one last post-script
I seriously don’t want to make this a habit, but I simply have to return to the comics page to make a quick comment on the flaws of this Luann strip storyline.
The problematic line is:Â “One of those decoy stand-in guys”?
I know that was de riguour in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, but is that a standard procedure in the United States, to have a bunch of Presidential look-alikes who might fool a would be assassin, an extra layer of protection for the president — maybe it was issued for the extra problems that meet a President Obama?
While I’m looking at the world of comic strips, I point to yesterday’s Zits as a weird item of social commentary, and I’ll link it to the “Josh Reads” site:
Huh. Not good, not bad, just kind of interesting that this strip would wander into the arena of “Abstinence Pledges”. There is no follow-through — today (Saturday, least read days for newspapers, and where cartoonists of comic strips traditionally dump their worst gags) we have the Pierce character making an innocuous funny — we will never know whether the cartoonist behind “Zits” has a positive or negative opinion, thankfully sparing us all from a bout of “Relevancy” by way of political and sociological commentary.
At this point I see the perils of commenting on modern comic strips, and will pledge to cease to do so. But the Luann strip had a strangely political bent which needed to be unplugged a bit.