just so you know Howie G: Yes, I am a composite.

Okay.  Can somebody explain to me what the hell “Howie G” is talking about here, because I’m not entirely sure.

Howie G said…  European, I would like you to prove you are a real person. Your point of view is absurd. You are actually, or like a compilation of a team of intelligence (or stupidity) agents. How can you quote LaRouche, admit that he has always been slandered in a disgusting way, and then reject everything? You’re the one who needs to be “deprogrammed.” Still trying to cash in on that money and sex chit you thought was coming from the Larouche org?
European [explains his position, obviously not mine, not important in this narrow question.]
Howie G said… But prove you are real, not “composite.”

Seriously.  Which is it:  Does Howie G
(a) believe that “European” is a fictional entity — anti-Larouche agents set up this blog and factnet poster , or
(b)is this his way of saying that his personality was “created” by the anti-Larouche agents?

This is not a rhetorical question.  ‘Tis one or the other.  The former would be a literal reading of his words, the latter a figurative reading.  The latter would make some sense of some kind, the former is completely nuts.  I simply do not know which side of the coin I fall on, but get the feeling that to solve this problem is to have the key to a few locks.

Next question.  What is this?, from October 2008 — and from someone who evidentally heralds from Montana:

It’s common knowledge in the conservative community that William Ayers recruited Barack Hussien when he was 8 years old. In addition to being used to deliver bombs to the homes of American Patriots in The Heartland, the young boy was also converted to a life-long homosexulist by the all-pedophile Liberal class and he spread this deviancy throughout the many madrasses he attended during his religious indoctrination. As a member of a ring of Muslin call-boys, Barack Hussien was able to infiltrate the Defense Department, where he entrapped, blackmailed and eventually assassinated Texas Senator John Tower, all on Ayers orders. This was only one of a long string of murders Ayers directed the boy to commit, all in an attempt to bring down our Democracy in order to replace it with a Stalinist-Muslamo hybrid state of repressive religious influence and strange food.

Ayers continues to control him. In the early 1970’s, the radical bomber put together a devious plan to take out Lyndon LaRouche’s printer, Ken Kronberg. The genius of the plan was the length of time it would take to execute, which would in turn, leave Ayers off of the list of suspects. He finally concluded his devious machinations on Aprill 11, 2007 by having Barack Hussien run Kronberg over with his own Toyota Corolla, making it appear to be a suicide. Curiously, all records of this event have been lost and the FBI has refused to make any statement on it.

Barack Hussien is the ultimate ….ummm…….what was the name of that Frank Sinatra movie where the guy gets brainwashed and then he gets elected? The Stepford Wives? Well, he’s the ultimate Stepford Wife, ready to go insane as soon as the layer cake is frosted, speaking metaphorically. You LIE-brals need to get your heads out of the sand and recognize that John McPalin is the only thing standing between us and a life of eating chick peas and pita bread for the rest of our lives, wearing a turban the whole time under the threat of the Muslin clothing police.

Okay.  I recognize this as a partisan Democrat mocking a Republican tying candidate Barack Obama to Bill Ayers more tightly than real — but in this rambling of conspiratorial tropes, WHERE DID KEN KRONBERG COME INTO THAT PICTURE?  Maybe I was wrong after all in saying that I don’t think Kronberg should have a wikipedia entry, except that the whole Larouche villa of wikipedia entries is screwy.  Apparently he’s lodged into the popular psyche somewhere.

Such matters tend to be pretty strange.  But everything is strange hereabouts.  Case in point:  In December, I ran into this list of British Jews.  Um… “a list of most of the Jews that occupy top positions in our country, some are very influential in many areas of our society while others in the list are not, at this stage of the investigation it is impossible to determine which Jews are guilty and which Jews are innocent.”  Interesting starting supposition.  Jeremiah Duggan made the list, which struck me as just a little bit weird.  Well, here’s another list of Jews that Duggan made, a tad more positive a purview.

And there’s this comment — which brings me back to the Howie G question — “Prove to me you’re real and not composite.”:

The Geithner/Paulson/GoldmanSachs plan is so bad even Lydon LaRouche makes sense ranting against it!

Couple that one with this guy, who last week I spotted at his blog wading into the tide of Larouche in having done a tad of research to convince him that there is “FAD” about him swarming about — but anways:

I am bracing myself for those dismissive comments that often arrive immediately after I point to a thought provoking video, article or speech that happens to reside on a site supported by Lyndon LaRouche or his various organizations. However, I have learned to base part of my judgement about thinkers and leaders by the people that they have influenced. If LaRouche can convince people like Portia that he is no “nutter”, then it seems to me that he has passed a very important test of legitimacy.

With a statement like that, it demands what he is requesting, hence comment #1:

Gravatar The Introduction which stated “it is time to listen to the wise words of Lyndcn LaRouche,” got to me. A definate turn off. LaRouche once said:
“America must be cleansed for its righteous war by the immediate elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and other British agents from the councils of government, industry, and labor.”

At least LaRouche has an original explanation for his anti-Semitism, the Jews are the agents of the Queen of England, who is the real ruler of the United Kingdom. The Jews are not the only tools of the British monarch, “Adolf Hitler was put into power in Germany on orders from London.”

I could not watch anymore.

Is this Ron Rod Adams a real person, or just a composite?

At least he didn’t cite Ramsey Clark:

… but Ramsey Clark is now working to free the remains of Geronomo from the Skull and Bones secret society, so that makes up for all that, right?

In truth, the “so bad even Larouche makes sense” entity linked to something where Larouche’s thoughts are corraled well enough that it makes sense of a sort — it could have been worse for him.  Might have linked to this all:

“This is fascism combined with insanity. It is a case of the criminal mind going insane.” […]

LaRouche pointed out that the British suckered him based precisely on this profile he has of himself as the forger of consensus. As a consequence, LaRouche said, Obama is “on the edge of going down. They didn’t have to control him, because he could control himself. This is tragic.”
“This agreement cannot be accepted,” LaRouche said. “If it were, it could very well lead to riots in the United States, the the breakup of the nation and to terrorism. Therefore, this must be rejected. The U.S. must not sign any treaty agreement with these elements. No patriot will allow this to be confirmed, no matter which side of the aisle he or she is on. To sign this would be to betray the United States.
“This is one ego trip from which the President may return, but the nation may not come back. The price of his ego trip is too high a price to pay. No man has a right to have his ego used in this way. Our country can’t be put into jeopardy, humanity can’t be put into jeopardy, because he wants to win a popularity contest.”
Hm.  Stoking all that further, here’s Jeff Steinberg on the controversy surrounding Chas Freeman:

Perhaps no recent event better proves the point that the United States, and the Obama Presidency in particular, is under a vicious assault from an apparatus that, a half century ago, would have been openly called what it is—a bunch of lying Fascists—than the forced resignation of Ambassador Chas Freeman from his designated post as head of the National Intelligence Council (NIC).

Not that I’m going to call anyone who disagrees with the dumping of Chas Freeman as anti-semitic, but for the love of Gawd, really?  Half a century the “Israel Lobby” would have been called “fascist”?

And here’s your Webster Tarpley accolade fix!

Webster does an outstanding job articulating our collective reality and the way back from the brink of a new dark age. I suggest we listen and learn………..

Indeed.  He crafted that Venetian Conspiracy that Larouche is still using, didn’t he?   See also this list of evil-doers.

7 Responses to “just so you know Howie G: Yes, I am a composite.”

  1. Justin Says:

    A particularly good blog post from European about African dictators


  2. rachel holmes Says:

    Howie G said… But prove you are real, not “composite.”

    Or, translated, Howie G (almost his real name) said, prove you’re not a composite.

    Someone needs to tell Howie G–and I guess it’s gonna be me, Howie–you can’t prove a negative.

    Didn’t the logicians and logisticians in the LaRouche org teach you that, in all those years of dialectics?

  3. Justin Says:

    Study this latest comment and we may get to an answer to my query about Howie G
    http://american-lycurgus.blogspot.com/2009/04/threedimensional-model-what-eap-lym-and.html?showComment=1239192180000#c5917656161586785906 :

    Howie G said…
    Have you heard about the three-dimensional anti-LaRouche model of Professor I.M. Oprescu? It starts with ex-member enraged about all the casual sex they missed while trying to actually do something. This is overlaid with a cybernetic personality, or a purely synthetic personality created by a study group with certain clear axioms. Third is a strong quality of establishmentarianism, that is going along with all prevailing establishment views, and regressing to the world view of a three year old. For more see link at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3223372

    A proper response reposted here, followed quickly by a Concurrent Insulting not posted here:

    What do you have against sex, Howie?

    But, we have those words: “cybernetic personality, or a purely synthetic personality created by a study group with certain clear axioms.” Cleared up, I suppose.


    I realized, when looking in at wikipedia pages yesterday (“leatherstocking” trying to establish some cred to argure that Dennis King has a COI by arguring a “COI” at Paul Krassner’s page… that’s about the only way I can read that), leaterstocking’s literary reference — one I had no reason to know and no reason not to know, and James Fenimore Cooper reasonably dismissed with a consensus establishment view largely from Mark Twain’s essay. Not without his champions, I suppose, and so Larouche has cottoned to James Fenimore Cooper, I suppose in an art of establishing some form of “Americanism”– or were there some James Fenimore Cooper aficiniados opening up their wallets to him? At the same time, Twain is a British agent, or Twain’s work represents a British plot, or something. But I’m curious: Is about the only reason Larouche hates Twain that he went after Cooper? (Weird bit of “Intellectual Cargo Cult” going on here.)

  4. Rachel Holmes Says:

    A long time ago, two LaRouche org members, Stan and Stephanie Ezrol, did a piece on Mark Twain denouncing him as a racist fascist XYZ–partly because of his short story “The Mysterious Stranger,” which is very disturbing, cynical, etc.

    Evidently they never read “Huckleberry Finn,” one of the most passionate indictments of slavery ever written, as well as being The Great American Novel (in my view).

    Since they also accused Twain of being a Confederate flunky of the old slavocracy, I think it’s reasonable to assume that they were not aware that it was Mark Twain who supported Ulysses S. Grant at the end of his life, when Grant was pretty well penniless and needed Twain’s help to support his family, as Grant raced against cancer to write his memoirs.

    Then another LaRouchean, Larry Hecht, denounced Twain as a deserter in the Civil War (not realizing that the army Twain deserted was the Confederate Army, thus burnishing his anti-Confederacy credentials).

    Lyn has a bee in his bonnet about James Fenimore Cooper, who may have been a wonderful spy and guy, but was a lousy writer. Lyn’s favorite American writers are Cooper and Poe–not to say he’s read them, but…

    He hates Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, etc.–probably because all are far better regarded than Cooper. He defends Poe from charges that he was a drunk….

    Can’t remember what he thinks of Washington Irving. I think he likes him.

    The main thing is–Lyn hasn’t read any of this stuff. A two-minute conversation with Lyn on any great work of fiction will satisfy you that he doesn’t know up from down. Discussing “Don Quixote” with him is like being waterboarded.

    After Ken Kronberg died and Molly Kronberg started attacking LaRouche et al., she got slammed for liking Twain, hating Cooper (she was long gone from the org, but the inner life of the org never changes). She was denounced for having pushed Twain’s hilarious essay “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses.”

    Ken Kronberg, whose loyalty no one questioned (although maybe they should have), was going to run something on Cooper in Fidelio magazine –then he read Twain’s essay, found it very funny, but was still going to run the Cooper material.

    Then he tried reading “The Deerslayer” (he had never read Cooper), and after 100 pages, tossed it aside and announced, “This is unreadable.”

    Ken Kronberg had a wonderful ear for language.

    Anyhow, the Twain/Cooper issue has become one more of the wacky touchstones by which you can tell whether someone is Good (Thinks Like Lyn) or Bad (Thinks Like Himself or Herself).

    And yes, that’s why “leatherstocking” is “leatherstocking.”

    As to Howie G, maybe he’d be happier if he were a composite. His obsession with other people’s sex lives–total strangers’ sex lives–is not a good sign.

  5. Justin Says:

    I haven’t looked at the last Reason post from last month since a couple days after its posting, so I missed that Gerald Pechenuk showing up in the comments — which xlcer just posted at factnet. The five comment cluster of some note
    http://www.reason.com/blog/show/132472.html :

    COOP! When will you come to D.C., for “fun”?
    Suki | March 25, 2009, 10:05pm | #

    Have I seen you and your wife at Crucible?
    Gerald Pechenuk | March 25, 2009, 10:18pm | #

    If you are ever sober enough to take your own mind seriously, ask any one you like, your choice, from China, about the role of the British Oligarchy in the Opium Wars of the 19th century. And PLEASE enlighten us as to your findings. We await your wisdom on the role of the British in the Opium Wars!!!! Don’t LET US DOWN AND DON’T CHANGE THE SUBJECT TO AVOID FACING THE REALITY….. If you try that, you will have exposed yourself as being a fraud…. Stick to the subject…. The British and the OPIUM WARS AGAINST CHINA!
    Bronwyn | March 25, 2009, 10:25pm | #

    I was just about to say that I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Now I must add that I have no idea what Gerald is talking about, either.

    Is this one of those awkward moments when I should feel left out, or should I feel grateful?
    Hugh Akston | March 25, 2009, 10:38pm | #

    Helga Zepp-Fidelio of the Phyllis Diller Institute | March 25, 2009, 10:50pm | #

    Gerald, stop beating around the bush. Doherty is a well known OPPONENT OF THE VERDI TUNING! In 1989 he was ARRESTED BY CARABINERI while demonstrating for 440HZ modulation outside of LaScala. COME CLEAN, “Doherty”!

    Okay. Gerald Pechenuk posts something which flies under the radar. Followed by the revenire type bleating that LAROUCHE WAS RIGHT about the Queen of England, see the Opium Trade. Followed by a “Huh?”. Followed by someone chiming in to tap Gerald Pechenuk on the shoulders and say “hi”. Followed by another “huh?”, incidentally.

  6. Rod Adams Says:

    Just dropping by to let you know that Rod (not Ron) Adams is a real person, no a composite. I am also using my real name to engage in civil discourse about some enormous challenges – like economic development in Africa and the importance of nuclear power in that development. That happened to be the main topic in the video that I linked to from my blog.

    Rod Adams
    Publisher, Atomic Insights

  7. T (European) Says:

    That one was funny yes! I am a composite!

    Well… I can tell you the big secret… I am a lego construction! Here is a picture of me! http://blog.makezine.com/03.lego.art.jpg



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