What hath Saturday Night Live Wrought?

As I skip from Michael Moore’s to “Dude, Where’s My Country?” — 2003 — over to Jerry Doyle’s “Have You Seen My Country Lately?”, I recognize one major difference.  The “Left” throws a greater jab at convemporary popular culture than the “Right”. 

Here I would encourage you to read the wikipedia synopsis of “Dude Where’s My Car?”  In part because there’s a good chance you didn’t see it, and it behooves you to know a little bit more than you did before.

So it is there that we get a further comparison of the celebrities put forward in what falls (regretably) into a sort of “identity” protests for the two administrations.  The Right were always beating the drums against the various celebrities who voiced an opinion against Bush and against the War.  It is talk show host (themselves nothing but opinionated celebrities) Laura Ingraham’s “Shut Up and Sing“.  It is Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s “Team America: World Police”.  For that matter, it’s the Decembrists’  16 Military Wives and the
“Fifteen celebrity minds
Leading their fifteen sordid wretched checkered lives
Will they find the solution in time
Using their fifteen pristine moderate liberal minds?”

Well, mostly anyone tuned them out.  The people really paying attention to them were rallying to the cause of … Clint Black.  But I will say this.  I don’t know who on the roster of celebrities voicing opinions is quite like…

Victoria Jackson.

The Voice of a Movement, everyone.

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