This story useless without pictures
I heard about this story on the radio, the right-tilted top of the hour newscast on that third rate conservative station which broadcasts Phil Hendrie, if you must know.
Apparently some kids wore shirts — I don’t quite know the words the newscast used, but it was something to the effect of “making fun of” the WTC Attacks. This was at a Dearborne school, and I thought I heard “middle school”, but later I see this story only makes sense as a high school. Dearborn, Michigan usually means “Arab”, and from there the ethnic problem gets inflamed.
Very odd, I thought, And very stupid on their parts. But somehow the story doesn’t make sense. The next sentence puzzled me further. The students claimed that their shirts were meant to show “Class Pride”. What does that mean?
The thread is useless without pictures.
Okay. Now I get it. I have to admit, that is funny.
Really, if I were the school administrators, I would figure a smidgeon of a de-esculatory move in in order. Round the kids up. Say to them, rather flatly, “Okay, wise-asses. You’ve grabbed your fifteen minutes of fame. Fine. Very funny.  But I know you’re not idiots, and know how this shirt riles someone up. Now just go ahead and change your shirts.”
I don’t quite know if the ethnic part of the story is all that important. It adds an extra dimension, and I gather a certain gallows humor creeps in when you’re a societal-wise a little bit of a suspect. But if this were to happen with a bunch of white kids, they certainly would be reprimended.