Archive for March, 2010

FBI paid Hal Turner in excess of $100K

Monday, March 8th, 2010

“Here’s where the case get’s very interesting,” said Turner’s lead defense attorney, Michael Orozco, in his opening statement before calling Turner as his first witness.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think this is the wisest use of $100,000 of — um, well black box tax funds.

Amid a trial where Turner faces criminal charges for making threats of violence against public servants, he disclosed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation paid him “in excess of $100,000” over a five-year period.

Turner, a long-time racist radio host who attracted an audience of white supremacists and neonazis, was first revealed as an FBI informant in 2008. After becoming the subject of ridicule on infamous Internet forum 4chan, Turner was confronted by hackers on his site’s discussion boards with copies of e-mails he’d allegedly sent to the FBI, bragging about how he’d helped in “flush[ing] out another crazy.”

The arrest came after Turner called for the murder of three judges.

Maybe there is not really anything new in this story from the last time it was in headlines of some sort.  His best defense is that his allegiances to the , and he somehow let slide a bright line saying “Do Not Threaten three judges.”   So we return to.:

But I don’t really understand what use the government has in sponsoring Turner.  I would think whatever asset Turner makes in passing off information is more than offset by the inciting to violent causes to his warrior audience –Hal Turner was never dangerous per se; his audience on the other hand… It looks all very counter-productive.

What type of thing do you suppose this man was entertaining?

A Texas pilot flew a small plane into an Austin office complex today and authorities are investigating links to a hate-filled note found on the Internet, telling the IRS to “take my pound of flesh and sleep well.”

Or maybe, at a bad moment for his thought process, him?

Actually I should go ahead and lay off the Extremists for a moment, and turn to other matters.

The latest in Topical Spam

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

I find these messages mildly fascinating.  Someone wrote these out and shipped it for clumsy pick-up.  For instance, To google the first item is to arrive at a single splog accepting 800 or so messages of various acceptability.

No one has shown how Andrew Cuomo -the presumed Democratic candidate- will solve NY state’s problems any better than Governor Paterson. Governor Paterson has made more effort to lead during his short tenure than any other NY Governor in recent years. Paterson is more loyal to his party’s alleged values than President Obama, but has to work with a NY State Legislature that makes the US Congress look like a well-oiled watch. Rather than blame NY’s chief executive for every ill that he inherited, NY should be advocating for voting out every incumbent in the NY legislature. I thought the Republicans had the monopoly on dirty politics, but the Democratic Party mafia and the Clintonistas have clearly shown that they swim in the same sewer.


I would just like to point out that there are more than 200 religions practiced in this world and in almost every single one of them there is an ethic of reciprocity, a “golden rule”, by which followers are supposed to live (even in the constructs of Satanism, this rule exists, and the only two “belief” systems which do not have some allusion to this rule are agnosticism and atheism, because the two contain no moral code) It is the only rule that is needed, yet it is the most difficult rule to live by.

They are far less wacky than your creepy word association messages and bad replacements for terms of crude gratification, it is a different spam sub-directory.


Sunday, March 7th, 2010

I was thinking I could let this story lie.  I would get back to it with my usual brush-off on Friday.  Then I saw this quote.  True, this is qualified  support, but it is a type of favorable support nonetheless, and one that in key passages I am having serious trouble straining out these statements that could fit a context that would put Gerry Birnberg’s words intoa a favorable context.

“One of the things the LaRouchites are able to do is to engage young people,” said Gerry Birnberg, chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party. “If she can turn out young people to vote for Democrats, all the better.”

Birnberg said Rogers has much to commend her. He said his main objection to her candidacy is her association with LaRouche, and that if she instead held many of the same views but belonged to a group called “LBJ Democrats,” her ideas would appear much more mainstream.

Birnberg and Rogers both said much of LaRouche’s economic thinking is in line with Franklin D. Roosevelt‘s, including investment in public works, separating commercial from investment banking and opposition to corporatism.

The reaction has died off justifiably so — a lot of bloggers connected to the area have thrown in their “Final word”.  As everyone paying attention to politics in Texas know, a Lyndon Larouche Youth Member by the name of Kesha Rogers, supporting a platform of Impeaching President Obama on a platform of cutting NASA funding and pushing a Health Care Agenda characterized as a direct copy of that implemented by Adolf Hitler.

Right there, on the most superficial look at the situation, Harris County Democratic party chairman Gerry Birnberg should be removed from his position.

I am actually rather circumspect and nonplussed by Kesha Rogers’s victory.  I had posted on factnet a sentence that this would be a year a Larouchie could sneak in a Democratic Primary victory — though, I did follow that with a sentence that they won’t.  Another poster, by the pseudonym “chator”, pointed out the fairly obvious that Kesha Rogers, running in a heavily Republican district with a Republican Incumbent and not well known Democratic contenders, was their best shot of the three Larouche Youth Members running — Summer Shields  against Nancy Pelosi and Rachel Brown against Barney Frank.  When I refer it as the best year it could happen, I refer to it in the same way that 2008 was the year a perenial idiosyncratic candidate Bob Kelleher had at winning a Republican nomination for US Senate in Montana.  Party fortunes are down.  If you wish to chalk up a primary reason for Doug Blatts defeat, it is simply that his election did not mean anything — he was likely primed for a lop-sided defeat to Pete Olsen, and thus he had few resources to turn to churn away at party Apathy against a Crowded Ballot.

Circumspectly, I don’t fault anyone — though I don’t blame anyone who might.  But I still retain a definite demand on how the Democratic Party should respond to the campaign of Kesha Rogers on behalf of the Lyndon Larouche Movement.  She should have no political party support of any type, and at any prompting a denunciation of her organization as a vicious demagogic cult.  I am in principle opposed to the idea being floated out there to remove her from the ballot in the same way the last Larouche Democratic candidate that pulled off a victory in Texas did — Claude Jones — though I admit that I am not all that strongly opposed.  Falling short of cutting all ties, Harris County Democratic County chairman offered the Lyndon Larouche Movement that line of support.

“One of the things the LaRouchites are able to do is to engage young people,” said Gerry Birnberg, chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party. “If she can turn out young people to vote for Democrats, all the better.”

Understand what these lines represent.  Gerry Birnberg has just thrown rhetorical support, useful for Larouche’s propaganda purposes in spurring forward his cadre of workers revved up to continually battle the onslaught of a “New Dark Ages”, to an organization I will now characterize in three ways.:

#1:  A Crypto – Fascist Personality Death Cult.
#2:  A multi level marketing Marketing Scam running off of political frustration
#3:  A long time pop cultural punch line.

My phrase “Crypto-Fascist Personality Death Cult” may sound a little like referring to something as “Poopy-heads”, but a quick look would show much the worse from the Larouche organization ala “Locusts”.  It may be that should leave out the “crypto” before “Fascist”, but I harbor a basic desire not to spot, even in extremities, an ideological spectrum.  “Personality cult” comes from the act the organization has had in convincing their small number of activists that Larouche is the most important person in all of Human History.  Their education studies amounts to sitting them at a metaphorical chair headed by Larouche and across from the likes of Franklin Roosevelt, Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Aristotle, Abraham Lincoln, and Fenimore Cooper to feel a part of the plotting strategy against a similar table where sits George Soros, Bertrand Russell, Queen Elizabeth, and Mark Twain — the forces trying to unleash a New Dark Ages.  That is how the organization “engages” “young people”.   I put the word “Death” in there as as we speak, Erica Duggan is attempting to convince the British Government to open up an investigation into the circumstances of her son’s death, a long process that has sparked the Larouche organization to blame it on Dick Cheney and Barronness Symons.  And I refer to the suicide of Printer Kenneth Kronberg upon reading a memo on the morning of April 11, 2007 directly blaming the organization’s misfortunes on the Baby Boomers, particularly the printer.  His widow has a lawsuit currently filed for the campaign commenced against her, fabricating her as the cause of Larouche’s Criminal Problems in the late 1980s.

Regarding the political multi-level Marketing Scam reference, the organization takes a special pride in the confusion garnered by their ideological chameleon act.  The one constant in 40 years has been their trading off on political frustrations and anger at the moment with raw, demagougic appeals.  As a rule, when they have meant to gain recruits — Kesha Rogers during the Bush Administration for instance, they have voiced concerns from the Left.  When they have meant to raise funds, they’ve appealed toward the right.  The logical result of the organization as marketing scam came when Larouche was charged and convicted of Credit Fraud in their dealings with elderly donors in particular, at that time with appeals such as a campaign to quarantine AIDs victims.

I don not expect Gerry Birnberg to have a ready knowledge on the history of the Lyndon Larouche organization.  Life is too short to maintain active awareness of a fringe cult.  I do expect him to be cognitive of what he endorses and condones.  On the most superficial level, this reaction to Kesha Rogers’s victory falls up against the broad cross-partisan (and across to England) reaction this election result has garnered: laughter.    I fail to see what good this endorsement makes.  We have a couple of Simpsons references, one Futurama joke, a Saturday Night Live parody, a reference in a comic book by Howard Chaykin, a joke made by Dennis Miller on Monday Night Football, and a pop cultural footnote reference list that goes on from there.

For comparison’s sake, at least any Republican official who hedged their bets in the early 1990s on the Senate and Gubernatorial nominations in Louisiana of David Duke would have done so with an electoral voting c0nstituency in their sight.  Further, from a purely superficial partisan level, the Larouche organization counts at this moment any Republican electoral victory, including Scott Brown’s in Massachusetts, as their personal victory and vindication that the “Masses” have turned to them.  A chair of a local Democratic Party should not be speaking favorably of an organization actively working to defeat the Democratic Party.

Birnberg said Rogers has much to commend her. He said his main objection to her candidacy is her association with LaRouche, and that if she instead held many of the same views but belonged to a group called “LBJ Democrats,” her ideas would appear much more mainstream.

The Larouche organization had previously siphoned themselves officially under a rubric of “FDR Democrats”, now they only do so unofficially.  I do not think it is wise to encourage a group to camouflage them under more favorable politicians.  I assume the reference to “Lyndon Johnson” is not merely an allusion to their shared first name, but also meant as a push-back to some of the characterizations of the locally popular issue with space exploration, as well a reference to the highest elected Texas Democrat.  But it is wholly inappropriate comparison.

Leaving aside the matter of the Vietnam War, Lyndon Johnson left behind the two major Domestic Achievements of the Civil Rights Act and Medicare.  When Lyndon Johnson used the phrase, “We Shall Overcome” to define his push for Civil Rights, Martin Luther King Jr reportedly choked up at the clear cut non-equivocating meaning.  Lyndon Johnson took a long poltical path to that point, that started with the customary Southern Democrat’s first Congressional floor speech defending Segregation, then later aligning himself to be picked for party leadership from the Southern Dixiecrat power-brokers (Richard Russell), and in pursuit of national office pushed through a weak civil rights bill in 1957, weak enough to pass Southern Dixiecrat muster.  From there he defined himself by picking up the somewhat undefined legacy of the assassinated John Kennedy and “Gave Up the South for the Democratic Party for a Generation”.  On the campaign trail in 1964, he deleiverd an anti-demagoic appeal in Louisiana with use of rather blunt language.
Lyndon Larouche’s civil rights legacy includes working with Ku Klux Klan leader Roy Frankhouser, and — when he decided the way to furbish his historic reputation amongst his cadre — recruiting two King disciples to suggest he was going through the same thing King went trhough.  One, James Bevel, stopped by the Larouche organization en route to Louis Farrahkan’s organization (and was later convicted of incest).  The other can be seen on a video at youtube giving effusive praise to President Barack Obama.

Regarding Medicare, the Larouche organization is clinging to the line that they are attacking the Obama administration’s Health Care policies from the Left.  I am fairly sure that a majority of Democrats would support an expanded Medicare program over Obama’s health policy.  But I am also pretty certain that the Larouche organization would peg such a policy push as out of Nazi Germany, for the same reason they are pegging the current policy push as out of Nazi Germany.  It maintains the organizations’s sense of fighting on the Eve of Armegeddon, and aligns them with polarized political forces.
Noted too that the Larouche organization has cut out their employees’s Health Care Plans, and moved a lot of their people to the ranks of “Volunteer”.

I do not blame this embarrassing election result on anybody.  Embarrassing election results happen in every election cycle in a lot of low impact elections.  This one is perhaps a bit more embarrassing as it comes attached with a rather vicious highly demagogic  organization, and is not entertained by a single idiosyncratic person.
What am I to make of Gerry Birnberg’s qualified condonings?  They strike me as disqualifications for his job.

National Review versus New Republic

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

It’s been a while since I’ve checked through the ads in New Republic and compared them with National Review.  I think it’s an illuminating exercise.  Make what interpretations you must.


New Republic March 11

Broadband for America
Nuclear Energy Institute (1/2 page Ford Auto’s “Ford Story” green)
American Clean Skies Foundation (pro Natural gas)
Westinghouse (AP 1000 Nuclear Power Plant)
Smile Train (Donate for Cleft Surgery)
1/2 page Fromm’s: How Julius Fromm’s Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis
Teaching Company
Phrma — moon shot — cure cancer


National Review March 2010

Nuclear Energy Institute
Pauma Valley Country Club (“Conservative?  Traditional?  Think Pauma Valley.”)
Silver Dollars
Teach12 promising lessons to decode the secrets of pi
Stauer Diamond
Ave Maria Funds “Investment in Catholic Values”
Financial Intelligence Report — odd mixture of Warrren Buffet, Alexander, and Newmax
Vancouver 2010 coins
Stauer Jewlry (again)
Jitterbug Phone (helpful for aging baby boomers!)
Gravity Defying Boots
First Street stair-case “For Boomers and Beyond”
Amish Fireplace
National Review Institute
Cenegenics Medical Institute (Before picture: flabby old man.  After picture: old man with six pack abs)
Portagul and Spain National Review Riverboat Cruise
American Gold Trust
Beyond Petroleum, formerly known as “British Petroleum”

keepers of the Kennedy flame no match for the Reaganites

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

A recent controversy over a “History Channel” biopic on the Kennedys — John and Robert.  It’s received its anger and consternation from the keepers of the Kennedy flame.  So the atrocities are lay out:

They say the “Kennedys” screenplays contain many factual errors, some benign and others less so. For example, they say the scripts refer to exit polling for the 1960 presidential election when exit polling had not yet been invented and say that Kennedy introduced the Peace Corps during the Bay of Pigs crisis in April 1961, when in fact he signed an executive order creating the corps one month earlier.

Beyond this, they say the scripts invent scenes that never occurred, like an exchange that suggests Kennedy came up with the idea for the Berlin Wall.

In another scene cited, the president asks his brother Robert, “What do you do when you’re horny?” and tells him that if he doesn’t have sex with unfamiliar women “every couple of days, I get migraines.”

In short, “The Kennedys” “does everything in its power to demean and make them quite disgusting figures,” Greenwald said. “No network or cable channel has ever done anything anywhere close to this, in the way it treats a president.”

Heaven forebid someone treat a president harshly, even hashly.

So the comparisons are out to the Reagan film which was to air on CBS in 2003, but was booted to Showtime due to fervant conservative fury.

The series presents Mr Reagan as being callous towards AIDS victims (“They that live in sin shall die in sin”). It implies that he suffered from Alzheimer’s during his second term, and could not even recognise his national security adviser. It claims that he supplied names to the Hollywood black-list of communists, an assertion that Lou Cannon, his best biographer, says has no basis in fact. Lest you miss the point, it has Mr Reagan call himself “the Antichrist“.

This article, which I would link to but I have lost it at the moment, fails to mention the Reagan series dalliance with Nancy Reagan’s Consultation of Astrology.

For comparison’s sake, though, and maybe this is just because of how early in the going we have the Kennedy production, or maybe we’ve safely gotten past the coinage of a president and can move on while the new coin stampers need to cement their legacy — but the Reagan series was damned every which way, covered by Fox News and the various Conservative Talk Radio Hosts, blared at the top of the Drudge Report, scathed by the bunch of National Review and Commentary — How Dare CBS!  To date, I don’t see that same call from the MSNBC triumvirate of Maddow Olbermann Schultz, I don’t see it blasted on Huffington Post in nearly the same way, or the liberal news magazines.

Also it strikes me worth mentioning — Reagan was callous to the new AIDs epidemic, Reagan was losing it in places in his second term, and John Kennedy bedded a lot of women.

My odd television watching habits

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Continuing my reading on television that took me to the history of the Du Mont network and the history of the Fox network, I read the book on the histories of the WB and UPN networks.

To review.  Paramount had long thought about entering a broadcast network, and back in the 1970s thought of anchoring one with a new Star Trek series.  They punted, probably justifiably so, the phrase “fourth network” had long been a joke in the industry.  Jump into the 1990s, and both Warner Brothers and Paramount were eyeing certain future deregulatory moves that would make it look necessary to maintain leverage for future tv projects by establishing television networks.

To go through the history of the ups and downs of their fortunes.  UPN started out hugely based off of Star Trek: Voyager.  The WB slugged out the gate with a sitcom from second rate Wayans Brothers and a rip off of Married With Children.  In the end, it wasn’t good that UPN’s fortunes were glued to a third rate Star Trek series, and that was undermined by Paramount having more invested in getting their money’s worth of that enterprise than the network — such that they shipped it in syndication sans UPN.  Also undermining UPN was that the joint ownernship with a large tv station group Chris Craft tied them down, actually in the same way Paramount hurt Du Mont.  Still, even as they burned out bad Paramount action shows, thanks to Trek and a good African American sitcom Moesha — they maintained a healthy fifth place complacency in beating the WB in the ratings.

The WB found themselves a working niche when they picked up the ABC canceled TGIF-ish sitcom “Sister Sister”, and a whole-some family oriented drama “7th Heaven”.  FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT!!  Then they bought Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dawson’s Creek.  Their niche was then tweaked a little bit.  Ages 12 through 25, more female than male — lots of teenage angst coming of age.

So, they surged ahead in the ratings.  Found their way onto Entertainment magazine covers.  And gloated as UPN faltered badly.  But, as so happens, WB stuck themselves right into their formula in looking for new versions of their various hits — which although resemble this Twilight parody in certain ways, still present the generic problem that their audience ages along and moves on as a new age group wants something new from their older sister (Twilight, for instance).  And their teenage stars age on and want to do different things.

UPN paid a mint for the rights to Buffy, and broke their bank.  (It didn’t hurt too much that at this point Murdoch had bought the most important of UPN’s station affiliation groups, Fox producing Buffy.)  And they let Vince McMahon buy out Thursday night to broadcast Wrestling.  But a third rate Trek, now faltering Buffy, and Wrestling don’t really add up to stability.

UPN and WB limped along.  Corporate mergers and acquisitions and splinterings found UPN a sister network to CBS.  Mooves plucked the programmer that turned Lifetime around , Dawn Ostroff, to head the mess that was UPN.  And she did.  Marginally.

At this point both networks found it tough to beat Univision in the ratings, and as such merged to form “CBS” “WB” — CW!

What’s on that network?  Tuesday nights apparently bring us… 90210 and Melrose Place.  Well, you see the stamp of the Lifetime Director, but… What is this?  Fox in 1993?

Okay.  History out of the way, one odd excerpt jumped out at me for reasons:

Hal Protter was an experienced local television station manager working at an independent station in St. Louis before he was brought in to the WB to help get the network’r raggedly line up of affiliates into shape.  Protter had a pilot’s license, which allowed him easy access to off-the-beaten-track markets.  His specialty was the toughest cases — helping out the start-up stations that were new to their markets and looking to the WB to put them on the map.  Under Kellner’s leadership, the WB was aggressive in encouraging entrepreneurs of all stripes to invest in brand new stations.  “Hal would deal with people who owned a chain of laundromats or made their money discovering oil and now wanted to own a television station,” says longtime WB executive Rusty Mintz.  “He’d fly into Witchita Falls and find a way to stick a satellite on the top of a liquor store.” –54 – 55

Remember “Channel America”? Of course you don’t.

One day, my family skipped about the dial, and found our way to “Channel 60”.  Where we watched an old episode of “What’s My Line”, which finished with everyone getting the line except the final celebrity contestant — Lucy Ball — and the oh-so-sweet punchline “I Love Lucy”.

But there was no reason to keep a decent reception for this station.  If I recall right, I once watched an episode — in prime-time on “Channel America” — of “The Flying Nun”.  I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.  I suppose Channel America boiled down to a low rent “TV Classics” channel?

Flash forward to some summer or other.  Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, 3 am abouts, my brother stumbled upon their broadcasts of “Vintage Cartoons”.  Great program for the simple amusement of watching someone somewhere splice up a lot of old mostly public domain cartoons from the first four decades of the century into 30 minutes.    Early attempts at animation, crude and sometimes surreal.  Mutt and Jeff seemed to roll right into the realm of pure stream of conciousness.  Today, I could easily look up the Betty Boop cartoon where she heads up to “Grampa’s House”, collecting odd people along the way.  This one was shown two nights in a row or so — once the full length, the other with most of the people she picked up to lead to grampa’s house cut out.  Gotta fit the half hour!  I don’t recall what the punchline was.  Look it up on youtube.
The tv listings showed that it was also on in the afternoon.  And therein lied a truism about this show.  It was not nearly as interesting at 3 pm as it was at 3 am.  Perhaps some marijuana would’ve re-created the 3 am effect, but I’ve always been pretty darned drug free (and at any rate was not a teenager as of yet).

A few viewings of that show, and you move on.  Turn the damned tv off.

A few years later, I now have a small screen tv set in my room.  And something very strange: this low powered television station… comes in with a near perfect reception into my room.  It doesn’t come in anywhere else in this house.  At about the WB television network’s inception, the station becomes a WB affiliate.  Interesting.  Maybe the clear reception that is freakishly limited to my room is part of the WB’s target marketing?

The thing is, of course, I didn’t really have too much interest in any of their primetime offering.  A couple years later, I would have to catch up on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which at the time I had a bad impression from what turned out to have been the Alan A Smithee-esque movie.  They did have a stellar cartoon line-up, though!  It was on Sunday mornings.  Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Freakazoid, and Superman.  Good viewing for after church.
I don’t remember when Mystery Science Theater 3000 aired, but that too was splendid.  Promising, but turned out not to live up to its promise, was a — probably Saturday night but I don’t remember — primetime broadcast of Anime movies.  It failed live up to its promise because the library consisted of… four movies?  Only one of them I would recommend.

The thing that turned out interesting, and here I veer into the curious facet of television viewing that slides next to the quote on Allan Du Mont —Du Mont is always stimulated by Milton Berle’s horizontal resolution, if not his jokes.” — I watched for satellite feed junctures.  The WB programming was in full a satellite pick-up of Los Angeles station KTLA, complete with call letters in station breaks.  I discovered something oddly interesting — KTLA broadcast Dodgers games.  This station didn’t, but it caught the pick-up of KTLA and accidentally aired Dodgers game broadcasts before someone at some headquarters would abruptly have to switch the satellite feed to whatever other feed they meant to pick up.  This always fascinated me, and it unvariably happened.

Beyond the carte of cartoons, and a couple of satellite feed junctures, the other item I paid some attention to… Overnight, they broadcast — for no discernable reason, I guess they had to air something, NASA TV feed.  I kept it on while I fell asleep, NASA astronauts screwing in screws and doing other very routine missions on their ships.  I suppose this is the new “Vintage Cartoons” thing.

Eventually, I moved on.  I turned the channel to the Channel 70-83 former translator band now cell phone feed.  Instead of routine NASA missions I heard — while I basically slept — routine grocery store lists from anonymous neighbors talking on their cell phone.

I don’t think that channel exists anymore.  I don’t know what to make of that station, and am generally curious to know what the heck that was, and why it did some things.  And how in the world did I have such a clear reception when nothing else in the house picked anything up.

Kesha Rogers to provide crucial 218th vote for Obama Impeachment over NASA defunding

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

… or more likely, the General Election will come, Kesha Rogers will win 15 or so percent of the vote against Pete Olson’s 70 and a feeble write in bid’s 15, and Kesha’s sponsors with the Larouche organization will claim victory that night with the on going mass strike as the Democrats lose 20 House seats.  (Hell.  Make that 50 and a Speaker Boehner.  I don’t care, so far as this topic goes.)

Most importantly, some funds will slush through with the twin dualities of impeaching Obama (there’s an audience) and refunding NASA (there’s a different audience, and concentrated in this district.  The Larouche honchos — quick!  What’s that name I can’t think of right now — the guy in Texas right now — holds all those classes. — knew what they were doing, and I knew what they were doing.)

It is moderatly surprising, though not jaw droppingly so.  We knew that of the three Larouche Youth Candidates, this one was the one that had the best chance to pull the “Illinois 1986”.  I will have Kesha Rogers to kick around until November — meaning I may as well start getting her name right.  It is a bug in our electioning system, but in this case not a very big bug.  This is fairly low impact — for comparison’s sake to the great Larouche Illinois victories of 1986, Kesha Rogers is Janice Hart, the Treasurer victor easily lumped away in any Democratic Voting function, and not Mark Fairchild, the Lt Governor candidate who doomed Adlai Stevenson III’s run as he was election-wise now tied to him.

Under came in second.  AND:
Yesterday was election day in Texas, and I voted.  And I voted.  And then I voted some more.  If my count was correct, I voted fifty-two times. [..]
But this is ridiculous.  The correct word for most of the elections that happened in Texas today, and that happen in primary elections around the nation all spring and summer this year, is farce.  No one has any idea what they’re doing (especially in primaries, and in nonpartisan elections, in which you don’t even get a useful cue about what to do).

A good chance to mock Texas in general.  And for the larouchies to call the cull of sort of wacky “human interest” stories this election result pops up as “Hit pieces”.  (Oh my god, are you kidding me?  TIME FOR TRUTH makes an appearance, from vintage “Time for Truth Factnet posting” days!!!)

Noted that Kesha Rogers now enjoys a wikipedia page, thanks to a person who apparently has an interest in odd politics.  That makes sense.  More interesting, if you go to the “Jeremiah Duggan” page history , you see some very recent change attempts from someone with the id of “DraftCB”, who is apparently a “sock puppet” of a banned user “Soledad22”.  I don’t know my Draftcbs or my Soledad22s, but it is funny how a lot of new identities of sock puppets sure take active interest in setting up their wares to sell or guard the Larouche empire at wikipedia.

The edits appear to be something in the vein of silverchild:

This article is full of plain old lies, but what would one expect from a British newspaper? […]
As for Jeremy Duggan, it is a terrible tragedy that he took his own life, but to blame it on LaRouche is insanely false and totally politically motivated! The kid had a history of depression, prescription drug use, and psychological problems-due in some part to his parents’ divorce. His mother knows that, but she was manipulated into defaming and blaming LaRouche by Baroness Liz Symons, a friend of Lyn Cheney, the wife of former VP Dirty Dick Cheney.

Deep in their heart and guts, what percentage of Larouche members trully believe that Dick Cheney had anything to do with Jeremiah Duggan?


This is a valid point, as are the Action Group’s criticisms of the court and criminal justice system for failing to establish a wider responsibility that went beyond the actions of the actual murderer. Both these points need to be put in context. Germany has a long history of neo-nazi violence, with victims ranging from the homeless, left-wingers, asylum seekers, migrants, black people and other non-white German citizens. Case after case from the Lübeck fire (1996)[1], to the hounding to death of the Algerian asylum seeker, Farid Guendoul (2000)[2], to the death in disturbing circumstances of the British Jewish student Jeremiah Duggan (2003)[3], have revealed a pattern of neglect – what we in the UK might call institutionalised racism – by both the police and the public prosecution service. This pattern ranges from the bringing of inappropriate charges, (manslaughter is often substituted for murder), flawed prosecutions (public prosecutors have been known to refuse to allow evidence of racist background to be heard), lenient sentencing as well as failure to develop a victim’s perspective on extreme-right violence. (There has been criticism, for instance, of the lack of compensation for the victims of racism.) And it is not just academics who are suffering from the knee-jerk reaction of police officers to file suits for slander. Amnesty International has documented a pattern whereby those who allege police racism find themselves served with a counter-accusation of insulting and slandering police officers.

One can only hope that this misguided court case against Dr Sabine Schiffer will finally bring issues of institutionalised racism within the German criminal justice system to the fore.