Glen Beck demands answers!
It’s always interesting to hear the “rant snippet” commentary of talk radio hosts placed for the station’s promotional advertisements. What is interesting is how they have a way of telling us that the talk show host has, roughly, nothing to say. Here is the man I previously referred to as “Conservative Pundit talk-radio type guy to watch for” in this “Obama Era”, and which Talker’s Magazine has ranked at #5, distilled down to what the station producers deemed the attention – getting appetitizing sound-byte:
“Tell Me What Europe has done for the World in the last 150 Years!”
With that I am supposed to go “Wooah!”, and program my radio to catch more of the wisdom of Glen Beck. The answer to Glen Beck’s demand on what Europe has done in the last 150 years: It has stationed itself over 2% of the Earth’s surface and about comprised about 6.8% of its land area. Take that, Mr. Beck!
Looking down that “Talker’s Magazine” list, we see the first “liberal” as “Thom Hartmann” at #10, situated right there behind, um er and huh, “Mancow”. It’s relatively arbitrary to rank them, and I suspect that it’s deemed best to slot “Liberal Talk Format” (which, regardless of relative failure, has secured some presence on the radio-waves) host close to the Top 10 — better Thom Hartmann than Ed Schultz.  Randi Rhodes, at #48, surely will fall to that “101 – 250” list, based on the news of what happened to her, and the fall of that make-shift up-start network. But does this mean that Randi Rhodes become a supplicant at the station she fled from to sign up with Air America?
February 23rd, 2009 at 2:40 pm
beck is rather odd isn’t he? i haven’t really looked into his circus act but he looks funny
he is a ranter, and thinks he’s right about everything doesn’t he? he reminds me of benny hinn except not as cool, hinn is a real showman
beck is just sorta nerdy
February 24th, 2009 at 2:50 pm
Watching Beck’s new FOX show the other day, I noticed his title sequence is now nearly identical to the “martial law/police state” footage Alex Jones uses at the beginning of his “documentaries”. He’s ranting his way into irrelevancy…and higher ratings.
February 24th, 2009 at 3:21 pm
Mental note to tie the trajectory of Alex Jones through the Bush Administration along with the “9/11 Truth Movement” (attracted, as a generic phrase, “left”) into a basic consortium of whither the Militia Movement as a response to this blog post:
Though I may well just post something from the 1968 Thayer book on the political fringe I’ve been posting from and call it a day’s thought.
February 25th, 2009 at 7:04 am
does anyone really take beck seriously though? that is the question? i know, on the right fringe, he’s a big nothing but anyplace else? i doubt it – he is more of an amusement, like rush’s ravings
February 25th, 2009 at 8:35 am
Two points if you can tell me why I find your comment ironic.
One point if you can tell me why I find revenire’s comment ironic.
February 25th, 2009 at 10:58 am
but what do i win for two points? the wolverton book?
February 25th, 2009 at 5:24 pm
A No-Prize, silly.
February 25th, 2009 at 6:05 pm
when i was a kid i actually received one from stan lee lol – on a post card
i was in heaven for days