another domestic terrorist attack

You know…

… When I hear that a man shot up a Holocaust Museum…

… I’m not sure the discovery that the (ahem: Terrorist) was a “White Supremicist” counts as an “Update”.

… Likewise it is a bit redundant to headline “Anti-Semite is Museum Shooting Suspect”…

… or, for that matter, it’s not news to report that Obama is “Saddened”.

It’d be an update if it was discovered that he wasn’t.

Incidentally, the name is familiar to me.  So I had to google him up to see why that would be, exactly.  I don’t have an exact answer.  While I’ve linked to stormfront a few times, in relation to larouche, I’m pretty sure I have not looked over such neo-nazi message boards long enough to see such admirations.  A bit more likely,  We can expect to see Alex Jones having to defend himself for attracting commenters like him – quoting Texe Marr, actually.  (This would be the second terrorist of that commenting sort.  But, if I recall right, the last one was more plugged in to taking Bernard Goldberg’s book a bit too seriously.  Or was that a different terrorist?) 

Free Republic has a similar problem at hand.

The good news for the “right” is that hates Israel, and every Republican presidential candidate, so we have something there to flount away any queasiness from Napolitano’s “DHS Report” — I note this because in looking about I see a conservative blog crying out on why this man was not a “Right-winger”.  , It bears stating that that DHS Report was not referencing even , say for instance, the Birthers per se

… though, to play one game of degrees of separation: Hal Turner plugs Von Brunn’s book.  And Sean Hannity really, really, really would like to forget Hal Turner.

One Response to “another domestic terrorist attack”

  1. Justin Says:

    The comments section for almost every informationclearinghouse page tends to be a trip and a half.

    In my “unedited” from January, I was going to eventually comment on this — click on the comments:

    My familiarity with Von Brunn, I think, comes simply from reading conspiratorial pages’ comments section. The Jews are never too far off.

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