Larouche’s Meaningless HBPA Initiative Blown to Bits in South Dakota by the insolence of Molly
Three weeks ago I say I’ll be back to covering Larouche in a week. It then took two weeks for me to assemble enough worthy to pass on, hence I ended the next post by saying I’ll be back in two weeks. I assumed a set pattern where I’d assemble a pile of largely meaningless links of “Larouche” in its modern usage of slur, and here and there a “local color” flickr photograph of a cardtable shrine against the British Empire. But we have a weirdly notable development, hence I return to the subject of the Lyndon Larouche Organization one week after that last post.  A development that I do not know precisely what to make of this, but it is something that should only be explained with a kind of Kremlinogy analysis.
So, sometime after giving up on his quest to find a cheap copy of Kamandi The Last Boy on Earth #29, my resident Larouchie suggested, as a guage of the awesome political potency of Larouche and an indication of the mass following he has amongst the people, to watch as city councils and state legislators everywhere pass the HBPA Resolution. I could spot one local news copy which would make the troupe in the boilerroom in Leesburg smile — thank the good folks of Hazelton, Pennsylvania– , and one other item of reaction to being lobbied at a council meeting by Larouchies pressing for the resoultion’s passage. In terms of the (quote-in-quote) “citizen journalism” of blogging spit out another person noting the LPAC news release of a passage, and a look through in the council record revealed for them a giant “Meh. Whatever.”
But I think we may now have a first.  I think. Correct me if I’m wrong, but usually LPAC is anything if not Triumphantal. LPAC has published a report to the effect that a Resolution has failed to pass. Now, this I presume happens all the time (Did that LA Council, greeted by masked Schwarzenegger and Rohatyn impersonators, pass anything?) , but here for some reason they just HADCHA report this:Â
The Crime of Marielle (Molly) Kronberg Defeats LaRouche’s HBPA in South Dakota LegislatureFebruary 20, 2009 (LPAC)–On February 18th, South Dakota Democratic State Rep. Richard Engels cited Lyndon LaRouche’s fraudulent criminal conviction in 1988 as the reason South Dakota legislators should send House Concurrent Resolution 1009 endorsing LaRouche’s Homeowner’s and Bank Protection Act (HBPA) to defeat. Engels, a Democratic lawyer from Sioux Falls, did not even discuss the content of the bill, which is the only approach that could save […]
Here I refer to an example of an early 2004 Democratic Primary Debate (the one that Democrats were upset enough to petition the 2008 candidates not to participate in a debate sponsored by Fox News, one reason for “outrage” which was cited was that they weren’t able to clamp down disturbant audience members represented in this exchange:
AUDIENCE MEMBER: (OFF-MIKE) “Where’s Larouche?”
DEAN: I suspect he’s in jail.
AND, later, at another heckling moment, an exchange between Sharpton and Lieberman which lacks the direct punch but is a bit longer than I’m willing to post. The South Dakota state representative is simply following in the foot-steps of a long line of such references, which I think starts with a response to Larouchies by George Herbert Walker Bush (the original enemy in the frame-up, the enemy having been replaced by Kronberg), timeline being during the trial so the Larouche Organization probably decided Bush’s comment was a case of “letting the cat out of the bag”.
I do not fully know to what this “press release” is responding. It strikes me as an excuse to lay down the Larouche line of defense, for his troops, on the Larouche Court Trials, which suggests a number of possibilities. #1: There has been an up-surge of Larouchies “on the ground” being entreated by the public noting Larouche’s criminal history. #2: As relatively small bore as this is, the “wikipedia Entry of the Day” feature on “Larouche Criminal Trials” proved a source of dread and foreboding — I suppose stacked next to 20 pages of “Secrets of the Elites” posted at factnet. #3: Larouche is anticipating (for good reason and bad) something in the way of court trials here and/or abroad, and needs to gird the org’s members with its history. #4: The small bore flutterings, reporting of which is kind of my stock and trade here, of insults needs to be rebuffed by the storyline of a proud Organization, arrows shot from bows with the arrows falling to pieces upon hitting the target.
Of course the antipathy toward Molly Kronberg is long established, as demonstrated in the comments section here, and I believe this to be the current “line”. I too am a fan of grade school playground insults, so I may as well add: Margaret is a poopy-head. There. Even stevens! Richard Engels’s career, I assume, will survive this assault — hasn’t even made his wikipedia entry (though, nothing has). (We’ll see how monetary contributions to Larouche affect New Jersey pols careers.)
In other news, we have this following item of surreality, wherein we see that Larouche has commented on the NY Post “shot monkey” political cartoon.
Lyndon LaRouche denounced the cartoon as a threat of assassination to the President, who has championed the stimulus program which just recently passed the Congress. LaRouche said it was obvious to him that the President has not yet gotten his feet on the ground, and has to deal with problems which he is still in the process of sorting out. In the meantime, the risks of delay are costly.
I’m told that linking to the comments from this summer is too obvious, becoming a bit too cliche. There’s this former Larouche member who has packaged that quote into his habit of blog commenting (nom de plomes “Lyn Marcus” — seen in that earlier link which featured Margaret’s coarse insults toward Molly Kronberg — and “xlcer”). It has immediate relevancy of a sort — as we currently see that the Larouche Youth Movement is trying to take advantage of the platform offered by what I’ll loosely and sarcastically refer to as the “Barack Obama Youth Cult”. Witness another one of these.
This is interesting, because the last time I saw using this “myobama” platform, the Los Angeles organizer used their names in “organizing the masses” to watch a Larouche webcast, to answer questions from non-existent Canadian girlfriends. This doesn’t refer to any names. The second reason is because this “myobama” platform was used by a man warning about Costas Axios with a heavily conspiratorial perspective on Jeremiah Duggan.
Also, Barack Obama was supposed to be a British Agent. Now the British are out to assassinate him. Has Obama gone rogue? I guess it depends on whether he follows the Fascist Synarchists or… um… follows this guy’s advice. (Yessirre, the leader of the Larouche Cryonics Movement has set up a new weblog!)
We need to get off coal and get to Nuclear Energy, and advance on to Dilithium Crystals!
 EROI is about using the most efficient fuels–bang for the buck. Jevons paradox is that increasing efficiency, increases consumption. The reverse of that is that decreasing efficiency(EROI) will reduce consumption hopefully to the point of sustainability.Instead of seeking to maximize EROI, you need to minimize it. And this proves that the entire fraud is INTENDED as a “power down” hoax– which can lead only to planetary depopulation– consistent with genocide. […]
The starship Enterprise was powerred by dilithium crystals– not oil or coal. A coal powered star ship isn’t possible due to it’s not having a high enough energy density whereas a coal powered train is possible. Similarly, a nuclear powered population on a planet of 7 billion is possible whereas a wood-powered or pedal-powered population of 7 billion is not. All the ERoEI arguments IGNORE power density. The perveyors of the ERoEI hoax should watch more star trek and think about dilithium crystals.
There is something odd about the Star Trek reference. Its supposed to be all bestializing our culture — like the Star Wars characters who, as commented in 1999 While you might be watching any small portion of the Star Wars series, the most crucial epistemological issue stands out clearly at first glance. At that moment, you have merely to ask yourself: “Do these creatures look human to you?” How could anyone excuse himself from overlooking the significance of that question?
How indeed. Maybe Robert Beltran’s presence in the org has changed all that. Maybe their stance on some rock music can change too by tapping Billy Corrigan — I will note that uncovering such sentiments was how Beltran entered the org, so my advice to the org is get while the getting is good.Â
One final note, from the LPAC release of LPAC releases:
 … as opposed to Sudanese President Bashir?
That’s all. One week or two, I’ll come back to this topic.
February 23rd, 2009 at 8:12 am
Notice over on Factnet that XLCR has posted two memos from the Feb. 4 morning briefing–the briefing was written by the ineffable Jeff Steinberg, the first of the two memos was written by Barbara “Babs” Boyd, who is NOT the head of Legal, much as she thinks she should be–but she does do a lot of cooking for Lyn–and the second memo was written by the Man Himself, Lyndon LaRouche, communicating from the depths of an enraged senility.
Check out the Factnet posts at
These are the precursors to the Feb. 20 LPAC press release on how Molly Kronberg has destroyed the world.
February 23rd, 2009 at 8:46 am
Knew that there had to be a back memo or two or three setting that published LPAC “press release” up.
And this may perhaps be the least pertinent part of that couple of memos in terms of current state of the Org, but I know “one of the six people who read this blog” has some interest with this:
The disgusting spectacle of a moral breakdown of “ex’s†of a number not limited to the same disgusting, opportunism-inspired liar and renegade Webster Tarpley who kissed “F.Q.’s†ass publicly, in a fraud against historian H. Graham Lowry, should arouse our contempt and justified disgust for such degenerates, which prompts us to live up to what we are, that no one might confuse us with them. Lately the same Tarpley has lost connection with not only past and present, but is willfully lying about the future, even before it has occurred.
Doesn’t matter. I shall continue to dump Webster Tarpley crap into my “Larouche Challenge” posts, as they belong in the same genre. I have no clear interpretation of this — did Tarpley recently feel the need to publically disavow his past association (one “Larouche school of Historian” throws another “Larouche school of Historian” — Graham Lowry — under the bus), was there something unstated, or is Tarpley proving some form of attractive competition?
February 23rd, 2009 at 2:49 pm
you could just read LPAC daily (i am sure you have time to scan it) and you could probably find enough to comment weekly on larouche and/or get the briefings
tarpley went undercover and he’s really in the org still (that’s what i heard)
so did what’s his name? the NC in some city? rachel might know
February 23rd, 2009 at 4:48 pm
oh yeah, i have the original run of kamandi and the dc archives – wish they would have given that series an ABSOLUTE treatment but maybe someday
kirby sure deserves it and i like seeing the pages near to the original art size as possible and the ABSOLUTE stuff is – darwyn cooke’s new frontier absolute is a joy to behold but with what i get paid, in the basement, i can’t afford it
February 23rd, 2009 at 7:06 pm
hi rachel how is everything? just person to person friendly question and no jokes etc.
we’re getting ready for spring and can’t wait, my wife is planning her garden and i am being told i shall be carrying lots of plants around
have you seen slumdog millionaire? i am glad it won, haven’t seen it but my daughter has and she told me it was great
take care of yourself
February 24th, 2009 at 1:45 pm
interesting site this one:
February 24th, 2009 at 2:53 pm
Most interesting detail so far on the “my barack obama” political-networking site page that some LYMers are using is that final sentence:
0 people have signed up to attend this event.
Incidentally, the post referred by rh, instead of the page it’s on:
rev… the “Tarpley went undercover”? Is that directed at this earlier comment?:
Of all the former LaRoucheists running around, there are only a few that I consider likely to be LaRouche plants, one of them being, of course, the impossible Webster Tarpley. […]
Tarpley’s ex-wife, Muriel Mirak Weissbach, who remains on the Executive Committee of the Euro LaRouche org, is extremely problematic, especially her outright support for Islamic terrorism.
You want some links to play with?
Regarding the “I’m sorry. Scanning” comment, repeated: You seem to have a hang-up by my admission that I don’t read every jot and tittle of what LPAC pushes and — um — “scan” them.
February 24th, 2009 at 3:14 pm
Now that’s what I’m talking about!
February 25th, 2009 at 7:26 am
i am sure someone will be at the meeting(s) – it amuses me that some in obama’s adminstration are talking with and being advised by the “org” – i can remember when this relationship with the white house went “public” when reagan was president and the national print & TV news flip-outs, funny stuff
i don’t have a clue what’s up with webster tarpley or i’d tell you
i saw all that that was posted on factnet and linked by rachel and again linked by you (i read the briefing and it doesn’t really come across the same way to me as it does to some but does that matter? nah)
my “main” hang-ups are my wife leaving the toilet seat down, cigarette smoking (not mine, don’t smoke), cluttered rooms – so naw justin, i don’t mind if you read/scan LPAC/”the” briefing/etc… you’re a nice enough person and just doing your thing so keep at it – if i didn’t get a kick out of it i wouldn’t waste my time or yours commenting – no one would have time to read every single release from larouche’s organization unless they devoted hours per day to it
thanks for the tip on the wolverton book, love his work & so much “stuff” comes out i can barely keep up – he certainly deserved a new book on his work and fantagraphics puts out some wonderful ones – i love their LP sized series on artists (the harvey kurtzman one was really a joy)
take care
February 25th, 2009 at 7:33 am
checked the sites and thanks, interesting
i think that the “org” has presented solutions to the crisis but that’s just me, others might disagree – but that’s how anything works isn’t it?
that one was funny because the poster named “magna” obviously hasn’t read enough to “get it” about europe and the EU vs a european role in world recovery but he could just reread LPAC junk and then get it… doesn’t matter though does it?
i believe what will happen is that the current “bailout” plans will fail and when they fail i have no idea what will happen (except the economy will get worse) – that’s just my take on it
February 25th, 2009 at 9:05 am
As per the Economy: Hey! Where’s my equivalent Second Dark Ages Interval?
it amuses me that some in obama’s adminstration are talking with and being advised by the “orgâ€
Yes. That is highly amusing. Why, the org’s fingerprints are all over Obama’s agenda — what with his allusions to FDR and Lincoln and Infrasture. Too bad he also has the ear of Soros — Rhoyatin (sp?) — Gore.
(i read the briefing and it doesn’t really come across the same way to me as it does to some but does that matter? nah)
If you say so.
i don’t have a clue what’s up with webster tarpley or i’d tell you
Why don’t you have a clue? Didn’t that memo just give you the clue — he is a “disgusting, opportunism-inspired liar and renegade” who is an example in dispaying a, quote, “disgusting spectacle of a moral breakdown of ‘ex’s’ of a number not limited to” him. And furthermore, quote, he “should arouse our contempt and justified disgust for such degenerates”. And also pay heed that, quote, the org needs to ” live up to what we are” such that, quote, “no one might confuse us with them.” And who has, quote, “Lately […] has lost connection with not only past and present, but is willfully lying about the future, even before it has occurred.” Isn’t that the “deal” with Tarpley, and if not are you suggesting that the Larouche organization is a bad source for what the Larouche organization thinks?
I haven’t posted too much at factnet recently, because I don’t have anything like this to say:
Which is more relevant reading than your typical LPAC thingamajing.
February 25th, 2009 at 9:47 am
Of some note, though. Last night’s Bobby Jindal in the Republican Response hammered against the “magnetic levitating train” line. This is two things #1: not in that there stimulus budget, #2: evocative of Larouche’s obsession with Maglev Trains. Did this Republican Party talking point originate, in some circuitous route, from out of Leesburg, defending and mischaracterizing for their purposes policies of broad public transit? I say no.
February 25th, 2009 at 11:24 am
honestly no
i hear a lot of different things about webster so who knows but webster?
i know both jonathan and his wife rosa personally (worked with both of them probably 15 years ago) but that’s all i will say about that re: the factnet post (other than the poster at factnet is obviously angry, that’s fine – free world and all that)
on a broader subject: larouche has had many scientists advising him and vice versa over the years and that is all over the web for people to google and find out the truth and the lies etc
no one has suggested i am “blocked” or tried to run me over in the street for reading maus or listening to amy winehouse or watching battlestar galactica or not giving my home to the “org” etc.
people are using the young man’s death for political reasons – any death is tragic isn’t it? i don’t for one minute believe that the larouche organization conspired to murder this young man – do you?
it is interesting to discuss this with you because i find you fascinating but like my comic hobby this is a hobby for me – no one sent me here to watch you or to factnet either – speaking of hobbies it is new comic day and i wanted to go have a look
i wish everyone well and wish those at factnet well too – people are people in my book and people can disagree etc.
larouche does what he does and i really doubt anyone is going to change that until the man dies – prison didn’t stop the organization & i would imagine only his death could stop it
that is my take on it
February 25th, 2009 at 11:31 am
on the mag-lev deal i didn’t see jindal’s comments but we will have mag-lev in the US, nothing will stop that – jindal doesn’t count for much does he? he will have to accept reality, such as it is – just like everyone else
and, reality is we’re in a collapse that is hitting everything and so far none of the plans to fix it have worked so i don’t care who comes up with a plan that works as long as someone does – heck, if bush43 came up with the right solution i’d back him up with whatever i could
so far, on my block, we’ve had three foreclosures and we all know what wall st did with the money they received because it is all over the place in news reports worldwide
February 25th, 2009 at 2:39 pm
Say, rev–sounds like a nice spring coming up, potting plants or planting pots–very pleasant.
Otherwise, I’m not sure that every death is tragic. Or rather, I’m sure that every death is not tragic. I can think of plenty that aren’t.
But Jeremiah’s and Ken’s deaths were tragic, and I think there’s no question that, if they hadn’t been caught up in the LaRouche org and its pseudopods, they’d be alive today.
So there’s that.
You say nothing will stop Lyn except death (and taxes, guffaw), but I’m not sure anything ever started him. I mean, being the leader of a tniy two-bit cult isn’t the life goal of everyone.
And now, to be an advanced case of senile dementia, wrapped in an spasm of infantile rage–both ends of the spectrum, as it were–leading a handful of people who secretly hate you (the old Stalin/Beria condundrum)–that’s not so enviable either, is it?
I think the old race is almost run here.
February 25th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
hi rachel!
yeah, the race is almost run – i agree
yes ken’s death and jeremiah’s were tragic – no doubt, i agree
how deep was duggan into larouche? i thought he was new? he wasn’t a full-time organizer was he? i don’t think he was – i always thought he attended a few meeting and read what his mom wrote but never realized he was in over his head
death and taxes lol
well for me every death is tragic, even people that are murderers and the like because they’re people – guess i am just compassionate and believe in redemption – catholic upbringing so the catholics got to me before your arch-nemesis did
i don’t think larouche will go back to the slammer, he’s old now and won’t be around forever – i am surprised he is still alive now
he’s like 90 or something? must be close
your opinions on LHL and mine, well we can just agree to disagree because you’re actually a very nice person so why argue? i don’t want to and we aren’t going to fight so we can talk gardens or what good movies or something
we have a big garden, my wife loves it and she really is happy digging in there all day long
did you know pete and liz? last name D – they were out west in LA when KG (brother of bey) was the NC there… how about jim D? or ted A?
take it easy, it is almost dinner time here and it is warm out today so we’re going to barbecue to beethoven
February 25th, 2009 at 5:31 pm
honestly no
i hear a lot of different things about webster so who knows but webster?
So what would be the point of Larouche saying such a thing about Webster Tarpley? What… is this doube-agent and triple-agent type stuff?
no one sent me here to watch you or to factnet either
BTW… when did you start reading factnet? There was an exchange here that went something like:
You: “and I don’t care about Hegla’s beer farts and stuff like that.
Me: Neither do I. That’s why I don’t mention it. Evidentally you read factnet, as I can’t think of anywhere else that sort of thing would come up.
You: Factnet? Don’t read it. I hear it’s full of whiners.
… or a paraphrase along those lines.
Glad to hear “nobody sent you” and also that you’re living a fine life of domestic bliss.
February 25th, 2009 at 6:18 pm
who really knows why larouche said it? does he know? you post stuff about him and suggest he’s nuts etc so why try to figure out someone who is crazy?
you know? it is difficult to figure out a mind that isn’t all it could be – if you know what i mean
when did i start reading factnet? oh, geez – one of my old girlfriends was into the scientology cult so i don’t really know the exact date but for years
i used to live across from the celebrity center in hollywood and we used to try to sneak in there, those kooks are some real whack jobs and it sure costs a lot to become “clear” or whatever the name of their state of zen is called
tom cruise lol, a real nutter > factnet has that great video of cruise on their homepage and i loved watching it
did you actually think someone sent me here to watch the site from the larouche group? lol, no man… i am a free agent, they sign me for special jobs, black ops like pierce brosnan
i’ve been around larouche since about 1980 but i live a normal life in the basement
i don’t consider larouche a cult, as you know, but that way lies madness so i just pop in once in a while to chit chat and find some of your posts interesting and informative – it is fun and especially the L man angle (i always like to read what others say about lyn)
watching 3:10 TO YUMA tonight, hope it is good
February 26th, 2009 at 8:36 am
people are using the young man’s death for political reasons
I’ve always gawked at the name tossed out by the org of “Dick Cheney”.
Good news! I seem to have enough material to place a new “Larouche Challenge” post this weekend. You won’t have to wait those two weeks. Weeeee! Weeeee! Weee… ugh.
Anyway, I’m not one really one for surprises. If you have anything to say about these two people, feel free to fill me in on: Wayne Madsen (not affiliated with the org, so far as I know, but I’m going to play a bit of “connecto” with him), and Oskar Peterlini (your Italian Parlimentarian. Is there any boost you wish to give him?)
February 26th, 2009 at 12:49 pm
weee! weee! weee! reminded me of joe kubert’s hawkman remember? except that was wheet! wheet! wheet! wasn’t it?
madsen? i don’t read him or really know anything about the man
peterlini? i like his taste in suits but i’ve always liked italian men’s fashion didn’t realize he was our parliamentarian? lol, i didn’t know he was “ours” but did know there is a varying degree of support for larouche’s proposals in the italian government and has been over the years – the aldo moro “event” was all over italian newspapers and the conspiracy theories were all over the place so… i think peterlini is one of many MPs that go for NBW
to my knowledge, unless the photographs have been faked to keep low morale high (and i am joking because morale is very high, always has been) among the troops larouche is treated with a lot of respect in italy
i have heard that roberto benigni supports the new bretton woods of larouche as does larry fishburne so are they “our” movie stars? i know larry pretty well personally justin and he knows larouche and has for decades so there is some connecto for you
i can’t wait for the next one – hope it is good
i received a present today: the watchmen book called “watching the watchmen” signed by gibbons and with a nice pencil drawing in it
i wonder how the movie will be – i’ve read some reviews and they liked it but i don’t know… i never liked the fact moore couldn’t use the charlton heroes and had to change them – why didn’t DC just let him use the charlton heroes and treat is as any comic really is: an imaginary story?
oh well
yeah, i can feed you stuff if you like – no problem, just ask and if i know something i’d will tell you unless it is “need to know” super-secret info lol
most of what’s going on is posted on LPAC unless you want the gossip
February 27th, 2009 at 12:35 pm
weee! weee! weee! reminded me of joe kubert’s hawkman remember? except that was wheet! wheet! wheet! wasn’t it?
Actually I was evoking this time my sister-in-law asked me to make my niece a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I asked what type of bread I should use. My niece, bless her heart, answered “Weee! Weee! Weee!”, meaning, “Wheat.”
Convoluted response, perhaps?
Interesting to note a full essay about the history of forced Abortion in the Org. That never quite makes the L-Pac material. Though, it is interesting to note that today I see another in this new arena of “just like the railroad of Larouche” items, this time in reference to Ted Stevens (but the name of the particular politician doesn’t really seem to matter, it’s all interchangable, just so that we can make reference to the “Rail-roading of Larouche”.) THIS is the most important development I see from the L-PAC releases. It’s a trend.
I have one more minor humourous note to make relating to that, something I heard on a local radio program this morning — if you were listening to KPOJ just before 7 am this morning you heard Lyndon Larouche’s name come up. The feature “Political Button of the Day”, the host (Carl Wolfson) said the clue “This Green Party candidate for the Congress in 2008 spent eight years in prison”. First caller’s guess: Lyndon Larouche. This, I guess, is the damage inflicted by Molly Kronberg (why the HPBA initiative failed in the South Dakota legislature?) — what the public knows about Mr. Larouche. Anyway, the answer was Jack Kevorkian, who I guess provided a useful fund-raiser to shake some scrapings from “pro-life” people at a time, devoid of context of forced abortions in the cult I presume.
These relatively different matters all ties up neatly. There is order in the Universe.
February 27th, 2009 at 1:10 pm
kevorkian huh? that is funny
larouche’s been called a lot of different things but that’s the first time i’ve heard him called a greenie
i don’t know how many states have passed HPBA resolutions – maybe 7-12? something in there
then there are city councils etc. and really have no clue about that (i know detroit passed one in favor of it)
forced abortions? i don’t know anyone personally who was forced to have one but i do know people who have had children so really can’t shed any light on that (guess i don’t rank high enough to the grand poobah to be made aware of who got an abortion on orders)
considering what people that work full-time for larouche i’d think children would get in the way and they’d have little time to give the children the amount of time children require so i’d guess a lot of condoms are handed out with the kool-aid lol
i’d imagine organizing to get the HPBA passed will accelerate and more and more states will pass it, as well as cities and counter-organizing (like we saw in the case of south dakota) will accelerate as well – someone doesn’t want states to pass this or they wouldn’t even spend a nickel on trying to stop it
i mean the legislators signing up for it can hardly be called “larouchies” can they? sure, they will get pressure from organizations to back off their calling for the HPBA but the reality is the banks and the foreclosures are accelerating too and that is pushing this along (the HPBA) whether folks like it or not
sort of a snowball effect – once it gets rolling downhill it is hard to stop
have a good weekend
February 27th, 2009 at 3:38 pm
Frankly, rev, it doesn’t matter if every state passes a pro-HBPA resolution. If they ever sat down to try to implement it, they would fast run in the other direction.
No problem if they “endorse” it, and (speaking of snowballs) there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that they will ever apply it, because it’s way too crazy.
So that’s all right.
P.S. The people who work for LaRouche and have children find out, not that the children get in the way, but that LaRouche gets in the way. I got an email from a friend–a former member–telling me s/he calculated 20 kids born in Leesburg in the years right after LaRouche was dragged off to prison yelling and screaming about Kenneth de Courcy (you see, in LaRouche’s allocution before sentencing, Kenneth de Courcy and George H.W. Bush were the villains, not Molly Kronberg).
It’s almost as if the members in the National Center were all holding their breath, waiting for Lyn to be carted off, like Don Giovanni at the end of the opera–so that they could be normal people for a few years.
Unfortunately, though, Lyn got out of prison in 1994, and things went straight down the chute.
Because if you think he was mean before he went to prison, you should have seen him after.
February 27th, 2009 at 9:35 pm
rachel be cool, i know all about larouche and what you’re saying – just loosen up baby because i’ve been there, seen it, etc
lyn wasn’t really dragged off screaming rach, lol
i don’t want to get into a “thing” but just talk to me like you would anyone
time will tell about what happens with the economy and whether or not the HPBA does anything at all – you get more than half the states passing it and it will have some effect won’t it? or is it like dropping a feather in the grand canyon?
i have a lot of friends in/out of the iclc rachel – the one’s out were in so i see things from both sides kinda like you except i don’t have this anger toward larouche you seem to
you walked in with your eyes open, same as me, right? no one held you there with a gun and you can’t tell me larouche brainwashed you or can you?
how come you didn’t just leave sooner? friends you cared about? you seem like a nice person so why didn’t you just go if you didn’t like it?
i wouldn’t sell my car for larouche or hock my comic books or run my credit cards up
i guess some were under a spell like the screaming jay hawking song “i put a spell on you”
my friend used to throw a party each year and one years hawkins was the entertainer and i got to pick his coffin up (he would come out of it singing)
have fun (as we say lol)
February 28th, 2009 at 9:37 am
hey, i saw charlie louvin with lucinda williams about two years ago – he was great!
he’s on her new LP “little honey”
the new york state assembly just passed a resolution telling congress to pass the HPBA – bill # k196 so i guess marielle hammett wasn’t successful in new york like she was at the trial (she actually said suicide was the bravest act of ken’s life? nah, tell me that ain’t true – that’s nuts)
so add new york to the growing list of states that have passed the HPBA
it is interesting to watch all this isn’t it? i guess that depends on your hobbies
the band starsailor has a song called “jeremiah” on their LP called “on the outside”
here’s the lyrics:
“Jeremiah was dealt his hand
Went off to another land this evening
For to find some inner peace
And to see a better way of living
“He only went to try to change something
His poor young life was pulled from under him
“Found him by the motorway
Jeremiah ran away from something
Jeremiah’s mother wept
For the answers they had left behind them
“He only went to try and change something
His poor young life was pulled from under him
“And everytime I see the sun go down I think of you
The polizei I have swept it out of sight
There’s nothing new
And everytime I see the sun go down I think of you
I hope someday someone will feel the need to tell the truth
Little one do not fear
The ways of the world
Will soon be clear”
it is a haunting acoustic number – sends shivers down my spine each time i listen to it (i don’t like the band, reminds me of coldplay and i don’t like them at all or their weird outfits)
phil spector did some work on their 2nd LP (he produced two songs and look what happened to spector) but not “on the outside”
well, despite that song and that huge berlin conference the duggan case is going no place fast and the poor mother is whining about it over on her blog
“Monday, 2 February 2009
“The Attorney General has not kept any of her promises. She declared initially when we filed for a fresh Inquest she would need time to gather information from the German authorities and also from the past Coroner and that we would have access to all documents and allowed to state our comments. Then after many months of waiting she refused our request for a new Inquest using her powers to declare she could not be challenged and refused to give reasons.
“Then when we took her to Court and won our right to Judicial review her decision proving she had been unfair and she lost she was forced then to allow us access to the documents.
“These documents reveal the truth: The Attorney General has not judged anything she merely adopted the view of the Coroner. There was not one single document from the German authorities to show how the German authorities refused to open investigations. By relying on the views of the Coroner she aligns herself with the very person who we accuse of failing to carry out sufficient enquiries and also we can prove failed in their duty to carry out a full and fearless investigation. There were secret letters sent to ensure that Britain did not look as if it was criticizing the German state. What kind of Justice system is that?
“Why do the British and the German authorities not want to investigate? If there is nothing to hide then why be so frightened of the truth? Is it because as is written on Inspector Goodwin’s report to the British Police there is an extremist group in the background with “brainwashing” in the background. I have never made any accusation against any group or person for causing the death of my son and that is why I want an investigation which is the human right of my dead son. The more the authorities hide and cover up the more questions have to be asked about why has a highly antisemitic group been allowed to continue for so long in Germany? Is there or is there not Justice ? Is there or is there not Antisemitism in Germany today? Look on the streets and look what protection is given to groups that subjugate, lie and spread pernicious hate filled antisemitic conspiracies from Hessen with the Press of the EIR offices to the rest of the world. What is the Hessen police doing about that? Nothing so far but I have faith that they will in time realise that Justice has to be seen to be done. I have contact with many Good people in Germany who do stand up against Hatred and after six years of waiting want Justice for Jeremiah.”
she sounds a bit desperate doesn’t she? someone ought to tell her she’s being played like a fiddle by the enemy of mankind = lex luthor
take care everyone!
rachel – next week will be warm here and the tulips will be up soon
we’re planning the garden now, sunflowers will be in it this year
i love Spring – romance is in the air!!
February 28th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
you are one sick cookie
you sound like one of your wife’s plants
just one question: do you use a glove when you’re with the old man?
be good!
March 1st, 2009 at 10:50 am
lyndy huh?
a plant? only sunflowers for me, thank you sir
a glove with the old man? my dad has been dead for years
sick cookie? some folks don’t have a sense of humor or just don’t like larouche or are bitter because they quit or are bitter because they spent 20-30 years of their lives and then quit and now are stuck talking about larouche for days on end and thinking they are fighting the good fight
i’d be bitter too if i had wasted 20-30-40 years of my life “trapped” in a cult and then realized i could have walked away any old time i wanted to so i can see where some of the animosity and lack of humor comes from
rachel wasted a long time in the larouche organization – how come she just didn’t get up and leave? that would explain the bitterness because anyone can just walk away – it is easy (you just stand up and move one foot in front of the other and repeat until you’re far, far away)
yeah, okay – the jeremiah thing is really going places, right-o (except it is going no place real fast and jeremiah’s mother said so above when she bemoaned the latest and i can remember the gleeful ones who thought “now we will get larouche” except it didn’t happen)
so, i have to chuckle at that and say “nyah, nyah told you so” because i did say that and it is on the blog here someplace so if you can’t take it perhaps you ought to turn your head the other way?
yeah, no states know the HPBA is larouche – they were all tricked into it by hypnosis or magic! perhaps the biosphere conspired with the noosphere?
let’s not forget our agape today lyndy! sassy thing that you are – send me a postcard on your next “trip” off the planet – say hi to george clinton when you get to the mothership
“fish and visitors stink in three days” – ben franklin
going to get some dual-layer DVD discs at best buy
have fun
March 1st, 2009 at 7:55 pm
perhaps you could give us a first-hand – so to speak – report on what it’s like to operate on a daily basis with no brain and a sick heart
i know how insecure you must be chained to a madman, but give yourself a break, what with no brain, and a sick heart
watch your back!
March 1st, 2009 at 8:30 pm
“Watch your back”?
Please watch your phrases there.
March 2nd, 2009 at 9:45 am
“watch your back!”
now what is that all about? a threat? sure sounds like one & i would hate to see you, in your puffed up rage, break any laws “little lyndy”
justin thank you for attempting to control this obviously deranged individual because i do believe “little lyndy” committed a crime
we’re just talking “lyndy” and if you don’t care for the words why read them? what compels you to read them?
is it like in THE EXORCIST? = “the power of Christ compels you”?
you think this is all a joke but if you know what is going on you know it isn’t a joke at all is it?
is that just a joke too? the world hasn’t turned and started for the sun or anything but it is something isn’t it? of course it is, justin was talking about italy on his latest challenge so here is something he might want to add, i don’t know
i said people who were stuck in larouche’s organization didn’t have the guts to walk away, when others did, that’s too bad for them and their fault so why do they blame larouche today? it was their fault not larouche’s – no one was forced to remain
they were cowards not to stand up for their own convictions
i’ve read FACTnet’s posts, on larouche’s org, and they are often filled with errors and outright lies – the people there are bitter and will talk about the years they’ve wasted forever or until they can’t any longer (they whine about how larouche held them captive by some sort of magic brainwashing but others just got up and walked away, no problem and i know some of them that did walk away and this happened way back in the early 1980s and some from the 1990s too – they just left “little lyndy”)
it would seem the bitter ones, the ones filled with hate, were weak and could not leave the ICLC
others walked away without a single problem
yet, we have a FACTnet bunch that is still whining about it decades later as if they were doing a PSA or something for people – no one cares about their problems or they would have “rescued” them from the “cult” so they band together and whine and moan
it reminds me of that movie with burt lancaster larouche always talks about where lancaster gets the guy in the audience to howl like a hound – “elmer gantry”
why do they bay at the Moon? because they are angry with themselves, because they couldn’t summon the willpower to just get up from their desk – or worse yet – their post office card table “deployment in the field”, and walk away
too bad – you pity them but i see them as tragic fools who have only themselves to blame for their empty lives
and because i say so you threaten me? with what? The Anti-LaRouche Injustice League? will i find a dead cat on my doorstep?
i won’t be able to sleep tonight “little lyndy” (funny name – is it supposed to make larouche look small?)
it just makes you look obsessed with him
how many of the women that post were really in love with LaRouche or as he is referred here to – Larouche? was rachel in love with him? did she think she was going to be the “next” helga? or the “next” NEC member?
lyn isn’t clark gable, to be sure, but he does have many female admirers in and out of the LC – milla jovovich is quite taken with him according to the gossip i hear
rachel has yet to explain why she stayed in a “cult” for decades and knew it was a “cult” but didn’t leave when others that were also in larouche’s organization for decades just got their feet moving and walked away and nothing happened to them – no “suicides” etc.
marielle hammett gives herself away when she talks about all the arguments she and ken had – this was not a happy marriage and men stuck in unhappy marriages often see no way out but suicide, as she suggested ken saw no way out of the organization but suicide and paints it as a valiant act – that’s really sick of hammett (my guess is that she probably drove ken to jump herself and now that ken isn’t around to defend himself she can say anything she wants to anyone she wants)
that isn’t the ken i knew – she will writhe and moan to whomever and dennis king will salivate and post/print her whining but people know better, people that have enough dignity to remain silent about it
poor ken can’t even defend himself from marielle hammett’s attacks can he?
see “lyndy” you deadenders are bitter creatures filled with hatred aren’t you? where is the agape?
i love you and want you to do well but you’re filled with a hatred and bitterness that dennis king’s embrace won’t heal – you need to come to grips with reality
that reality is asking people that spent 20-30-40 years in a “cult” why they didn’t leave when others that spent just as long in the “cult” left with no problem? no harm came to them
you need to face that reality and get over the blame game you like to play
it isn’t good for your mental health
“justice for jeremiah”?
that is a sick joke
the mother of this young man is being used as a political football and she doesn’t even realize it – i pity her
you should pray to whomever you pray to for forgiveness
seriously, get a grip “lyndy”
go to FACTnet and moan about this because it isn’t going anyplace here
those folks still hold marxist views “lyndy” you know? go read them – it is funny
they were “chained” to a “cult” for decades and now spend their remaining years moaning about it
“i live my life” by clarence “gatemouth” brown
know the song? lucinda williams sings it on occasion and it is really good, i love it – listen to it sometime if you can and smile, remember me when you do – listen to either version but i am partial to lucinda’s version
i forgive you “lyndy” and know it hurts but you will get over this and forgive yourself because you obviously have “issues” that i can’t help you with and perhaps a trip to tavistock might help? kidding
have a good day everyone, a most enjoyable challenge indeed!
March 2nd, 2009 at 7:33 pm
what a brittle ego … ready to fly apart at any second
and to attack women???
you are all (cl)ass
March 3rd, 2009 at 12:57 am
women? what women?
lyndy you lost it when you told me i needed to watch my back, like you’re some sort of internet stalker
i am ready to fly to Mars at any second, with bob zubrin or dr moon (who is still alive with elvis and the rest of the beatles)
you are just some bitter loser who didn’t have the guts to stand up to larouche like so many at factnet who whine about the horrible “cult” and “poor jeremiah” and “poor ken” but do nothing for anyone
i have seen this before in people who have lost their way
i am an ass? lol thank you