
One thing I will give the “Rachel Corrie” flotilla: they got the name Rachel Corrie into the mainstream media.

Enhanced Interrogation = Experimentation.

What George Soros did that fabled day in 1992.

The Joseph Stalin Museum in Georgia (the country).  There was a reason for Kruschev’s famous inner-party speech attacking the “Personality Cult” for a reason, y’know.

Looks like quite a Senate race in Illinois. 

Roger Ebert reviews the new Marmaduke move: Why am I writing, and why are you reading, a review of a talking animal movie?

Pro-Life Organization tries “Green” pitch against some contraceptive or other

Question plaguing the Flotilla to Gaza situation:  Why did they shoot so many in the head?

The names on Glenn Beck’s chalkboard: perhaps we should get to know them.

Susan Gaddy, Primary opponent against Jim DeMint in South Carolina.


Bilderberg Elite flashes the “V for Victory” sign.

Lawrence of Arabia

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