The good and bad of a recent Alan Grayson flap

I have the basic theory that the Democrats need an Alan Grayson.  It is the theory of balance — the nature of partisanship is such that the parties will sling shots at each other, and a whole mass of people will deem it all as “politics as usual”.  Nature abhors a vaccuum, and absent any sling-shot throwers, the “politics as usual” anti-partisans will just craft the storyline from the sling-shot throwers on the right to create in their heads a balance.  The meta-narrative needs two to tangle to stand up.

The first comments that attracted attention to Alan Grayson aren’t too much worth mentioning at this juncture.  His “apology” “to the dead” only mis-fired due to a single word he probably shouldn’t have used — but I don’t even want to draw attention to that one.

The comment that I want to defend is the “K Street Whore” phrase.  It received a bit of a knock from some of his usual defenders — the question is: would he have used that same term if he was referencing a male?

The answer is: Soitenly.
Theoretically we might have the problem with him with that phrase due to the

One problem, though, with him and that attendent controversy.:

But on Tuesday Mr. Grayson did offer what he called “my sincere apology” to Linda Robertson, the adviser to Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke whom he called a “K Street whore” last month on the nationally syndicated ” Alex Jones Show.”

Such derogatory references to K Street, a base of many Washington lobbyists, are not unheard of in the nation’s capital, but are usually reserved for private conversations and not nationally syndicated radio.

On the ” Alex Jones Show,” Mr. Grayson said: “This lobbyist, this K Street whore, is trying to teach me about economics.”

The convroversy-causing comment was made on the Alex Jones Show???  That’s… disappointing.  Even if, listening to the interview, I see that Jones has tamped himself down.  I suppose Mr. Jones has a sort of dichotemy in his head when dealing with guests — he’ll leave the more insane for Texe Marr and Webster Tarpley.

But regarding Mr. Grayson, your websites worth knowing:

A group of outraged Florida voters has launched the Web site in a drive to oust Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson. […]

The site is raising money to defeat the Orlando-area congressman and the site’s organizers describe it as a “more appropriate alternative” to Mr. Grayson’s […]

He also set up his own Web site – – that claims to list people who have died without health insurance.

Start buying up domain names like that for resale.  There’s money there, I tells you.

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