Archive for March, 2010

The War of Northern Aggression???

Friday, March 19th, 2010

Well, this is an interesting turn of rhetoric.

It is all starting to make sense.  The Texas Board of Education placing Jefferson Davis’s inaugural speech alongside Lincoln’s — I suppose there’s some historical context to be gleaned from such a thing.  Our current frenzy of the Calhounist Nullification Movement.

The South Shall Rise Again!

It’s sort of about there that I understand Dennis Kucinich’s switch.  He’s up against this crap and would just as well prefer not to have these allies, the troubles this brings to the “Overton Window” and his desire to move it be damned.  I myself am slightly annoyed by Kucinich’s embrace of the act, as against opting to vote for it, I suppose for Overton Window reasons as well where my parcels of admiration to Kucinich springs from.  I’d like to hope he’s lost his Alex Jones base about here   — we’ll see.

Lyndon Johnson and the matter of his stolen election: the sham that is our history of Democracy.

Friday, March 19th, 2010

I see this pop up about Lyndon Johnson.

he probably stole his own election to the Senate.

Well, Johnson’s defenders — I’m pretty sure this is what you’ll get if you bring up the 1948 Senate election at the Johnson Presidential Library for instance — have/had always maintained that his ultra-conservative strait-laced opponent Coke Stevenson had just as egregious a hand in voting improprieties.  This is not quite right — Johnson’s post-midnight manufactured votes stick out like a sore thumb.

More to the point, Johnson probably “legitimately” won the Senate seat in the Special election of 1941 against sentimental country and western singer and radio personality W Lee O’Daniel, as much as legitimacy can be ascertained in these elections.  Johnson failed to steal the last vote, and his backers in the Liquor Lobby double-crossed Johnson, opting to get the “Dry” O’Daniel out of the state and thus out of their hairs.

So, really, as you can see, four wrongs make a right or two.

The “This Bill But” Process

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

“Anyone who endorses this strategy will be forever remembered for trying to claim they didn’t vote for something they did.  It will go down as one of the most extraordinary legislative sleights of hand in history.” — Mitch McConnell.

Such is the manner Mr. McConnell characterizes the “Self Exeuting Rule”, the rule in which the House is seeking to pass the Senate Health Care Plan — without passing such measures as, oh, the Big bad oh so evil package for Nebraska and Senator Ben Nelson.  A few steps down the process, the Senate will get to vote again — stripped of, for instance, the bad little Ben Nelson vote getter — for the vote count that had it been allowed would have kept our sanity in the first place.

51.  Or, actually 50 and faithful Joe Biden.

McConnell is not correct.  To be correct, his statement would have to be tied to these measures, such as Ben Nelson’s Nebraska pork item, becoming the law of the land.  Or, they’re voting for a “this bill but”.

I’m sure there is a hyperbolic way to characterize this process, but this isn’t yet it.

“The Works”

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

The parting shot lobbed toward Dennis Kucinich.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, who flew with Obama, then walked into an Ohio senior citizen center with the chief executive in time to hear a voice from the audience yell out, “Vote yes.”

A smiling Obama turned to the liberal lawmaker and said, “Did you hear that, Dennis?” Then, turning back to the audience, he added, “Go ahead, say that again.”

“Vote yes!” came back the reply.

I think that was too subtle.  Obama should have marched out with the “Dennis Kucinich Arm Twisting Marching Band” — consisting of half a dozen drummers — and devoted copious amounts of speech time to “Vegan Congressmen”, “two time presidential candidates who seem inclined toward a third and fourth run” and “shorties”.  Also he might have phrased these with the word “some” as in “There are some Vegan Congressmen who would make the perfect the enemy of the good.”

To turn my attention to other opponents of the Health care push by Obama… there are certainly some weird people out there.

why, hell, sooner or later you dumb bastards will be expecting to actually have the right to vote for them to put them in congress, instead of just leaving it up to the greater wisdom of bill gates, george soros, bill ayers or bill maher.  or, that they explain themselves to you.  hell, who can be bothered with all that?

they do not publish e-mail.  they have web-sites that accept email from their districts only.  far be it for the lazy fucks to actually have to read what their “constituents” say.

i doubt these will be read by my illustrious representatives, but i have sent the following missives anyway, which i thought i would publish here, in case any of them are washington rebel readers.

friends, buy guns and buy ammo, and lay in a proper store of potables, canned veggies, canned meats, and other fat laden edibles.  and, i would also suggest all the rice, flour, pastas and canned butter substitutes you can lay your hands on: butter flavored crisco will do.  buy gallons and gallons of olive & soy oil, and more peanut butter than you could ever conceive of eating, in two lifetimes.  and, do not forget dehydrated potatoes, … , mashed, au gratin or scalloped.  ummers.

it is going to come to that. […]

dear speaker pelosi:
if the house of representative “passes” health care “reform” on the “slaughter solution,” please be advised that such will be in derogation of your obligations as a member of congress to entered a recorded vote on the merits of such a “bill.”
i believe the process patently unconstitutional.
i also believe it to be a usurpation of dictatorial power by the democratic party.
it will not stand.  and, you incite civil war.

dear representative inslee:
jay, i practiced law w/ you in yakima county, before you sought more hospitable climes for your politics on the wet side.
you court civil war with this “slaughter solution” maneuver.  it is unwise in the extreme.

Well, I guess he’s the one who will be voting that-away.  And… stock-piling his ammo and seeds for the coming Civil War incited by Jay Inslee and Nancy Pelosi, but not stopped by Doc Hastings.

The New War of the Worlds

Monday, March 15th, 2010

What would the American equivalent to this story be?

A fake news report in Georgia about a Russian invasion ignited widespread panic and now anger at the perpetrators.

The 20-minute broadcast Saturday night on the Imedi TV station showed footage of tanks rolling into Georgia taken from the 2008 invasion and said that Saakashvili had been assassinated. The station introduced the program as a simulation, but many who tuned in mid-way were convinced the news was real.

The Georgian opposition, depicted in the broadcast as assisting the fake Russian invasion, accused President Mikhael Saakashvili of signing off on the program in a bid to stoke fear and tarnish their image. The director of Imedi is a former Saakashvili government official. US and Russian officials have denounced the bogus report (see video clips from the report below)

“People went into a panic,” Bidzina Baratashvili, a former director of Imedi, told The New York Times, comparing the mock news broadcast to Orson Welles’s 1939 adaptation of “War of the Worlds,” which depicted an alien invasion and panicked many radio listeners.

People in villages bordering South Ossetia, which was invaded in the brief Russo-Georgian war two years ago, began evacuati and calls to emergency services skyrocketed, reports The Georgian Times. According to other reports, people placed emergency calls reporting heart attacks and rushed in a panic to buy bread.

I suppose the best idea might be if a broadcast had happened during the Cold War, during Walter Cronkite’s CBS News, of the Soviets sending a nuclear device into a city in the United States — say, a news-style focus of this “Day Called X“.  That would certainly have scared the multitudes.

A better grasp would align it to a partisan broadcast.  This is being characterized by the Georgian opposition as a political scare tactic by the Georgian government in the days leading to election.  So, I guess, in today’s terms…

… around about October 30, Fox News broadcasts a “simulation” news-cast that the California Appellate Court has mandated marriage licenses be allowed for Human — Horse partnerships.  Round table discussions on the implications of this ruling following — and oh boy is Sean Hannity mad.  Bill O’Donohue expresses his outrage, but alas this was the inevitable slippery slope.

Do You Know Your Pi?

Monday, March 15th, 2010

Okay.  Presented is the first whole bundle of digits to pi.  What… is… the next digit?


Okay.  I’ll make it a multiple choice problem.  The answer is either: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9.

Harris County Democrats dump Kesha Rogers

Monday, March 15th, 2010

I suppose I should admit that “TimeForTruth” is, in some way right here.:
So no real responses eh’, no suprise there.
I never seriously responded to such items as.:
Are you even capable of removing your penis from the warm USB port of your computer (that’s the only reason I can surmise that you’re still here!!) and getting into the streets to start your slander campaign against Larouche to grow your following, like all real valid movements!
I don’t much have need to grow a movement.  I don’t quite know what is being asked of me here, though.  Out in the real world, off line, I have zero outlets to discuss on any level with anyone the topic of Larouche.  He is not going to register with anyone anywhere.
Larouche’s October of 2006 collapse was laughed at, Larouche calling of phase shifts acceleratingly downward were laughed at, BUT THE SOLUTIONS HAVE NEVER BEEN DISCREDITED BY THE LEAGUE OF LOSERS YOU ALL SHOW YOURSELVES TO BE!
The term “Phase shift” is best understood as a rationalization for a (predictably) failed Larouche prediction of Apocaylptic Destruction.  (See for some modestly detailed explanation of yet another failed prediction for the factnet post “Phase Shift My Ass“.

A comment from Howie G that was notable.  Kind of.
You are so f$$$ked Skullie. I hope yu sht in your pants.
It is a strange and incoherent quasi-threat.  Actually I want to bring up Howie G to get to the odd cult direction this post took.
My role is, chiefly, what ordinary people would consider a mysterious and miraculous hand of history in the making. The hand has written on the wall, and, thus, a would-be shoddy remake of a would-be Belshazzar, is doomed. It will be as if the hand of the future had descended upon the present.
I can’t help but think I see echoes from the latest “Historical Webcast” built up in LPAC land with the headline, ““The Enemy Headquarters Is Focused On Only One Thing: What LaRouche Will Do On Saturday”.  From what I gathered, he seemed to be carving out a mystical being for the members to continue paying tribute to after he croaks.

Okay.  The big news out of Texas.  A Resolution axing all ties with the campaign of Kesha Rogers.  Yelp.  Yelp.  Yelp.  Yelp.  And… if you say so.

It’s probably a necessary step.  You don’t want this to plague you through November, and this is a pretty vicious weed.  I will note that the “statement” published by lpac and onto these blog message comments sections fits into the long line of Larouche alternative history of events, such as…
… see Gerald Pechenuk explain how if it weren’t for the Paul Simon clique forcing Adlai Stevenson III to decline his lieut governor victor in the 1986, Stevenson III would have become president with financial advisor Lyndon Larouche at his helm.  (Link recovered from an earlier blog post.)
… Why, conviently, when we jump to LPAC’s response from Kesha Rogers (available in the comments section over here)…

“Perhaps they should remember the last time Democrats in Texas threw out the wishes of the voters, in 1988, when LaRouche Democrat Claude Jones was elected Harris County Democratic Party chair, only to be illegally removed by County hacks, who rejected the voters’ choice. That decision had a near-fatal impact on the Harris County Democratic Party, giving the Republicans a stranglehold on elected offices which has only, recently, been challenged.

Yes.  That was the cause of Republican Triumphs and Democratic Defeats in the state of Texas…
… post the era of Lloyd Bentsen.

I either would or not like a clarification on the meaning of these things.
which have brought him to his Ides of March. Apparently, for the moment, the fools on the Texas SDEC, are lining up, dutifully, behind the soon-to-be-gone Obama.
Throw that around, historical references in tact.  In a few months we’ll get back to the “Guns of August”.

About there you see why the Texas Democratic Party had to actively disassociate themselves from the candidacy of Kesha Rogers, as opposed to passively disassociate.  With all due respect to P Diddie‘s sentiments.  Yes, “it doesn’t hurt her”, in that sense that Kesha Rogers and her controllers of Harley Schlanger in the personality cult of Lyndon Larouche will continue to make their way to far right wing conspiracy joints along the lines of this one , making profit gainable with this curious slice of Americana (note too the common deraugatory phrase “Democrat Party”.)  Indeed, it gives them their storyline of Great Power Jostles from the British Empire.  But they had that anyway no matter what happens, so who cares?

As for the concern expressed at lpac and Ms. Rogers that she can “sue” these “idiots”:  here.  I recommend that the Harris Texas Democratic Party find a meager write in candidate.
Next primaries for the Larouchies: California in June, Massachusetts in September.  Spaced out for fun and profit with the one possible at the start (in March), eh?

The Federalist Party re-emerges victoriously.

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Texas Department of Education drops Thomas Jefferson from their (nationally influential) curriculum.

Widely regarded as one of the most important of all the founding fathers of the United States, Thomas Jefferson received a demotion of sorts Friday thanks to the Texas Board of Education.

The board voted to enact new teaching standards for history and social studies that will alter which material gets included in school textbooks. It decided to drop Jefferson from a world history section devoted to great political thinkers.

According to Texas Freedom Network, a group that opposes many of the changes put in place by the Board of Education, the original curriculum asked students to “explain the impact of Enlightenment ideas from John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Charles de Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Jefferson on political revolutions from 1750 to the present.”

That emphasis did not sit well with board member Cynthia Dunbar, who, during Friday’s meeting, explained the rationale for changing it. “The Enlightenment was not the only philosophy on which these revolutions were based,” Dunbar said.  (Heh heh heh heh.)

The new standard, passed at the meeting in a 10-5 vote, now reads, “Explain the impact of the writings of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Charles de Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and Sir William Blackstone.”

By dropping mention of revolution, and substituting figures such as Aquinas and Calvin for Jefferson, Texas Freedom Network argues, the board had chosen to embrace religious teachings over those of Jefferson, the man who coined the phrase “separation between church and state.”

According to USA Today, the board also voted to strike the word “democratic” from references to the U.S. form of government, replacing it with the term “constitutional republic.” Texas textbooks will contain references to “laws of nature and nature’s God” in passages that discuss major political ideas.

It is a long time in coming, but really this partisan battle has been raging.  The Federalist Party, assumed to have folded its tents in their embrace of James Monroe and the “Era of Good Feeling” after disgracing themselves at the ill-fated Hartford Convention, have re-emerged and taken their first scalp — the long time nemesis, Thomas Jefferson.
