Gas Steagalls for everyone.
Occasionally I have to wonder: what the hell is my point? For instance, a few weeks ago I really BLEW THE LID OFF of the presense of Lyndon Larouchie at a comic book fan board. Really, investigative journalism at its finest. Is it anything? Well, sure. Micahel Retour, otherwise known as revenire, drops details of an oh so exciting life working a stream of world historicality. When asked if he’s under the auspices of Lyndon Larouche, he makes a cowardly retreat and lies, betraying that his mission is a fiction and an illusion and he knows it.Â
This one is a bit harder. It begins with an odd little reference at LPAC.Â
As one astute blogger on firedoglake wrote on Sunday, in an item titled “The Glass-Steagall Test,” “As the whole blogosphere knows, the Glass-Steagall Act forced banks to choose between being a commercial bank or an investment house. During the Clinton regime, the despicable Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999) allowed commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to merge… The final vote on Gramm-Leach-Bliley was a gutcheck that most Senators failed.”
Really really strange. They just referenced obscure blogger. In the past, they’ve made reference to Jane Hamsher — the main person at firedoglake– for using the word “fascist” and generally opposing Obama’s Health Care policy. This works hand in glove with their basic attraction to the blog. It goes on.
The “whole blogosphere knows” about Glass-Steagall because of the radiating impact of the LPAC website, and the other LaRouche points of intervention on this issue, including the impact of the past 14 months’ dialogue with the Stanford Group of leading American economists.
I suppose I should have asked the question based on this statement — “Do you know about Glass Steagall based on the radiating impact of the LPAC website” — instead of a generalized “What?”, but I take his answer to my replacement generalized “What?” to be “No.” Decide for yourself! I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder — see: it’s the effect that took things from their activity to various people’s awareness.
So, what we have here, I guess, is that sometime ago the Boiler Room in Leesburg decided that firedoglake would make for a good validator in what political stream they’re swimming. (They’ll just handily skip the Environmental stuff.) So they surfed about, looked up “Glass Steagall”, and found that comment.Â
Bill Clinton has, of late, been speaking out about policies he undertook during his presidency that he now believes were mistakes. NAFTA, for instance. But he stands behind his signing of The Gramm-Leach-Bliley. Notwithanding whether he is right or wrong to do so, I do believe Clinton knows what it is Glass Steagal. Lyndon Larouche? Reading the bulk dump on “Restore Glass Steagall”, I haven’t the foggiest what regulatory policy he refers to — there it is, the words: “Glass-Steagall” — needing to be implemented in some form Worldwide, apparently. It just does not really appear to connect to anything Senators Carter Glass and Henry B. Steagall pushed and passed and President Roosevelt signed in 1933, and that Paul Volcker proposes in part today… his version apparently follows something like:
The United States must take action to protect itself from the disintegration of the British System, which has already happened. Who cares about the British System? (maybe The British?)Â No one in their right mind cares. But, to save the rest of Europe, the United States must act first, by immediately reinstating Glass-Steagall; because, if the United States goes down, the rest of the world goes down.
But it is apparently the topic du jour of what the cult’s followers and travellers stayed glued to, and amped themselves up for last week.:
We are now down to the final five organizing days before Lyndon LaRouche’s next historic international webcast, on Saturday May 8.
Coming on the heels of last week’s private dialogue with leading economists and diplomats, representing the Four Powers nations, only an absolute fool could miss the fact that LaRouche is setting the agenda for the only means to avoid a British-engineered plunge into a global dark age that would wipe out 80 percent of humanity or more. Make no mistake. As events now playing out on the Korean peninsula and in the Persian Gulf make clear, there is a faction in London that is literally Hell-bent on provoking an era of perpetual chaos, in pursuit of their radical Malthusian agenda.
And so it goes. I don’t understand why anyone would want to wait for a “Historic Webcast” — Larouche has been interviewed by LPAC a ton lately — it appears you can drop by any day and see him as a “Special Guest” to something. But, there we go. Appointment viewing for Howie G — good lead in to Betty White’s appearance on Saturday Night Live no doubt. No word on whether Harley Schlanger checked out a space for a mass viewing in Texas or Utah. Jerry Pyenson grabbed whomever he could invite.
The world has changed completely now. That Historic Webcast will always be remembered as a dividing line. Before and After.
Even though, scenes like this… took place before… and will take place after:
A small group of protesters stationed themselves outside the Darien Post Office Wednesday to advocate for the impeachment of President Obama, a dramatic reshaping of the U.S. financial system, and other far-reaching proposals from the LaRouche Political Action Committee. […] “If she had given me a chance to speak , I would have told her the reason for the mustache is that Hitler’s rise to total domination and power started with an enforced healthcare system much like Obama just pushed onto America,” Sare said. “I am only here to inform.”
Well, they have Chewbacca1989 agreeing with that one. And here I always thought it began when Hitler removed Glass-Steagall. (Incidentally.) That campaign is hitting Germany, apparently — part of this campaign:
Essentially, BüSo’s main platform is the repeal of both Maastrcht and Lisbon, calling for a return to full national sovereignty, and the restitution of sovereign national currencies for all nations currently under the sway of the dictatorship of the imperial Brussels bureaucracy.
This would be more on the lines of the great Treaty of Wesphalia (1648), which establishes, for the first time in recorded history, the universal principle of a harmony of interests, in mutually beneficial co-operation, in a community of principle between perfectly independent — yet interdependent — sovereign nation states.
Standing in rabid and furious opposition to this, is the great fraud and evil of world-empire, a neo-feudal form of world-fascism, just as outlined in the Fabian H.G. Wells’ pamphlet The Open Conspiracy (1928), and elsewhere.
I’ll have to peg this: Interesting that the key election is in North Rhine Westpahlia, where the BüSo party (Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität = Civil Rights Movement Solidarity) is attracting many new supporters. and see if it translates to a marked increase against previous electoral outcomes.
Hey! They’ve had some luck in the states — though no thanks to the Main Org. 9 percent for Carol Johnson Smith. And Kesha Rogers, whose nominating victory the German organization is ready to make hay out of:
One week to go until the elections in Northrine-Westphalia, the largest (in terms of population) Bundesland of Germany. After the Texas primary, Bueso printed new posters “Erst Kesha, dann Kascha” (First Kesha, then Kascha), obviously hoping to gain a 52% landslide victory. Kascha of course is the LYM girl mentioned before who called the deindustrialization of Northrine-Westphalia a crime against humanity (for Helga’s crowd, it was always clear that Germans are the victims of whatever type of fascism).
Theys also seem to run out of money in Germany: The “Kascha”-posters were glued to the backside of their standard posters of Helga claiming to have the patent recipe (“Wir haben Patentrezept”).
Okay. Take the good with the bad. I’ll start by commenting on his youtube videos as this young man is recruited and then rejects Larouche. As he stands for-square behind the politics of David Duke. Also he’s black. I guess what might be interesting is to go back and parse his story and if the org recruited him with his various youtube videos in sight.
1:09: “Don’t know what the fuck that means”. PAC = Political Action Committee.
Type “Jeremiah Duggan into youtube, google…” Google = wikipedia, JusticeforJeremiah, Schiller Institute. Youtube. Not one LPAC entry.
5:20: Queen Pushed Drugs. Depends on which day of the week it is.
6:07: Hm. Website of two ex-LYMers. Anyone know what he’s referring to?
(I’ll ignore my problems with anyone using that word at 6:19.)
7:03: Wikipedia. Always with the Wikipedia. Wikipedia is the new Dennis King, which as late as two and a half years ago would be where they’d have accused him of getting his information.
7:12: I don’t think he knows the definition of “second hand, third hand, fourth hand sources”. Ah well.
Part Two.
1:15 — Has Larouche Planet compiled the Best of these videos into one handy collection yet, or will I have to suck it up and do such a thing?
2:32 — “EVERY PRESIDENT they call Hitler.” Clinton. I don’t think they ever called Clinton Hitler. Bush I — sure. Reagan — I think they did, eventually. Kennedy — Maybe not. (Note: my conception of the start of Larouche’s “Movement” has been backtracked from 1968 over to 1965.) Johnson — hm.  They’re not messing with electoral politics much at that time. Nixon?
I am positive they never called Ford Hitler — it was at that time that they joined electoral politics in a way, and Larouche all but supported the election of Ford.
2:53 — Who’d they call Hitler? Ma—huh?
… Interesting guy, I suppose. My head hurts while watching his support of David Duke, and rattling on regarding the Vast Zionist Youtube Conspiracy. 5:00 for Duke: You can’t write anything against Israel in the college ’cause then you’d be kicked out — really?
7:53:Â David Duke 2013! — I mean 2012
I’m not going to lose sleep pondering this man. I hope he gets himself adjusted somewhat better, and he’s more likely to do so outside the cult than inside. Otherwise: Move along. Ponder the imponderables — “One thing most people don’t know about you”. Someday he’ll wish to wipe this off the web so people won’t know these past ideas about him.
An old Chip Berlet (and Joel Bellman) article has been posted to a Chicago news site. Comments follow about a renewed “GLTF”.Â
Then again, from the San Francisco Chronicle in 1986:Â Political extremist Lyndon LaRouche believes that many homosexuals support Proposition 64, the AIDS initiative, and those who do not have been duped by a “a little mafia among the so-called gay community.” […] “I think you will find that the average homosexual is much quieter than the people who are vocal. And I think that privately they’re terrified of this disease. They don’t see much hope,” he said. “And I think they think about me, `. . . If this guy is gonna save our lives, more power to him.’ ”
The next thing you’ll show me a black David Duke supporter.