The War of Northern Aggression???
Well, this is an interesting turn of rhetoric.
It is all starting to make sense. The Texas Board of Education placing Jefferson Davis’s inaugural speech alongside Lincoln’s — I suppose there’s some historical context to be gleaned from such a thing. Our current frenzy of the Calhounist Nullification Movement.
The South Shall Rise Again!
It’s sort of about there that I understand Dennis Kucinich’s switch. He’s up against this crap and would just as well prefer not to have these allies, the troubles this brings to the “Overton Window” and his desire to move it be damned. I myself am slightly annoyed by Kucinich’s embrace of the act, as against opting to vote for it, I suppose for Overton Window reasons as well where my parcels of admiration to Kucinich springs from. I’d like to hope he’s lost his Alex Jones base about here  — we’ll see.