside the Republican Party was as unimaginable as Truman outside the Democratic Party.


Decades later, Nixon contemplated dropping the Republican Party and forming a party around his values.  It seems everyone wants to create a third party under his own image.
What ate at Eisenhower as the 1960 presidential contest came into focus?  The threat of two parties seeking increases in Domestic Spending, sure, but also tax cuts and especially increases in Military Spending.  Sounds like a good party.

When Eustace Mullins, Daniel Estulin, and WizardKing78 take over from Kesha Rogers, Rachel Brown, and Summer Shields

Monday, September 27th, 2010
I first spotted Owen Roe and called him out as an entity in the Larouchian Wikipedia Project last July.  It took a good two months for him to be booted.  It came with the “To the Keyboards! All Hands on Deck!” fight for the soul of the “View of Larouche and the Org” article,  which was in the process of being overhauled and under some wikipedia protection or other — seen here in explaining his claim of “Neutrality”.

Will Beback:  It’s regrettable that, once again, the discussions here have been driven and dominated by socks of HK. It further proves that new editors who come to LaRouche topics are almost always HK socks. Even though they hang out with HK on another site, I assume good faith on the part of Cla68 and Lar in commenting here.
Also deleted from Wikipedia:  Cuchulin.  Brian of Kincora — who has a thing for clearing out the word “climate change denial”.  S Fursi.  May be a few others.
The Kesha Rogers Campaign continues full frontal no nonsense campaigning,  aligned right up with the current line from the Weekly Reports.
“Have you been brainwashed to think, ‘We’ll vote him out in 2012…’? Not only is that merely a political line being fed to the American people, to create impotency, it’s the same line the German opposition government fed its people, in 1933,” said Rogers in a campaign release. “In reality, Republicans aren’t any more serious about impeaching Obama, than the Democrats were about impeaching Cheney and Bush in 2006, because they, like the Democrats in 2006, are generally more interested in using the desperation of the population to score a political victory for themselves, than in saving the country from bankruptcy and disintegration. The crisis the world is facing isn’t operating on election cycles–the crisis is such that Obama has to go now.”
Pete Olson stands behind the new “Pledge”, which is… hyperbolic.  Anyway, some Democrats who are not voting for Kesha Rogers…

Straight ticket? My choices for US Congress are.
Now I vote a straight Democratic ticket, something that I think Jim Sharp depends on to some degree. But I am already on the lookout for Kesha Rogers’ name to deselect before I cast my straight Democratic ballot. She doesn’t deserve to be elected dog catcher.
To be sure, she has support from other anonymous blog commenters … see:
She has my vote. Read her position papers. She seems very practical. Which clashes with the majority view: So where’s the plan for the space port so the ships from Alpha Centauri can land?
Maybe you can report the paragraph following the clip here in a non-ironic voice and claim it as creditable favorable coverage?

A while ago, I noticed an “Impeach” bumper sticker, familiar from the Bush Administration.  It was left over from then, but I wondered if it’s the equivalent of a bumper sticker to an old presidential campaign (Kerry / Edwards) never plastered off, or if it’s a continuation.  Anyway, reading the “Pledge” with the rhetoric about the “Public not Consenting” — it strikes me that Impeaching Presidents somewhat willy nilly for the crime of Low Approval Rating or Loud Opposition would lead to a situation that is sort of, well, Weimar-Esque.  I thought we consented  to Obama as head of the Executive Branch for a four year duration?

Evidently if you watch this week’s “Weekly Report”, we will find the Cult Leader spouting — alongside John Hoefel and Debra Freeman and Harley Schlanger — the “urgency” —
somewhere with the ancient question of the Difference between Baboon and Human —
“What we have to do is get the president  out of office. […] “   “Put the right pressure out, and he will take himself out.  We just want to get him out in a bloodless way.  Once he’s out…”  GLASS STEAGAL, Baby!
7 minutes in, he pulls the “Suicide” tact with regard to Barack Obama.  Interesting creeps, these guys, “Leading politicians in his position tend toward suicide.  […] Don’t assume he’s going to survive.”
If you watched more than that, Congratulations.
How, then, does one confront LaRouche’s followers claiming that President Obama will usher in a new age of Nazi British rule? The only option is with pity.

There is something familiar with this diagnosis of Obama.  Charles Krauthammer does something somewhat similar, actually — but here we just see an example of playing Tribal Politics and the raw political prejudices the Larouche Org is playing with.  (Capitol Hill Blue beats Larouche out.)

To play in this Fantasy World,  Is there a rift between Larouche and his supposed old allies?  Barney Frank … severely wounded by the Rachel Brown Campaign, right? … brings out the Big Guns!
The high school jazz band is playing and the chorus is singing songs from “The Sound of Music,” as this aging industrial city close to the Rhode Island border becomes ground zero for the nation’s political battle today.
Former president Bill Clinton is at Taunton High School urging the crowd to return Barney Frank to congress, and to vote other Democrats into office.

But this would not be as big a rift as with the anti-Tony Blair forces!

But the campaign electioneering of Kesha Rogers, Rachel Brown, and Summer Shields are… in the end… Novelty Acts.  These exercises don’t amount to match.  To assess the stamp of the Larouche org on the body politick, you really have to turn to the World of Conspiracsim nd some political paranoia and within the Conspiracy Industry — though it’s always a curious matter of figuring out who is swimming in whose pond — or spitting in whose pool.  It seems somehow appropriate that with the Rachel Brown campaign laid aside at last — and Barney Frank’s Landslide Victory showing the utter Rejection on the part of Boston to Brown — despite , or maybe BECAUSE OF appeals such as this:
In the Mass primary a vote for Rachel Brown could be the finish of the Obama Presidency because it’s a vote for the Glass-Steagall policy and knocking out the controllers behind the current disaster. The media and the Barney camp are trying to demoralize vote.  So get all of your friends and family to the polls on Sept.14, open from 7am to 8pm. Independents have to request a Dem Party ballot to vote for Rachel Brown.

the Conspiracism of various Personalities in the world of Conspiracy Crap come front and center.  It is Eustace Mullins, Daniel Estulin, and 9/11 Truth.

Just over a week ago, a respectable polling institue actually unveiled the answers to a poll on approval for a Glenn Beck lead Religious Movement.  My immediate thought on hearing this news is … Who asks such a question, and Why?  Anyway, the man responsible more than anyone else right now for mainstreaming old John Birch Society tracts stepped into the fore with Eustace Mullins … xlcer went to Dennis King’s book and came up with this:
In 1984 the Sons of Liberty republished War! War! War! with an introduction by Eustace Mullins, a scholarly anti-Semite who is friendly with the LaRouchians and attended their 1984 annual convention. The Sons of Liberty also launders LaRouche’s neo-Cincinnatus doctrines into white supremacist circles via the pamphlets of the Christian Defense League’s Dr. John Coleman. Scores of Coleman’s pamphlets have titles similar to those of LaRouchian articles or books and contain identical analyses. They never mention LaRouche’s name, yet the ideas are his. Mullins, who is a contributing editor of Coleman’s World Economic Review, says that Coleman “claims to have mysterious connections in British intelligence, but for the last ten years all he’s done is copy LaRouche’s stuff.” Thus does the LaRouchian message circulate in the swastika-and-bedsheet crowd, while LaRouche, the self-styled friend of the White House, is spared unnecessary public embarrassment.
You know… I am naturally fascinated by the idea that Jeff Steinberg voiced anger that “David Ickes” was stealing his stuff, which is something of an Onion headline.

Next, we get Fidel Castro quoting Daniel Estulin quoting Lyndon Larouche.  The name “Daniel Estulin” is familiar, and looking about I see he pops into my view because he’s one of those guys who makes a pilgrimage to the Bilderberg Meetings to shout at buildings.  And, all I had to do was read the Alexandar Cockburn article on the same topic to see that he made an impression on me (and anyone else who keeps a sideways glance over toward Alex Jones) when he reported that the “Elites” were planning on assassinating Ron Paul.
Ron Paul has an edge up over Lyndon Larouche in not being the source of his “Elites are  coming to Assassinate Me” conspiracy theories.

And next, David Lindsay approves of the 9/11 Truther Speech at the UN of Iranian President through the “Equivalence” Method.
Ahmadinejad’s theories about 9/11 are exactly as sane as any belief in an Iranian nuclear weapons programme, or in such a programme’s threat to America or Britain even if it existed, or in “al-Qaeda”, or in “the global terrorist network”, or in “Taliban” distinct from the Pashtun as a whole, or in any connection between Afghanistan and 9/11, or in any connection between Iraq and 9/11, or in WMD in Iraq, or in such WMD as a threat to America or Britain even if they had existed, or that Obama was not born in America, or in anything peddled by the supporters of Lyndon LaRouche, one of whom is the Democratic nominee in the 22nd Congressional District of Texas. Except that Ahmadinejad (like, to be fair, LaRouche) has never started a war.
Didn’t you hear — he declared War on Great Britain?
Incidentally, we have one of the first visitors to this Sacred Ground.

One more item of some interest.  It’s, um, WizardKing78… surely right up there with Eustace Mullins and Daniel Estulin?

I think LaRouche was eluding to the powerful British (Jewish) bankers, the Rothschilds, who own the Federal Reserve and most of America’s debt. Their puppet, Obama, is now set on bankrupting the US completely by piling on trillions more in debt whilst crippling industry with such measures as cap-and-trade. […]
Somewhere in there, and the Front of various causes, puts a lie to this:
Also, again, you do realize that the major majority of Hitler as Obama posters are from Larouche Group – a liberal group who was mad he didn’t go for public option – don’t you?
Raise your hand if you seriously think the Larouche org favors any damned Health Care policy proposal?  (Incidentally, they faked support for “Single Payer” and not faked support for  a”Public Option”.)
The “Whirr” Laroucher guy gives a reporter Hell for referring to them as “right wing”.
Anyway… Big Government and Breitbart has stuck up a new video throwing the Larouchies out of the “Tea Party” rallies.  Actually, there are some interesting comments here.
Nice try. LaRouche is so far right he makes John Birch look like a Commie freak.

My first encounter with La Douche was August 28th 2010 I was with two friends at an Impeach Obama Rally in San Diego. There was one guy with that same poster, Obama with a Hitler mustache. My friend from L.A. who oddly enough is a poster here too said they were a Leftist organization. I had no idea, I never paid attention before. I went up to him and asked what he had to say. Well it was plenty boring and I’m awful at shooting film but here is the video I captured . He states at the beginning he is with La Rouche, my camera doesn’t stray much from his face. Even though he’s darned good looking, he creeped me out plenty. It was almost like he was trying some type of mind control <<<I know that sounds weird.

Am I right in saying that LaRouche went to jail due to trying to start a third party?

That’s a new one!

Does anyone know who La rouche is or have you read he is a liberal socialist and just keep repeating the same old lies. La Rouche wants to impeach Obama , G. Soros and all the corrupt members of the fed government. La rouche seems very sane but I believe most of you just type whatever someone else does like a dog salivating when the dinner bell is rung. pathetic. I also assume that people who think La Rouche is a wacko feels the same about truthers, birthers, and people who think Hemp should be the Trillion dollar crop that could save this country from going under as just someone who likes getting high and you still support the government when it comes to making hemp illegal.

” I also assume that people who think La Rouche is a wacko feels the same about truthers, birthers”
Well, yeah.
And, dude? I’d stay away from the hemp.

So, beyond this… Some of the Political Activism in Spreading the Message.  WASHINGTON DC!!!
I’ve recently seen some really surprising graffiti in DC:  on the outer loop of the Beltway, just after the I-95 merger someone has neatly printed on the overpass “End the Fed”.  And this evening as I was driving toward DuPont on Massachusetts Avenue, I saw a banner hanging down from the railing above the 14th Street underpass (at 13th Street) that showed a snake divided into pieces and was labeled “Glass-Steagall or Die”.  I haven’t been able to get a picture of either, unfortunately.  I’m not really sure what to say other than that this is pretty different than the Folk and People tags I grew up with.
Graffiti, huh?  Interposed on the Tea Party favorite.  Can’t the Larouchies spring for a billboard, or are those too controlled by Clear Channel that would censor such a message

Woodridge, Illinois, and the Fight Between the Larouchies and the Kiwanis Club.
Five men and women, wearing red bibs, handed out packets of peanuts and collected donations in empty milk jugs Thursday at Lemont Road and 75th Street. Meanwhile, a lone figure wearing an “Impeach Obama” sandwich board handed out fliers depicting the president with a Hitler-style mustache, denounced Obama’s policies.
I think the Kiwanians won.
Congratulations to the Activism of Jacob Johnson — you made Le Monde in their look of the American Political Scene.
We got some action in Indiana, complete with a rarity — an email alerting everyone to the next “Historic Webcast”.

The flier, dated Feb. 7, 2010, was created by the (Lyndon H.) LaRouche Political Action Committee, a well-known organization for such materials.
The man handing them out seemed eager to give me the flier and even more eager to take my name and phone number before I had to speed away to make the green light.
I’ll let you know what his staffers tell me when they call. Stay tuned.
ANSWER!!! […]But what I would recommend are two things: a video that goes through the importance and history of Glass Steagall and the debate between Barney Frank and his first opponent in 30 years, our 29-year-old Rachel Brown. […] We did him mortal damage. He’s not much use anymore to the bankers that own him […]
Other than those two, there is a wonderful 3-D tour of the water project which will launch the solutions, the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) and a new one on the application of NAWAPA to Africa, as well as the daily update from Sept 12 which has an interview with the chief economist of our publication, John Hoefel on the Inter-Alpha Group of banks. You are guaranteed to learn a lot!
The other thing you should know, is that every week Mr LaRouche does the Weekly Update, […]Get to know him, he’s the Ben Franklin of our day.

(But maybe they’ve gotten good in the way of Responses.)

The evening lasted exactly THREE hours, not because she spoke that long, but because people wanted to talk about this and ask questions. Unfortunately the better part of one hour of the Q & A was dominated by a Lyndon LaRouche guy in the back row who asked the first question – “Will the bailout be null and void if Obama is proved ineligible?” He then followed up with numerous comments about government spending, the need for a national strike and the Federal Reserve among other things. Finally some lady stood up and said, enough- she didn’t come to hear him talk about all the problems in the country but that she was there to hear Mrs Taitz talk about Obama’s eligibility. Steam came out the ears of the LaRouche guy, he grabbed his Mt. Rushmore hat off the floor and made a few comments about her to those sitting next to him. He then went out to talk on his phone (which, BTW, twice during the meeting, loudly rang twice for about six rings each time before he was able to get up and out the door to answer it).

I suspect these guys in Utah are like the Alaska Protester:
I always hear his people talking on tthe local am radio and they always speak higjly of the New Deal and suggest a similar program to get the economy going again.

FINALLY — The Summer Shields Campaign continues:
“I think it’s an accurate description of the policies being presented by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi,” said Michael Moberg, 76. “If we get Obama out of office we can save the country.”
Uncertainty towards the banner’s actual meaning and purpose was rampant, however, Alli Perebikovsky, a 23-year-old volunteer on the Shields’ campaign and the banner’s designer, said it was representative of the similarities she saw between Obama’s healthcare plan and Hitler’s Action T4 Euthanasia program.
According to the Larouche Org,  Summer Shields and his campaign have been reigniting the Scientific Community with multiple new projects.  Boing Boing has actually covered some of this.

America is more than a country.

Friday, September 24th, 2010

America is more than a country.

That is always a good start rhetorically.  I can think of better, but  “Four Score and Seven Years Ago” is already taken, after all.

We then move onward, and try to fit something on the order of “When in the course of human events it” to justify such rhetoric.

In a self-governing society, the only bulwark against the power of the state is the consent of the governed, and regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent.

The dictates of our framework of government, they consented to the head of the Executive Branch for a four year duration.  Other pieces and parcels of the government — in the legislative brach, they’ve consented to one 435th of the House for a two year duration and 1 percent of the Senate for a six year duration.

An unchecked executive, a compliant legislature, and an overreaching judiciary have combined to thwart the will of the people and overturn their votes and their values, striking down long-standing laws and institutions and scorning the deepest beliefs of the American people.

Hm.  Our “deepest beliefs” are contradictory.
Take off the mandates for coverage in the state of Nevada and all over the United States,” she shouts. “But here you know what I’m talking about. You’re paying for things you don’t even need.
“They just passed the latest one, is everything that they want to throw at us now is covered under ‘autism’,” she said, using exaggerated air quotes to deliver the word ‘autism.’

No, it doesn’t make any sense.  Everyone is checking the Executive, most of all the Cloture votes of the Minority Party.  The Legislator is not compliant, except perhaps in the way it’s been compliant since arguably the Dawn of the Cold War and arguably the James Polk Administration in the way of handling the “Commander in Chief”.  Watch in coming years to see where this takes us.
If we’re referencing the use of “Czars”, it should be noted that somehow the Democratic Senator who has made an issue of this (characterized as the sole voter against the Patriot Act) faces serious “Tea Bag Republican” opposition.  The supposed “not straight Republican” alignment fails to materialize.
 The Judiciary overarched itself with “Citizen’s United”, perhaps, but that is not what they have in mind.  What they have in mind, though I doubt many of them believe it, is something along the lines of this Judicial Philosophy – which leads to demanding everything pass through Constitutional Amendments.  (It’s what I heard Mark Levin demand of Obama’s Health Care policies last week.)

Senate Judiciary Republicans threatened Thursday to block President Barack Obama’s nominees for lower courts from clearing the full chamber, and panel Democrats accused them of making unwarranted objections.
Jeff Sessions is right — this Judiciary is out of Control!

Whenever the agenda of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to institute a new governing agenda and set a different course.

Elections.  We have quite a few of them.  Hardly Revolutionary.  The results all contradict other results, such that the people institue new governing agendas while affirming the last governing agenda.

An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many.

There are many avenues to “request input”.  The Republican Party wound through a lot of avenues to pick up ideas — before discarding all of them that weren’t already part of their program anyways.   One avenue the Republicans tried was through a wesbite.

On the website America Speaking Out, Congressional Republicans asked the public to be part of “building its new governing agenda.” Decriminalizing and or legalizing marijuana use was among the highest ranking idea submitted in the “American Values” category.

Also high on the list — Poker.
Perhaps there is a selective bias on who would respond to the query, but to point out the selective bias is to expose the trials and travials of “accepting or requesting the input of the many”.  To be fair, Obama himself dismissed the same selecion bias when requesting input from the many.
Many avenues to accept and request input of the many.  In a heterogenous country, you can’t please them all.

For too long, Congress has ignored the proper limits imposed by the Constitution on the federal government. Further, it has too often drafted unclear and muddled laws, leaving to an unelected judiciary the power to interpret what the law means and by what authority the law stands. This lack of respect for the clear Constitutional limits and authorities has allowed Congress to create ineffective and costly programs that add to the massive deficit year after year. We will require each bill moving through Congress to include a clause citing the specific constitutional authority upon which the bill is justified.

Interesting note from people who’d theoretically be sympathetic to this viewpoint.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, for example, explicitly cites the Commerce Clause for its sweeping new authority to require every American to buy health insurance. That allows ObamaCare to pass muster under this section of the “Pledge to America,” which is probably not what the House Republicans had in mind. One way or another, controversial laws are going to end up in court.

Mourning in America

For the policy agenda — I suppose it is good to jump ahead of a moving car in a likely Republican Midterm Agenda to be able to claim some mantle of some kind.  The line must be drawn here, no further – The Bush Era Tax rate must be extended on the top marginal rate above $250K.  It’s what the Founders were fighting for.


Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Lady Gaga — is she any good? — planted herself in Maine to agitate Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe to vote to advance the ending of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” into the Defense Authorization Bill.  The two, long voicers of support for this policy objective, hatched onto procedual grounds in crossing Lady Gaga.  Too late in coming in on behalf of Sound Procedure — the telling vote count was 57 to 42, (Reid later shifted to make it 56 to 43 to bring back up again as needed).  Last I checked, this was a majority.  And it has become the not checked assumption — 60 — the procedural evolution which Obama never challenged, to his fault.

Unless about Snowe and Collins votes serve as a tug, their vote did not matter anyway.  Blanche Lincoln voted no.  Weirdly, as she is politically a dead woman walking — it may figure that it is politically wise of her in Arkansas, but down 2 to 1 in the polls, who cares?  (But maybe she stands in that cultural conservatism herself).

What I have to wonder about with teh two Maine Senators, I guess Snowe moreso than Collins, is the value of a Senate seat in the first place.  Say the reports of her lamentations are true about that which happened in Delaware.  Say she also wants to continue public service on behalf of the Great State of Maine.  There looks to be a reasonably safe landing in the Maine governor’s seat.  If the fire-crackers to her right are chomping at her still there, she would in be in a good position to short-circuit them and run as an Independent.

Observation… one answer to this question — Should Democrats be about Tea Party votes?  — was, I think, answered by the absence of Rand Paul in the 3 person image of O’Donnell, Angle, and Miller — even though if that article were published months ago, he would be on the list. 
Also see the double digit lead by former Bush Budget Director in the Senate race in Ohio.  To focus on Republican Extremists is to lose sight of Regular Republicans… even let them flow right on through without comment.

Did you hear about the Tea Party being exported to Great Britain?

Looking about the blogosphere, I see we have entered that political season where everyone is latching onto polls on a selective basis.  Naturally the Republicans love Rasmussen.  Democrats jump over to various odd polls showing a tie in the New Hampshire or Missouri Senate race, which compels immediate Republican commenter debunking and questioning of the poll methodology — which they would not show to similar polling outlier results with West Virginia… Wisconsin… etc.  It’s a weird dynamic.

Celebrity Political Activism continues apace in twitter form.

“@senjohnmccain the language in defense bill says it will not enforce DADT repeal until pentagon review + president signs. Why block debate?” tweeted Gaga.

So far, McCain hasn’t responded.

Probably more people reading John McCain’s twitter from reports of non-response to Lady Gaga than to see, oh:
Cards @ Atlanta – #GoCards!! 2:04 PM Sep 19th via Twitter for iPhone
Just once I’d like to see a politician openly rooting for the non-home team.


Obama’s Town Hall Meeting

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

I’m somewhat sympathetic to the cold-hearted answer given by Reason to the “Still waiting” woman, which is to point the pitfalls of the “personal situation” question to political actors.  It is not even an assessment on whether Obama has “Done Enough” in tilling and forming and getting through beneficial policies for economic benefit.

Then again, it doesn’t take toolong to wade into Reason blog commenters to get the crux of their problem.

Getting the fuck out of the way and letting the economy recover on its own would be a start.

Hm.  Won’t work.  I guess a crop of “Tea Party” candidates will push to repeal the twentieth century for that effect.

Still, at least she is connected to worldly relatable concerns.  This Hedge Fund Manager is clueless.  Just call him Mr. Pinata Guy.

At one point, however, a hedge fund manager stepped to the microphone to complain on behalf of Wall Street that the financial community was tired of being treated like a pinata. In his response, Obama pointed out that last year, the top 25 hedge fund managers earned an average of a billion dollars apiece. A billion bucks apiece. And he also suggested that a bit of perspective might be in order.
“Now, you know, I have been amused over the last couple years, this sense of somehow me beating up on Wall Street. I think most folks on Main Street feel like they got beat up on. I’ll be honest with you. There’s probably — there’s a big chunk of the country that thinks that I have been too soft on Wall Street. That’s probably the majority, not the minority…. It’s a two-way street. If you’re making a billion dollars a year after a very bad financial crisis where 8 million people lost their jobs and small businesses can’t get loans, then you shouldn’t feel put upon.”

At that point, the CNBC moderator jumped in to note that in the cover story in Forbes magazine, Obama is described as having an “anti-colonial attitude” toward business and that Steve Schwarzman, a prominent hedge-fund manager, had likened Obama’s proposed tax treatment of hedge-fund earnings as “a war … it’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

Obama responded by pointing out that the hedge fund manager and his colleagues are paying a tax rate of 15 percent on what they earn, which is a considerably lower rate than their secretaries have to pay.
“The notion that somehow, me saying ‘Maybe you should be taxed more like your secretary, when you’re pulling home a billion dollars or a hundred million a year,’ I don’t think is me being extremist or anti-business,” Obama said.

Anthony Scaramucci, huh?  No, I’m not for Class Warfare — at least as Properly Defined, but he was the one who brought up the Pinata Metaphor.

In other news of that Scarmucci type, Ben Stein is not you.