Things that are stupid

Things that are stupid.
This video.
I do not understand the message.  Who out there thought they were electing a Democratic Party to implement Libertarian policy prescriptions, and to somehow manuever around the somewhat shifting lines of paranoia of the “Tea=Party Movement”.  I don’t think the creators of the youtube video voted for Obama.  (I also find the allegations in the comments about a youtube- Obama suppression of this “hot” “Viral” video amusing, and — in a round about way — reinforcing my doubts.)
It is a game of political narcissim, which holds that a politician’s route to election is to follow through on your politics.  This is also shown when someone “makes a sudden” partisan or ideological transformation.  I was at a prominent book store of this city the other day, and looked at the back cover of this book.  It is one more in the giant ocean of these debris — the back cover blurb list is interesting — I guess Phil Hendrie’s sort of “familiar to my conversion” is the one that sticks out from the line of conservative bloggers and talk show hosts.  Look over his list, though, and you see … um… Ward Churchill, some intemperate politicians, and…
*Bill Clinton robbed children all over the world of their innocence with his tawdry Monica Lewinsky escapades and taught them how to perjure themselves under oath . . . while Hillary Clinton tacitly endorsed the whole sordid affair.
To each their own.  There was a counterveiling effect of somewhat amiable to the Republicans in one way or the other outraged by the exploitation and airing of the scandal in the first place.  The next one is a bit more the case for that:
Terry Schiavo starved to death because liberal judges refused to acknowledge her basic right to life.
Now, I’m all for Political Idiosyncracies, but I gather this one as much the case of forging new opinions with your new political cohorts ala “Movement”.   Ward Churchill at least is wildly unpopular.  If we take things to be a continuum that has two sides and two sides only and define everyone as here or there, he just went from the side with the minority position to the majority position with Churchill.  For Terri Schiavo, Here he schlepped from the majority position to the minority position.

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