Historic Blog-Cast!
Friday, June 25th, 2010Rogers, like the other three unqualified candidates, probably woke up one morning and thought “I’m going to run for Congress” in the Democratic primary.
NOPE! It’s a coordinated political campaign, hatched — I suppose — by Harley Schlanger — to work the “Multi-Marketing Scam” aspect of the cult.
And they probably think they are going to win. Roger claims she will talk or sing to the Democratic delegates at their convention this weekend. I think she will be escorted right out the back door.
But that’s probably true. Even Summer Shields, who… is not on any ballot and never was.
Interesting tid-bit from the “Rachel Brown for Congress” campaign for the Great Post Office Tour.
I am glad that these were not Southbridge residents. They were members of the Lyndon LaRouche movement stumping for a candidate to oppose Barney Frank in the November election. The LaRouche Democrat is Rachel Brown. Her web site, with its errors in grammar and spelling, speaks for itself. They seem to have a problem with dates as well since at least 2 items are dated July 22, 2010. Perhaps this indicates a forward-looking candidate with clairvoyant premonitions of life on Mars.
Dot your “i’s”, dot your lower case “j’s”, cross the “t’s”, circle your “o’s”…
Or, in Summer Shield’s case… Register as a Democrat in time.  Summer Shields is still running for Congress in an unofficial “write-in” campaign. The next event is the next event for all of the campaigns — the nth millionth Historic Webcast. Then it’s back to the Post Office Tour. I, frankly, don’t understand the point of the Summer Shields campaign from hence-forward. Theoretically, the election campaign of these individuals would provide a focal point on the ballot for the various issues the org is campaigning on — Glass Steagal and Mars and so forth. But unless they’ve stumbled on the new “pre-candidacy”, and after Barney Frank wins the nomination Rachel Brown will continue forth a “Write-In” campaign, thus keeping this act up for all three of their candidacies on into November — I imagine they could just cart out the “Obama Hitler” poster in San Francisco sans “Summer Shields for Congress”.
I note as “interesting” that Summer Shields’s Campaign, and what I suppose would be the high point in terms of attention directed at it, was mentioned in a dossier for the Jeremiah Duggan legal inquest.
It is worth noting that out of the sixteen named individuals banned from entering the UK
since October 2009 7 two have publicly shown some support to Lyndon LaRouche’s:
1. STEPHEN DONALD BLACK whose Stormfront.org neo-Nazi website has
published supportive posts for LaRouche. For instance : Why White Nationalists
Should Vote For Lyndon LaRouche in 2004
commented: “When I read this stuff, it makes sense to me.†— Michael Savage,
reacting to the campaign of Summer Shield, the Larouche candidate for
Congress against Nancy Pelosi.
I can’t say I approve of that disgression, but I guess there is something there in the way of the org’s role as destructive demaougic presence. Recently factnet has been graced by a poster calling himself “Heavy Metal Suicide” who has been defending the California Ballot Initiative “PANIC”.  How did Michael Savage vote on that one?
It coule be worse. Kesha Rogers might have this supporter ?
As a man who identifies himself as African in America, I am excited that some folks who look like me might have a brain not wired to the national anti-black jewish cartel. There is a web site to document my statement: JEWISH DOMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF THE BLACK CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. Google it and read it with your own eyes. It was written, not by Minister Louis Farrakhan, but by Jewish scholars and has not been refuted. Grio should be about truth, not propaganda. Hence, I suggest that you pursue the truth about America and its disease.
Article fail.
Those who have stopped by the Fort Washington Post Office the past two Mondays have been asked about more than just stamps and shipping rates. They’ve been asked to get involved in politics.
Thomas Sewell has “gone there”, leading a few politicians to follow forth. This guy — that makes two people on the ballot in Texas for Congress making Obama Hitler Comparisons. What can I say — It’s raining Hitler!  It always is. The LYMers are made up of people who feared that Bush was leading us down to Hitler — now they’re raising money from people thinking Obama is leading us to Hitler. Also a fan of Thomas Sewell’s “Hitler” article: Sarah Palin.   Sarah Palin, interestingly enough, gets this quip:
If you haven’t read LaRouche on deathpanels, than you’re listening to dipshit Sarah Palin. Only LaROuche shrewdly and cogently initiated (that means FIRST) the discription of the ‘health reform’ picked up by know-nothings as simply
I suspect that Kesha Roger’s name has become more engrained as background noise, and I’ll see a small steady rumble of her name mentioned in a way that died off after her March nomination. She stands on the shoulders of Novelty Candidate Giants — namely Alvin Greene — who has given Republican partisans a narrative to work with. I do see one supporter of Greene and opponet of Rogers in the comments section here.  Time Magazine caused some ripples of attention, and some bloggers probably picked it up when the Weekly Standard blog picked it up. Michelle Malkin, wonkette
Pat Noble!
Her program sounds like a winner to me, I don’t care with whom or what party she is affiliated.
It would have been more honest had Pat Noble mentioned she’s also with the LaRouche cult along with Kesha.
I am pretty sure that Pat Noble posted some comments more anonymously at various blogs during this week’s Kesha Rogers burst of attention — I suspect the Larouchies are behind a “shouldn’t give up on comparing Obama to Hitler” at the first things site.
Hey! This is some weird comment circle jerk with Michael Hodgkiss and Howie G.
Michael Hodgkiss Says: June 20th, 2010 at 7:39 pm
LaRouche is great, and Kesha Rogers is wonderful. The world, IS changing, in spite of Obama.
Howard Gibson Says: June 21st, 2010 at 9:01 am
Hi Mike, you know from Washington DC how much crap we went through, like for DC General Hospital which ultimately was shut down. Now, as LaRouche has said, this is our time.
judson Says: June 21st, 2010 at 9:43 am
< -I’m a liberal and i support impeachment as this point.
They cannot even whip a senile Trotskyite or a few GOP frat-boys playing “covert operatorâ€.
Some of these coverages are just odd.
People are beginning to see the truth, but better not tell Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton that there are African Americans that are breaking ranks with them. […]
Like Thomas Sewell, I bet.
Kesha won her primary last week.
She won it in March. You picked the attention up from a Time Magazine article from this week covering a nomination from March in the wake of a South Carolina election result, off the basis of “two makes a trend”.
I don’t understand why Conservative Bloggers — here and at First Things, not named David P Goldman, are joinging the Larouchies in demanding the media show their photograph. But it has given Dave Wiegel a shot at a narrative — and who knows? Maybe there’s something sustainable enough to leave Kesha Rogers some minituae of attention to November.
The video of Kesha Rogers is hilarious, not only because she is incoherent, but because they never show how few people are in the audience.
Classic cropping technique.
How bad are things in the Lone Star State. So bad that the craziness can no longer be contained and controlled by the Texas GOP:
Look. North Carolina produced this Republican nominee, spouting out a line that may well be adopted by the Larouche org. Don’t take it too hard.
“”The people have spoken,” (the “sane” Republican defeated) Reeves told the Raleigh, NC News & Observer. “It’s sort of like anarchy out there, where qualifications and credentials don’t matter.”
You want a guage on Rachel Brown’s chances? Close to nil. I suppose historically speaking, she has one spot to hitch her wagon toward. I think John Dingell in the Republican Landslide year of 1994 got a scare on his primary night by an unknown garnering 40 plus points. That’s the sort of outlier that floats about here — but I wouldn’t bet on it.
But don’t vote for Rachel Brown — Rachel Brown is the puppet of “Big Table”. She wants to push the “Big Table” agenda on the Middleboro City Council — they won’t let her.
Selectmen have refused to meet with a political action committee that has been demonstrating in front of the post office for months.
The board decided unanimously to deny the LaRouche Political Action Committee’s request for a meeting, on the grounds that the group’s agenda concerns national matters over which the selectmen have no say.
“This is not a local government issue,†the board said in a June 9 e-mail to the group.
Despite their efforts to spread word on their cause, the two refused to give their names or speak on the record with the Milford Times.
In other news: everyone thinks George Soros is out to get them.
Larouche’s views on General McChrystal has taken a convenient shift.
Finally, in the guise of “Single Mad Belief”, we have a Larouchie Wikipedia Sock Puppet whose name matches his/her identity. As you see, his attempted edit is by way of convincing the world that Larouche is Big in Russia and respected by this and that authority. I also see at wikipedia an attempt to affect the history of where the cult stood on Obama between Election 2008 and sometime when they picked up on the “Tea Party” spots that they could stand about and “lead the mass strike”.