Embarrassed fifth grade teacher
A local teacher accidentally put pornography into a DVD that was meant to be filled with school memories from the past year, and nobody caught the error until after it was sent home, shocking parents and students alike. […]
The offending DVD starts with a menu screen that displays various school trips and functions, and when you click on one of them, you see kids in a classroom sharing stories. They start clapping, then the video suddenly cuts to sex.
“It goes from my son, straight to her on the couch,” said ‘Joe,’ who saw the video along with his son and did not wish to be identified. “My son’s reaction was, ‘Dad, is that Ms. Defanti?'”
Actually this story is a little boring. What’s amusing me moreso than the unfortunate accident of fifth graders getting a glimpse of their teacher self-pleasuring and the awkwardness that followed… is the stock photographs that the various news sites are inserting into the story.

To review… one blurred out footage of the dvd scene in question (the CBS local news story has the video of blurred out class members followed by this blurred scene. Kind of pointless, I say. And by that I’m not calling out to see the danged footage, so much as questioning the news value of showing it — it strikes me as not so much illustrative as a few second item that exploited by the news casters exiting to each commercial break “and later… how do you explain to your child their teacher doing this?!! Stay Tuned!”) Two images of a pair of horrified kids looking at a computer screen. Two “naughty school teacher” poses — one specifically a teacher; the other — hm?. (Not what the teacher would like, I assume.) Two generic “X Rated” screens, which have a pretty broad based existence on “moral decay / porn / sex trade” stories. One image of a homemade dvd being opened up (whether or not that is the dvd in question), and one of the school.