Also, can Superman out-race the Flash?*
Sunday, May 24th, 2009Slightly disappointed to learn, though I don’t quite know why, that the 9/11 Truth wackadoodle film Zeitgeist movie makes use of Lyndon Larouche hisownself. I don’t even know why that is — maybe I was pegging a hope that the man found himself further on the fringe of the Fringe than this, or that if it were to make use of his org it’d pull in, say, a Jeffrey Steinberg. But nonetheless, this review tells us he makes an appearance.
What is grating about it is the fact that the movie uses LaRouche as a reliable witness. Google him up, and it’s like turning a rock over: suddenly, cockroaches start squirming all over the place. This individual is anti-semite, covert fascist and, no surprise here, conspiracy theorist. He claims to be the real originator of the SDI (the Strategic Defense Initiative, the anti-missile project under Ronald Reagan dubbed “Star Wars”) – no mention of the real drivers of the project, Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham and the renowned scientist, and father of the hydrogen bomb, Dr. Edward Teller. LaRouche did some years in jail for tax evasion, and then him and his attorney started a campaign saying that his imprisonment was a “conspiracy” by government officials to discredit and destroy LaRouche and “brainwash” the population.
It’s all very surreal, until you learn that he was bullied and isolated in school – well, that explains it, he looks then very much like the mad scientist from Batman, except without superpowers or death rays.
That’s someone who the movie presents, keeping a straight face, as a reliable source of information. Sigh.
But for my purposes, what is interesting here is the simple linking to the wikipedia page as a source of information. Despite the best efforts of the concerted Larouche tag team of wiki-editors. The latest wikipedia editing attempt is a push-back from an attempt to take out from the lede the name “Stanislav Menshikov”. A few key lines here:
It might be appropriate to mention that Menshikov has spoken at one or more LaRouche movement events, so is not an impartial commentator. Will Beback talk 20:48, 22 May 2009 (UTC)
At this point, I think that the most helpful thing that you could do would be to write a new BLP of Stanislav Menshikov, to replace the one that you just (Ctrl-click)”>deleted as part of your never-ending feud with the LaRouchies. –Leatherstocking (talk) 01:03, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
If he’s genuinely notable then someone unassociated with the LaRouche movment will write one. I have no feud with “the LaRouchies”, and I’d remind you to assume good faith and avoid baseless charges. Will Beback talk 01:55, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
I have no opinion on whether Menshikov warrents a wikipedia page, and I have only a marginal and detached belief he shouldn’t be mentioned in a lede. (Wait a few months and we’ll have a different ‘Big Name of the Month’ serving for Larouche’s back-up to suggest either “Big in Russia” or “Respected by Professors in Connecticut“!) But it is notable the reason for the deletion of the Menshikov post.
20:50, 22 May 2009 Will Beback (talk | contribs) deleted “Stanislav Menshikov” ‎ (G5: Creation by a banned user in violation of ban)
Ah, yes. Herschel Kurstofsky. And so the wikipedia game continues. As I discovered previously, a Larouchie theory at work is that to have a wikipedia page is to exist for purposes of a wikipedia reference, to not is to not. Also, (go down to the 6th section), be sure to buttress your points at tangeantal unrelated wikipedia entries they probably could give two whits about, ala Paul Krassner.
In other strange Internet sightings, follow this flow-chart regarding a posting about an Alex Jones video**:
flyinghotwing Says:
May 19th, 2009 at 7:05 am i have listened to …
i have listened to larouch and have gone to a meeting at his headquarters in LA and he does sound good…i also like ron paul because he stands for honesty and tells it like it is from within the house, i also like jesse ventura..larouche is a smart economics man……..what do you think about the creature from jekyll island?
LaRoucheisright Says:
May 19th, 2009 at 7:05 am Yes of course he is … Yes of course he is
The only way to defeat this evil cabal is to join LaRouche ! You got to have a movement with a leader who knows how to win, and what to do. Go look at LaRouchePACdotcom
listen to some of the youth members videos.
The movement we need produces youngsters like the LaRouche movement. This explanation of who predicted it is totally sophistic. Too complcated an idea to do in five hundred symbols. Listen to LaRouche if you want to understand the difference.
flyinghotwing Says:
May 19th, 2009 at 7:05 am is larouche better …
is larouche better than ron paul? why>
flyinghotwing Says:
May 19th, 2009 at 7:05 am who created the Fed …
who created the Fed? Jewish and anglo american banking interests…….same people behind the depression(s), the world wars for profit, the empires abroad for natural resources….its black nobility folks from Europe, and the U.S. and some Japanese ( trilateral connections) as well…………..
flyinghotwing Says:
May 19th, 2009 at 7:05 am the american …
the american corporation known as the united states (colonies) is part of the anglo american empire, british ruled from London via Rothschild. These Jewish European bankers are indeed in control, but they work with the Vatican asins as well…….so its really not just jews, its a conglomerate of evil conspirators…but give me proof of what you mean by the jewish american establishment…i mean i realize they are prominent with the creation of Israel, as well as banking and media interests
LaRoucheisright Says:
May 19th, 2009 at 7:05 am Alex jones never …
Alex jones never talks about the solution. We must have a movement behind Lyndon LaRouche.
Alex Jones, Beck, and all the other populists are lying. This is all lies except the problem. Listen to LaRouche if you want to get out of this. Promote LaRouche, if you want to get out of this crisis with your life.
 … Okay, “Laroucheisright”, but… do you have any comment on that posting about the Jews?
A bit less important, Ron Paul supporters can sometimes pull to the same wave-length, So why no answer to the specific question “Is Larouche better than Ron Paul?”
It appears that he’s a busy blog commenter. He has comments to make about Putin speaking about Georgia on Japanese television. See here**. I think he’s contradicts himself with these two comments:
Yes it is true Soros is as evil little creature as the Oligarchy has working for them. There is maybe no other that does more for the Empire than George Soros. AND
Maybe it is George W. Bush having a little fun.
Divide and conquer ya, the age old method of the British empire to destroy Nation States. Everyone knows Jr. is a cousin of the queen ya? And that his Grandfather Prescott bankrolled Adolph Hitler until he was forced to stop in 1942. If you want to stop fascism join Lyndon LaRouche.
I don’t know. Implicit is the suggestion that maybe the Bushes are as evil as Soros, and thus Soros can’t be “as evil as the Oligarchy has working for them.” Okay, never mind. That’s a stretch. “Laroucheisright” wins this round. But he loses this next round here **:
The only way to defeat this evil cabal is to join LaRouche ! You got to have a movement with a leader who knows how to win, and what to do.
Depends on one’s definition of “winning”, I suppose.
Incidentally, I need to pull back that “Beck” reference that I just pushed past. In order to shrug and nod to this factnet post. Basically, Glen Beck is swerving into the same conspiratorial and paranoid sources that Larouche is pulling back — Beck’s “Obama is unleasing Fascism with a Friendly Face” comes from dusting off what I guess is his new discovery of some the ugly parts of the Progressive Era. It’s not too hard to drive about the veins of partisan and philosophical discontent — whoop de doo — the Larouche org is swerving to the conservative side as opposed to the liberal side. Not quite completely, I guess, as he’ll still stand up against any reforms of Social Security, but good enough to — say, take on Medical Marijuana, and good enough to bring back the “Club for Life” and come out strong against Abortion and Obama’s Notre Dame speech. (And while I’m referencing factnet posts, I see a bit of symetry with this line:
Personally, I think it’s Lyn’s ham-handed response to the series of posts on Dennis King’s website on Abortion in the LaRouche Organization, including the two pieces by “Evil Witch†Kronberg.
What’s the point of calling out Tennenbaum in this way? What hoax or scheme is he talking about? Is this nothing more than rhetoric against those that have left the cult? And a warning to those still in it?
The Tennenbaum item is particularly interesting in light of “Revenire”‘s “friendly reminisces” of Tennenbaum (posted photograph), proving something or other to “earnest one”, aka Peter Tennenbaum (he of “New Revelations in Terror” fame). Factnet elicits elliptical responses from the org.
I may or may not post scattered stuff in the coming days in the comments section, but I’ll leave anyone bored enough to chew over this .
(* It should be noted that I do have some degree of respect for Congressman Ron Paul — your mileage may vary and I’ll say that it’s not exactly total–, and am leery of making that point the focus of the title of this blog post.)
** I think these originate from youtube and are computer-copied to these links.
I think this is a bad idea. President Clinton’s immoral behavior sets a bad example. If everyone treated their families the way he treated his…our economy and military strength would be ruined. We need to send a message to developing nation’s that one of the keys to individual prosperity is a strong and faithful marriage.
–Augustine 25
Sometimes people are prone into falling into these Hyper-Partisan Rut. Hold on. Here’s another one!
This man is an ex-President of the United States. The highest office in our country. He worked with other leaders of the world on the world stage. Can this man do anymore to demean the office. For an ex-President of the United States to go to work for the UN is absolutely appalling. Especially while his wife is serving as our countrys Sec of State. What is wrong with this guy??????
— Larry