Portland State Professor accuses student of being an FBI Agent; Student has weird history of suggesting to fellow students how to make molotov cocktails
Jimmy Kimmel rebuts Tancredo’s “Literacy Test” remark
Impeach Roberts, like they used to Impeach Warren
Should Obama ditch his “Chicago Team“?
NFL tries to copyright “Who Dat”?
Superbowl Ad reunites Dave with Jay
Puppy Bowl referee query with Kitten half time.
the 44 Superbowl s versus the 44 Presidents
The problem with sublimated profanity
The history of the apostrophe
The problem with the Conspiratorialists: they suspect everyone and each of their own of being “Gate Keepers”. Black Sun Gazette versus Alex Jones.
Disrupting Urinal Norms in Mumbai by putting up the Gods at Urinating level
February 7th, 2010 at 8:39 pm
Not a Conspiratorialist. Thanks for the link.