Hot or Not?

Okay.  Let’s play that “Hot or Not” thing with this thing.:


Hot… Or Not?

Or is Vladmir Putin sending a message to Joseph Biden?  “Russia Weakening?  Oh YEAH?!?!?”
Let’s see Biden shirtless on a horse, huh?

I do know of the group in Russia who would answer “Yes.  Hot” to the question, and go about plastering that photograph as a poster onto their ceiling.  See here.:

Meeting at its annual summer camp in Seliger, the Kremlin-led youth group, Nashi, decided to establish bands of militia consisting of disadvantaged youngsters armed with stun guns. Under the plan, hundreds of thousands of Putin’s young stormtroopers would patrol Russia’s streets and have the right to check people’s IDs.

The initiative to establish the Russian Militia Association (Vserossiiskaya Assotsiatsiya Druzhin, VAD) comes from Vasily Yakemenko, director of the Federal Agency on Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and former leader of the Nashists. The organisation would be financed from the state budget and receive administrative support from Rosmolodezh.

Igor Kon, psychologist and member of the Russian Academy of Education, expresses grave concern about the initiative. Such organisations are usually established specifically to carry out tasks given by those in power and those who are giving the orders, Mr Kon says. Controlling these rowdy youngsters may, however, be difficult, he warns.

Then again

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