A few months ago, the Lyndon Larouche organization — in the daily briefing of February 4— rebuffed Webster Tarpley and told of the duty “that no one might confuse us with them.” Interesting to note that the Tarpley is now fingered in something publically published (by them, I mean), in an effort to — um — consolidate 9/11 Truth Hegenomy? See here.
The newly released documents, when cross-gridded with other evidence already in the public domain, confirm the Anglo-Saudi hand behind 9/11, and debunk nearly eight years of conspiracy rubbish, that portrayed the attacks as a scheme by cave-dwellers and “under the floorboard†mysterious forces. The writings of a former LaRouche associate, Webster Tarpley, more or less typify the kind of off-course conspiracy mongering that is now thoroughly discredited by the new material and the larger picture assembled by EIR researchers.
For comparison’s sake, here’s “Oregon Patriot” explaining what it is the Larouchies believe:
It’s not the people of Britain. It’s the Venetian style slime mold that is represented by the imperial international monetary system centered in London and New York that is destroying nation states.
And here’s an explanation or other about Tarpley.
 Webster Tarpley is a gifted historian who generally eschews mention of Jewish bankers in favor of euphemisms like “Venetians.” Therefore it is unusual for him to state bluntly that King Edward VII was in the pay of the Rothschilds and was responsible for World War One. “
For more on the Venetian conspiracy — well, there’s a 9/11 Truth premier I leafed through once, with an interview with Tarpley — or there’s his wikipedia entry. Essentially, Webster Tarpley claims ownership lock, stock, and barrell of the Venetians.
“Oregon Patriot” objected to the explanation (with a You’ve watched too many sci-fi movies. What a bunch of crap. Learn something for a change at LPAC — ) from a Cyrylek.
Like any self-respecting cult leader, LaRouche presents himself as a philosopher-king (in waiting), his messianic message being deeply rooted in history and global in application, of course. The Great Good that LaRouche happens to personify is not just about the strong opposition to the free trade (and most anything free) or the resolute preference for the “nation-statehood” over the “empires” (Funny though how he cheers for Putin at the same time, and his efforts to crazy-glue the last great colonial empire falling apart). No, from what I remember, this guy views the world we live in as a sum result of an ancient struggle between the empiricists (starting with Aristotle whom he hates passionately) and the Platonic idelalists, with their fascistic utopian ideas (which LaRouche embraces and developes enthiaistically, in his own schizophrenic manner – once a Trotskyite is always a Trotskyite, to quote another great Platonist,  Comrade Stalin ). Hume, Locke, Adam Smith and other Brits who embody, for LaRouche, the evil Aristotelian spirit, also have the rare distinction of actually having influenced the government policies in their country, to what appears as the greatest success story of all times to rotten cosmopolitain market-liberals like myself – and as the greatest and most vicious conspiracy of all times to a “Platonist” like LaRouche. Jews, Jesuits, Masons et al (are the reptile space aliens in yet?) are always welcome to join the list of evildoers, but only as a side show, to the extent they seem to be conducive to the propagation of the appalling anti-utopian world order that requires no philospher-kings with their idiotic blueprints of societal perfection.
But if “Oregon Patriot” is going to charge that as being sci-fi, it means he hasn’t read this here. That retort is kind of interesting in light of — posted here (and from lpac) — “We are a government in the wings”.
Also noteworthy in that light: Larouche botched Greek history. Understandable mistakes, in the right context — I imagine a college professor (or his/her assistant more probably) grading an essay from a Freshman, and shaking his/her head. But the LYMers will get what they are intended to get from Books six and seven from Plato’s Republic… see here, (an old story, if you go back through their history).
“We do have a situation of opportunity, and we won’t be able to capture the thing unless we have a better understanding of how the mind works, and what the role of music and art is, how it has to be approached,†LaRouche said; Thus, the central strategic importance of LaRouche’s current writings, and the related scientific work underway by the LaRouche Youth Movement’s Basement Team.
I’m a little bit more plussed by the claim of “Obama administration’s unprecedented” interference of party politics.
For example, the White House is interfering in Democratic Party state electoral processes in New York, Pennsylvania, and other states, trying to dictate who will be party candidates for the House and Senate—an unprecedented action in an area that has never been the White House’s prerogative.
Ahistorical, considering they supposedly worship Franklin Roosevelt. But this is an intellectual cargo cult, which doesn’t really attempt to understand any of these concepts — just manuever about these concepts.
And now for your weekly allowance of oddity. (As well). AND:
That I found at a right-wing website — one that had prominent images of Joe the Plumber as an Every-hero and on the front page strikes against Obama’s Health Care policies. I don’t know where the image is attached, though — could be general malaise or an increase in the Americorp program, perhaps?
In theory, the Obama — Nazi image should attract something on the order of skip down to Glenn Arlt and the response from Scipio. But note this response:
I remember LaRouche. I could not get much into the webcast due to time. LaRouche’s hold on reality has long been tenuous, but what he says about Obama is a breath of sanity. No one will listen of course. A pity LaRouche says it when Republican leaders should be saying it.
A demagougic’s appeal, tainted beyond repair.  For instance, a basic problem with this story comes from the first sentence: Protestors opposed to President Obama’s health care reform effort demonstrated last week on sidewalks across the North Fork, telling anyone who would listen that the proposed measure is a mirror-image of the Nazis’ T4 health care plan. They’re not “opposed to President’s health care reform effort”; they’re just wound up and buzzing about.
Maybe you won’t really get a whole mass of wisdom from political magazine blog comments, but this comment bothered me:
Of course Franken “won” the seat since the state of Minnesota is run by Dems. It was a foregone conclusion. The GOP has stolen a lot of votes in its history, but it’s small potatoes compared to the Dems record. The last honest Dem was William Jennings Bryan and he’s been out of the picture for a century or so. You couldn’t point to an honest Dem in high public office right now if your life depended on it.
BTW the Minnesota Sec of State and his cronies apparently already have the 2010 election results in hand, are drafting those for 2012, and are giddily anticipating 2014. RIP, Democracy, RIP.