Memo the the “web2.o” brainiacs tasked to “blog” for the latimes. Don’t put up a “Call for your swine ful conspiracies” entry. There’s only one of two ways the flow of the comments are going to go.
In this case, the second comment set the tone and debunking his claims, or rebunking his claims, dominated the forseeable commenting. Witness:
I’m not giving credentials and I don’t have to. I’m not giving you any information that requires it. I think intuition would tell everyone that if someone claims silver is the cure-all (for pathogens) then we would’ve know for a long time, it would be FDA approved, and we would live in harmony with the microbes. And yeah, I suppose we could all be scientists over the internet, but you would certainly get laughed at by the scientific community if you actually thought that worked. Sorry man, but your cure-all claim was killed the second you said ‘all viruses and bacteria.’
The FDA has already classifies Silver Colloid as a pre-1938 drug to treat infections and diseases related to pathogens, so your “FDA would have approved it” banter is rather pointless. I first started using silver colloid on the advice of my doctor (who’s been in practice for 40 years plus). However due to drug company influence in recent years (50% of the FDA budget is drug company profits. Drug companies lose money, FDA employees lose their jobs. Talk about a conflict of interest.), they have been trying to tell doctors that it’s better to use patented antibiotic poisons instead and has only allowed Silver Colloid manufacturers to label their products as “supplements”. Thankfully, my doctor is an old-timer who knows that’s a bunch of nonsense.
The reason why Silver is a cure for viruses and bacteria isn’t because it attacks their immune system like Anti-Biotics do. It’s because it actually bypasses the immune system completely. The bacteria sees silver as a harmless substance (since it’s not a poison, just a mineral) and lets it pass through. Once it does, the silver compromises the bacteria’s digestive system, and the bacteria die off. Since the bacteria’s immune system does not detect silver, the bacteria cannot become immune to it.
“I think intuition would tell everyone that if someone claims …..”
someone sounds as if they are straddling the fence between science and the realm beyond science. There is so much information out there about the colloidal silver, why not read about it before you make YOUR claims. Have had personal experience with colloidal silver when the strongest antibiotic known didnt do ‘squat’ for my loved ones condition. I suppose we choose our beliefs and values based on personal experience and or loved ones experiences, what failed, what worked, particularly that which works superbly. It is fair to say colloidal silver COULD work for the swine flu. I hope you never catch it, i hope i never catch it, but colloidal silver & sambucol would be my families first choice to battle it……to be “laughed at by the scientific community if you actually thought that worked”…now theres a first….
Guy just sees no reason to force you from your Collodial Silver. The benefit in making himself known does not
Anyway… the question asked about here:
Posted by: JewelD | April 29, 2009 at 06:34 PM
via the Rense link (god love Rense!) “Will it turn your skin blue?” Here’s Montana Libertarian Party star Stan Jones.
What does this have to do with the Swine Flu, though?
Nevermind, this is the type of user feedback that is going to save the Newspaper as we move further and further into the Age of the Internet.
I use it personally to stop toothaches (caused by the same pathogens that cause cavities), and for athletes foot.
Posted by: Revgen | April 28, 2009 at 03:35 PM
It doesn’t matter if someone injects something they heard on Coast to Coast with George Noory — the “ain’t conspiracy theories entertaining?”, or “Late at night, I sit with insomnia and have to go ‘hm'” affect. We’re talking about the benefits or lack thereof of Silver Colloid.
Whether or not the swine flu is real… Don’t take silver colloid as some cure-all and remember, ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.’
Posted by: Beetle | April 28, 2009 at 03:53 PM
Of course, the question here is — What kind of Scientist is named “Beetle”? Revegen catches that one, don’t he?
Oh, and if you’re a scientist, at least give us your name and position. Everybody can be a scientist on the internet.
Posted by: Revgen | April 28, 2009 at 05:59 PM