a smidgeon of the gay pride parade

Somewhere after seeing a marching band play Abba’s “Dancing Queen” —

— and the association that comes to mind there is not so much any shade of Queer culture as it is “From the Kingdom of Nye” —

there was a woman waving a sign.  On the front was a circle with a line through it crossing out “DADT”.  Opposition to “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell.”  Good.

There was another message on the back of her sign.  “NO WAR IN IRAQ.”  Good.  An anti-war message in a period of some liberal capitulation to a new, friendlier, administration that is nonetheless continuing wars.  A platform beside the point, though.

This is not so much a contradictory message – well, maybe it is a bit contradictory — at least in terms of prioritizing.
To paraphrase the late local conspiracy theorist Ace Hayes from some public access video I saw a few years back from some speech he gave in 1993: “The big liberal cause of the day is to defend the right of gays to fight for the Oligarchy’s Empire.”

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