And then God Wrought

The other day, there was this man on The Max.  He was either “Fellowshipping” or “Praying with slash for” a sympatico mother and child of his same general religious bent.

“And GOD… He has his ways.  It doesn’t matter what the condition of the shoes on your feet are, or the shirt on your back, or what your circumstances are.  He’ll guide you through and he has his purpose.

It went on basically like that for another few rounds.  I wasn’t much paying attention.  While I mildly frown on such a scene, any demonstration of my displeasure is not worth the effort.  But things got weirder.

“And God’s Plan… is the DESTRUCTION OF Portland at the end of the year!  Halleluia!”
“Wait.  I don’t agree with that part.”

The man across from me, who was visibly chaffing before, because irate.  “That’s It!  Where’s the Emergency?”

“See.  He is the ANTI-CHRIST Force we must shield against!”

I got off at the next stop.  So did Mister Apocalypse Head.  The Anti-Christ Spirit was talking with the conductor, pointing to Apocalypse Head.  I don’t know what happened after that.

I do suffer this generalized fear that this brand of End Times Religious represents a larger segment of the population than is comfortably tolerable.  You’ve seen the preachers on TBN, read this or that, have met them on some level.  They’re out there.

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