Sherri Goforth, Tennessee Republican staffer, “funny” presidential portrait — something to do with a cloak of blackness and Obama?
South Carolina Republican activist Rusty DePass, “funny” facebook comment — something to do with gorilla and ancestory and Michelle Obama?
South Carolina Republican operative Mike Green, “funny” twitter comment — something to do with the color of Aspirin and Obama?
… and party activists wanted Letterman fired?

The making of an Element

Iran Election Fracas Cartoons

Sex with Ducks

Robert Fisk weighs in.
In a coup situation, there are vast numbers of govt functionaries looking out for themselves, wanting to be absolutely sure they are on the winning side.

Not tracking over to Drudge all that often, though occasionally, I had to end up seeing this item here.  But I have to wonder about something from the Alex Jones worldview here: from that point of view — hasn’t that ship sailed already and what outrage is to be garnered from this?

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