The new First Lady of Japan, Miyuki Hatoyama, believes she has travelled to the “very green” planet Venus. She is also married to a man nick-named “Alien” due to his very big eyes and a few eccentricities, the new Prime MinisterYukio Hatoyama. Upon hearing this, I suspected a definite connection — albeit I knew I would have to check chronologies in order to figure out the casual relations. Did she marry an “alien” due to an attraction that came after the experience of Venus, or did she have this dream experience thinking about her husband / muse? The latter is roughly the answer. I also imagine that the eccentriticies of the two attracted each other.
I want to know whether the the new prime minister in Japan given his version of Obama’s “Skinny kid with big ears and funny name”. I assumeYukio Hatoyama’s name checks out fine in Japan, so we’re left with something like, “Only in Japan can a man with funny bug-eyes get to the highest position in the Land.”
So, the prime minister’s wife is the new Japanese Administration’s either embarrassment or funny eccentricty. There is, reported by the oh so illuminating World Net Daily and Townhall and on from there, a story about the president and White House being in a panic about Michelle’s mother’s practicing of voodoo rituals. This is, I think it’s fair to say, purely racist claptrap — from what fevered imaginings it’s pushed its way into these realms I can not say. Though, there’s nothing too much wrong with voodoo — if you asked a voodoo priest how to handle this or that, they’ll be liable to answer to say the Lord’s Prayer.
A bit less fanciful, Obama has working for him in advisory capacity, not “Czar” a man who signed a petition to investigate the circumstances of 9/11, including as it were “foreknowledge” and “complicity”. The signiture is justifiable and understandable — we are rolling back to a time when the Bush Administration was stonewalling any investigation and than throwing out the name Henry Kissinger to head such a thing (Why Kissinger? Just to increase the number of 9/11 Truthers in the polls, I suppose), finally tossing out a report redacting mentions of “Baudi Ababia” (to use Senator Bob Graham’s term). Well, it’s justifiable to the point where he’s in an “advisory role” — meaning he had a bit more to do with signing off on the terms of the investigation. So it comes to the point where I couldn’t much care one way or the other the fate of this man Van Jones within this administration. It appears he has resigned — forced to, one would presume. I shrug, and await more important matters. I see, looking around the blogosphere, much dancing on Obama’s Gravestone due to this. Why? Because some people are just very much jacked up on Cortosone.
Following in on his detractors, I see the hovering around on the name of one signator to this petition — Howard Zinn. I followed a link from commentary from the comments section of a “Huffington Post” thing. This blogger is wrong. This does not prove his “9/11 Truth” membership. Quite the contrary, it shows Howard Zinn as proferring a “Popular Front” with his intractable anti American Empire pure Blowback position and the 9/11 Truth Movement. This does not alleviate the main point, which would be that Zinn can’t move away from signing that thing as far as he’s trying to here, but it is a distinction worthy of note. Also worth noting, he’s in the six years following that, moved further away from this “popular front” position and blasted them.
Interestingly enough, at least for me, this puts Howard Zinn circa 2002 / 03 — if you want to go through the prism of a one dimensional left / right continuum and define the positions like this — to the left of Noam Chomsky, who I note from my skimmings of 9/11 Truth Materials is pretty well bemoaned and testily shoved away as a “gate keeper” and not consistent in having said words against people who charge “conspiracy theorist” too quickly and with his words brushing off 9/11 Conspiracy theories. I conjecture that every person throws up a “popular front” of some sort or the other, things being a matter of what your own personal coalition allows.
Van Jones, I guess we can say that he failed that “25 – 25” rule proferred by some liberal blogger or other (Yglesias? No. I see it was Kevin Drum.) with concerns to the college work given by Virgina Republican gubernatorial candidate Robert McDonnell. But Robert McDonnell fails, for me, on my basis that anyone who attended one of Pat Robertson’s universities should be disqualified from high public office. That, I guess, is one of my gate-keeping outtery.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…