Noted from Lloyd Dangle’s “Troubletown”. And noted from the Obama Protest in Seattle this week: That’s Linden LaRouche eyes. I assume that’s an homage to the thing about “Shark’s Eyes” and not to “Bette Davis Eyes”. (This “Larouche Piano Player” can surely play that song.)
Solving the question of where the org gets its money — apparently from the Aerospace Industry and from a Kathy Magraw. The money goes to… well, make a chart and see if it flows right.
$3,142,142 was paid to LaRouche Youth. This is not child support (LaRouche is said to have a rather comprehensive prescriptive abortion program) – it’s the cadre of young LaRouche followers, known as LaRouchies, who are instructed and who instruct in the teachings of LaRouche. The LaRouche Youth group has been compared to a cult. Photos show that members of the group wear pajamas in public.
Maybe the can hit Ed Asner up again? Disatisfaction is growing, and for all we know he might be a late Hillary supporter:
He demanded I give them $10. I explained to him that I was a college student (probably a mistake based on what I read today online after this happened!) and that I couldn’t give much. I eventually gave him $2 just to shut him up. He also took my name, address, and e-mail (I refused to give out my phone number) and gave me a bunch of bogus literature–this old issue of a Scientific American wannabe magazine and these flyers he suggested I give to my local congressman (whom I know, and I know he would dismiss them as being garbage–Britain is our enemy and needs to be wiped out?!? Yeah right, and if that’s true, Al Gore may as well be a supporter of dino oil over green alternatives). The dude told me to invite everyone to come so he could raise $1000.
I bolted from that place as soon as I could. I lost $2, but it’s better than losing $10. Then I got home and looked up LaRouche, whose name was on some of these flyers. The more I read the less I wanted to know. I wrote to Mr. King, who runs a site detailing the evilness of these activities, to get some answers about what to do from here.
Mr. King told me not to panic and that the worst they’d probably do is call. Considering I never gave them my phone number, this seems likely. Junk mail doesn’t bother me, as it just goes in the recycling bin, and junk e-mail is even easier to filter. However, I’m still concerned about these guys–what if they come to my door or something?
The only really controversial bunch was a handful of people waving signs for the loony activist Lyndon LaRouche. I’m loathe to even show them, because they represent no actual constituency or ideology; their biggest interest is in drawing Hitler mustaches on people and handing out leaflets filled with conspiracy theories. They can be reliably expected to show up to any rally held for whatever reason in Seattle. But for the sake of completeness…
According to the Lloyd Dangle cartoon, the “Vocational Right” is hiring.
Chester A Arthur with a Hitler mustache. Get on it now!
Some observations. Summer Sheilds had a total of one media mention this week. This is one more than Kesha Rogers. Meanwhile, Rachel Brown Mania is sweeping — and we should note that she’s changed her middle name.
The new Ipsofacto poll has come out. Rachel Brown is now heading straight on a collision course with destiny — bolting ahead to a 60 to 40 lead over Barney Frank. Reports are, some are saying, that Bareny Frank is already working on his concession speech, and will shortly make it available on the website Barney Frank will then follow the career trajectory of Jerry Vorhiss, who spent his life after his 1946 Congressional loss to Richard Nixon writing anti-Nixon books, and write periodic books blasting dining room tables.
The primary contest now just a mere formality, attention turns to Rachel Brown’s general election campaign against Republican Joel Pollack (No… he’s running in Illinois.).– or maybe Sean Hannity favorite Sean Bielet. Reports are, some are saying, that the Republican campaigns are keeping a close eye on the upcoming Weenie Roost, which as of the 19th has mysteriously disappeared from the Rachel Brown campaign website listing of upcoming events. They ready themselves to file a frivolous complaint to the FEC, should the hot dogs not properly be itemized in the filing report.
Interesting to note as we approach the one year anniversary of the speech that propelled Rachel Brown’s candidacy, from the book “That’s Not an Angry Mob, that’s My Mom”:
Chief among the trash talkers is Congressman Barney Frank. During the health care debate he “quipped” (a word the press uses for remarks that are supposed to be jokes but aren’t actually funny) that being among tea party protesters was “like being trapped in a furniture warehouse.” This echoed an insult he hurled at a constituent during a townhall meeting. “Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table.”
Granted, the target of that second insult was a Lyndon Larouche kook, but she was a citizen. Why not just tell her, “I disagree with you” and politely move on to a more sane questioner. — Michael Graham, p 103
The book also contains a prominently placed blurb from Glenn Beck, who recently promised that after his radio tv and other media gigs go away, he will be keeping up the fight by yelling jeremiads against Woodrow Wilson to passing cars.
Wait. Is this person calling it all a scam?
If Rachel Brown is as wily as I expect she is (or maybe I’m just cynical from having seen too much precedent), she’s not looking to win — but to run a controversial campaign that titillates national hard-right groups into sending their carpetbagging money, in their dream of unseating Barney Frank. Add a shrewd accountant, and there’s potential to build up some nice benefits even as the campaign loses.Follow the money. To me, this looks like the Westboro Baptist Church (of Kansas) — causing controversy and offense for profit. […]
Now that I’ve been to the web site, I take it all back. Rachel Brown is a Lyndon LaRouche supporter, described (I think accurately) as ‘one of the strangest political groups in American history’.I got as far as Rachel rambling on in a video on her site about mining sources of Helium(3) on the moon that can be used as a power source for fusion nuclear reactors, and quantizing light waves …. I’m done.
He might be glad to hear that:
Meanwhile, a group has has been formed to oppose Brown and her tactics. Â I believe they’ve registered under the name Everyone.
Meantime, reports are — some are saying — that trouble is brewing with the Summer Shields write-in campaign. It comes from a rumored break of support from radio commentator Michael Savage. It has not gone unnoticed that Mr. Savage has failed to mention the Shields campaign for months now. Speculation has arisen that Michael Savage has grown angry over the lack of mention in the campaign literature and campaign appearances of Mr. Shields. The Ipsofacto exit poll for the Primary showed a full 63 percent of the zero votes that Summer Shields received in the primary contest against Nancy Pelosi came as a direct result of the Savage word of Endorsement, and the lack of reciprocality has angered the radio host. Alternate speculations rest on the idea that perhaps Michael Savage has simply forgotten about the whole monolouge, and moved back to his generic spiel about how all ther residents of the city he lives in and loathes with a passion are a bunch of sausages. One other possibility is that he disagrees with this Big Bad Government.
Armed with posters showing Democratic leaders with Hitler moustaches, two San Francisco women took to Red Bluff streets Wednesday, setting up just outside the Post Office on Walnut Street.
Campaigning on behalf of Lyndon LaRouche and LaRouche-backed congressional candidate Summer Shields, Tiffiny W and Joelle W, both of whom declined to give their last names, called for greater infrastructure spending and President Barack Obama’s impeachment.
Has gained one Republican supporter, you see at the end of the article. We await to see if he takes the time to write his name on the ballot.
At the time of Kesha Rogers’s primary victory in March, I was informed that this is “huge”, huger than Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts — and watch out for that “other” Brown in Massachusetts. Name dropping is kind of cool. Regionally, we turn to a neighboring state of Texas — where Oklahoma Democrats have nominated a Rogers of their own!
A man who runs for office nearly every election year but doesn’t formally campaign is the Democratic nominee to take on U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., this year.
Jim Rogers, a colorful perennial candidate, walked away the winner of the Democratic primary Tuesday with 65 percent of the vote over an Oklahoma City lawyer with an extensive career in business.
Name recognition and a well-known last name in Oklahoma fueled Rogers’ vote totals. The former college professor, who refuses to say where he taught, received 157,926 votes. His opponent, Mark Myles, who worked for IBM for 20 years before he went to law school, got 83,709 votes.
“Names matter,” said Ben Odom, a lawyer who is a longtime political consultant. “If you’re going to run for office in Oklahoma, you can’t have a better name than Rogers.”
Kesha Rogers has amped up her campaign rhetoric.
“Obama is clinically insane. The deep personality flaws of an obsessively self-obsessed President Obama, driving him to destroy the United States, are of the same failed quality as the Emperor Nero who destroyed Rome, and the Adolf Hitler who destroyed Germany (and much of Europe, too).
“Real patriots won’t sit around complaining about how Obama is going to murder the country; knowing his personality and intentions, they will act now, to force him out of office before the crime is committed. Anyone who doesn’t join my campaign, and demand that President Obama be impeached or resign now, has proven themselves to be just as insane, or as much of a traitor as Barack Obama is.”
Meh. What does Jim Rogers have to say about this?
In other election news, Ron Paulite favorite Peter Schiff — who ran on a campaign “if elected, Doom; if not elected, Doom” — lost the Connecticut Republican Primary for Senate. How is this relevant? I don’t know — you tell me.
It could be worse.
Those who have tended to compromise themselves by doubting this forecast during the past weeks, should think back to Aug 15, 1971, just 39 years ago today. Remember how Lyndon LaRouche stood alone against the whole world then, with just a tiny handful of friends, and fully and precisely forecast that epoch-making point of inflection. Every known economist stood on the other side; not only did they mock LaRouche and deny his forecast,— they even proved that it was a scientific impossibility, or so they claimed. In those days, LaRouche had relatively almost none of the international influence that he enjoys today. But he not only stuck to his egregious forecast; he loudly and abrasively insisted upon it, fully confident in the true scientific method of human creativity, of which we know so much more today than we did then. […]
This military-cum-scientific leadership role of ours has required successive scientific breakthroughs throughout, but even qualitatively much more so today, when LaRouche’s collaboration with “the Basement” has quite transformed this function.
Why is this tagged with “neo-con”?
The Jonathan Chait book “The Big Con”, makes a good mention of Lyndon Larouche — blames someone one degree of separation, maybe two, for Economic Disaster. Jude Wanninski. The upshot is that liberals called him a crackpot from back to the 1980s on, and conservatives called him a crackpot from the 1990s on, and one item of evidence presented is … y’know. Was she the chief person behind that widely believed claim that Hussein never gassed the Kurds? Somethings were annoying — sitting there in the “Now Saddam Hussein is not a nice guy, But” alongside some people who wouldn’t even accept that much..
This week’s banished sock puppet is Hanë qen qimedredhur. I have not translated it to know its meaning. I assume it’s very clever.
Elections in Australia! I’ll be sure to note the results.