Bill Lauten, Igor Panarin, Kesha Rogers, and Rachel Brown. Oh My!
Hm. In all my haste to figure out how many votes Summer Shield received in the June primary, I missed this candidate.
Yes, it’s Bill Lauten, receiving a full one hundred percent of the primary vote in the race to decide the American Independence Party candidate for State Treasurer of California. As you see from previous runs for office, he can not be bought.
A history of the American Independent Party is instructive. From a launching pad for the presidential bid of George Wallace in 1968, the party has since bumped up into the “Constitution Party” — a sort of Christian Reconstructionist political party — and is today splintered into two.   It’s the fate of third parties sometimes, more fun to be had in the comments section. I do believe that the word “Independent” should be outlawed for use of any political party — loaded as it is, and there’s a pattern (seen in Oregon recently) of an “Independent Party” launching and immediately taking its place as third political party — for use with potential Fusion law corruption.
So, as per Bill Lauten:
Here’s 4 examples of LaRouche credibility.
I will be sure to follow the campaign of Bill Lauten on into November’s destiny with — what did he get last time? 5 percent of the vote? He’ll fall short of that.
(4) LaRouche PAC bring the Glass-Steagall resolution to city councils.HINT: Is Beth Krom still on the Irvine City Council? If not will she sign anyway?
Sure, why not? A curious thing to note about the recent LPAC article “LaRouche Announces the Role He’ll Play In a Post-Obama Administration” — looking ahead, I suppose for the year 2013 or 2017 when — assuming he’s still alive — he’ll play the same role he’s been playing for the past forty years — the articles listed — a lot of disgruntled Huffington Post articles — would do well to be linked to so that I can see them for myself. I am a bit curious to note this dangling bit, though:
“Prison Planet” asks, “Do you feel independent knowing that Congress has tried to stop Glass-Steagall?” Similarly commentator Bob Moriarty.
It is worth noting that “Prison Planet” did not ask that question, but this guy. Still, they picked this piece up from Prison Planet. That’s worth something. I don’t know about the next dangling sentence fragment — a lack of proof-reading, I suppose. Anyway, FANTATIC:
A new spirit abroad, namely a qualitatively new phase in the complex, self-changing mind of the mass-strike process, could be seen in the reports from Kesha’s campaign on July 4, when among many other developments, her “impeachment” float was given the trophy for “best individual float” in the Stafford, Texas parade. “No coincidence,” Lyndon LaRouche said. Something similar was seen earlier at the Texas Democratic Convention, where 150 participants were convinced to sign the Glass-Steagall resolution even while complaining that they didn’t want to sign anything which bore LaRouche’s name. It is reported that such changes are shown in the new, live-camera interviews of field organizing.
I am very much interested in seeing the float, and the floats that the “Impeach Float” beat out. I sought out a question for someone from the City of Stafford, Texas — am not holding my breath for a response. I suppose, given that this is the most exciting moment of the Kesha Rogers Campaign so far — the cleanest show of some public approval since the March Nomination — they would do well to post the float, replete with Blue Ribbon or Golden Trophy, or whatever prize trinket the Float received.
Mother Jones dropped the ball in failing to report on the Float victory.
But in late June, that didn’t stop Rogers from showing up with a posse of her supporters at the state party’s annual convention in Corpus Christi, where they handed out leaflets and periodically broke into song—Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus,” to be precise, to emphasize the LaRouche movement’s belief in a classical Western education. “People were very moved by this,” Rogers says. “They want leadership, they want beauty.” Rogers adds that some delegates even contributed money to her campaign on the spot, though she couldn’t specify exactly how much she raked in at the event.
Outside the convention center, however, the scene was less than harmonious. About a dozen of Rogers’ supporters were ordered to move off the grounds, prohibited from wearing their campaign T-shirts or distributing campaign literature on the premises since they were not official delegates. They ended up moving their operation to the sidewalk a few blocks down the road. Matt Glazer, an Austin Democratic strategist who attended the convention, declined to take a flyer from one LaRouche supporter—and says he was verbally assailed as a result. “He screamed out, ‘You guys are just as bad as the Republicans—as the Nazis,'” says Glazer, who claims the man continued by “calling me everything from a fag to an asshole, to telling me I had mental disabilities.” […]
In 2003, she was elected to become a local Democratic precinct chair in Harris County, serving for two years before she made an ultimately unsuccessful bid for chair of the Texas Democratic Party in 2006. “She was a very good speaker—very articulate, very passionate,” says political consultant Harold Cook, former executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, recalling Rogers’ speech. “She didn’t mention in her speech a single wacky thing that she believes…If I didn’t know her, I might have voted for her, too.”
Tomorrow, at Coffess Oasis down in Texas, Kesha Rogers and Ian Overton will put on a presentation. It will “develop a picture of the global economic breakdown crisis, and how the reinstatement of FDR’s 1933 Glass-Steagall banking law is essential if the USA is to regain control of its economy, and avoid a hyperinflationary collapse.”  I’ll instead defer to Igor Panarin.
On June 22, the 69th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, Prof. Igor Panarin escalated his current series of public attacks on the British Empire as the historical, “and contemporary,” adversary of Russia. “I find it necessary to repeat once again today,” said Panarin in an interview with, “that the leaders of the British Empire should confess to having organized both World War I and World War II, and a public tribunal should be organized to determine who organized the First and Second Wars, and why.” He said that holding such a tribunal now would be justified because of the “holocaust of the Soviet people” which resulted.
Professor Panarin is the Dean of History at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, best known for his forecast of the coming fragmentation of the United States. Few reports on his statements note, however, that Panarin attributes the anti-U.S. plan to a London-centered group of financiers.
Panarin told, “June 22 is a tragic date in our history. But I think that the sudden attack on the USSR by Germany was arranged not only by fascist Germany, but also by the British Empire. That might seem to be a paradox, since those two countries were adversaries at that moment. But, it is only strange at first glance.” The professor then reviewed his argument that some Bolsheviks, such as Leon Trotsky, were “agents of British Intelligence” (as established in Panarin’s recent video briefing, which highlighted Trotsky’s relationship with British spies Robert Bruce Lockhart and Sidney Reilly), who had been suppressed by Stalin. Unable to achieve the control over the Soviet Union which it had sought, said Panarin, “the British Empire decided to prepare World War II, where fascist Germany would act as the strike force for an attack on the USSR. It has long been no secret that it was the British (the Bank of England, in particular) who financed the Nazi Party….”
I think in plasting this revisionist Soviet nostalgia of Igor Panarin, the Larouche org just wants to validate the theory of Cliff Kincaid, percolating about, that Larouche and Alex Jones are Russian agents. See too that prison planet reference! It makes as much sense as launching yourself at Glass Steagal and claiming it as your own.
Lyndon LaRouche summed it up: “That’s what I expected. I’ve been waiting for these things to show up, because I knew they would tend to have to show up. In what form, I wouldn’t know in advance, but I knew it would have to happen.”
Or, the strange spectacle of Republicans wondering where their nation went since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980? Why does John Boehner refer to the “America they grew up in†– Tom Coburn contemplate loss of freedom from â€30 years ago†and Glenn Beck on the better times of 1979?
As I skip from Michael Moore’s to “Dude, Where’s My Country?†— 2003 — over to Jerry Doyle’s “Have You Seen My Country Lately?â€, I recognize one major difference. The “Left†throws a greater jab at contemporary popular culture than the “Rightâ€.
Here I would encourage you to read the wikipedia synopsis of “Dude Where’s My Car?â€Â In part because there’s a good chance you didn’t see it, and it behooves you to know a little bit more than you did before about various trifling irrelevancies.
As the public tempest had swelled, some wanted Washington impeached. Cartoons showed the President being marched to a guillotine. Even in the President’s beloved Virginia, Revolutionary veterans raised glasses and cried “A Speedy Death to General Washington!”
With the national surge of anger toward Washington, some Americans complained that he was living luxuriously as George III. Using old forgeries, several columnists insisted that Washington had been secretly bribed during the war by British agents.
Still others charged that the President stole military credit from soldiers who had bled and died. “With what justice do you monopolize the glories of the American Revolution?”
Reeling from the blows, the 63 year old Washington wrote that the “infamous scribblers” were calling him “a common pickpocket” in “such exaggerated and indecent terms as could scarcely be applied for Nero.”
Okay. Let’s finish by pointing to a big event in the Rachel Brown for Congress campaign, coming up in a month.
Come and participate in an evening of beauty, dignity, and joy in honor of the 200th birth year of Robert Schumann and the beautiful culture he fought to create. A concert of choral and solo works by Robert Schumann, W.A. Mozart, J.S. Bach, and other great, will be performed by campaign staff and guests. The Rachel Brown campaign is committed to reviving Classical humanist culture in a time where the Obama administration and lackeys such as Barney Frank, are degrading and killing off the population through savage budget cuts and fascist economic policies. Please bring your families and friends.
Bring your family and friends! as we battle the British Obama Frank stooges as they wipe off the population! Weee. Weeee.  Weeee.
July 9th, 2010 at 9:23 pm
Regarding the Independent Party of Oregon: Great point! God forbid that any party should grow to a sufficient degree that itn actually challenges the two-party system.
July 10th, 2010 at 10:08 am
It’s amazing how you calmly make fun of all the interesting initiatives of Rachel Brown, Kesha Rogers, other friends and not-quite-friends of LaRouche. What universe do you live in, buddy?
July 10th, 2010 at 11:54 am
Sal Peralta: Maybe I’ll expand on my comments in a different post, outside my weekly “Larouche Watch”. It was a throw-away comment as I noticed the number of votes the “American Indepedence Party” received in the June primary elections when compared to the Libertarian Party and the Green Party. In lieu of other concerns, at the moment I’ll just say, I’m just struck by the meaningless of the word “Independent”, and the perhaps purposeful confusion with the unaffiliated designation “Independent”.
Otherwise: Hi, Howie G. So, is Bill Lauten a freind, not quite friend of Larouche’s? “Interesting Initiatives”, eh? A good quip of claiming popular causes mixed into off the deep end end times sentiment. Note, for instance, the 150 participants were convinced to sign the Glass-Steagall resolution even while complaining that they didn’t want to sign anything which bore LaRouche’s name.
In the meantime, here’s a dailykos commenter making fun of Sharron Angle for her “American Independent Party” past (relates
Someone needs to set up a cadre of faux LaRouchies who can go to her rallies and events, with prominent signs supporting her, that have LaRouche codewords & phrases on ’em. And they should cheer for her enthusiastically, and give her a salute that looks just a teeny bit like a Nazi salute. Do it consistently so it gets in the media.
Note, these individuals should be dropped off and picked up by a vehicle that is sufficiently obscured (mud splatters work wonders for the fronts & rears of vehicles, including their license plates, and wash off easily after you’re done) that the rightie media can’t trace it and spoil the fun. And they should be wearing wrap-around mirrored sun glasses so they can’t be photographed & plugged into face-recognition, which depends on mapping the geometry between the eyes and the nose.
Brought to you in the public interest by the Department of Gray Ops.
Skipping around a little more:
You’re right on the money Bill. Don’t listen to the nay sayers…I voted for Obama because it was a vote against the Republicans/neo cons, not because I endorsed his promise of change which he obviously hasn’t kept. His real name as it turns out is Barry Sotero and he was not born in Hawaii…therefore he is not a natural born citizen. He is a pawn of the Ford Foundation…his mother worked for the Ford Foundation selling loans to 3rd World Countries at high rates so that they would default…so much for a legacy of benevolence….
The Alex Jones Show – June 23rd With John Coleman
Alex welcomes back to the show author John Coleman, a former British Intelligence Officer for MI6. Coleman has researched the Committee of 300 and the New World Order and its plan to establish a unified church and monetary system, oversee the destruction of all national identity and national pride, and establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control.
Woman: Obviously you don’t have this in your personal library.
The woman takes a paperback book out a stack on the table. It has a picture of a snarly Dick Cheney on the cover. Its title is Children of Satan.
It’s by Lyndon LaRouche.
Me: Lyndon LaRouche? You’re LaRouchies?
I look more closely at their poster. LaRouche’s name is right at the top along with the URL for his website.
Me: I’m sorry. I thought you were Tea Party types. If I’d known you were just crazy I’d have left you alone.
Man: You are so pathetic!
Me: Have a nice day.
Man: Pathetic.
George Cook AAreports: Do you think that as a member of congress you can if need be work with President Obama on certain issues?
Kesha Rogers: [in so many words, “no”.]