I saw them set up at two locations last week, entreating passerbys to ask about Newton’s Fraudulent Credentials.  (Seen too by a few other people, putting them back into some Portland resident’s conciousness long enough to make a snide jab at Bill Sizemore.) As a result of seeing them at two locations, I could verify for certain that that car was theirs. And I surmise that the automobile was used back in the Carter Administration when the organization (led by the Youth Members’ forefathers) was hawking their “plan” to save the Detroit Auto Industry back then. Which does dovetail to one of those random comments I saw posted to a “Hey! Look Larouchies! Yesterday’s version of Ron Paul / Ralph Nader / fill intheblank supporters” blog post.
“Don’t know how they’ll survive once their leader croaks, but they seem to be hanging on with all the tenancity and tenuousness of Castro’s Cuba.” Or something like that. I didn’t bother saving it, and I can’t relocate it in enough time to justify completing a search for it.
I was reading over some of the old — I guess we can call them”flame – wars”, though that suggests some form of a game I was never really interested in playing– with revenire, always having planned to go back and plaster together something into a file onto the sidebar — mostly by way of some observations from ex-Larouchies which pertain specifically to Wiesbedan (fewer of them than I remember… I myself offered relatively little of substance and can summise my favorite moment of his washes ashore as this exchange… Revenire: Don’t ‘Um’ Me. and Me: Um. Ba de dum, be da bing, you’ve all been great!), but was generally struck by the ridiculousness someone so cock-sured on the viability of Larouche — there’s an odd paradox with a cult that you simultaneously want and think everyone is thinking about your man and nobody is.  Revenire did make a fairly interesting comment near the end of his last stay, to wit:
April 15, 2008: you jumpers have been drive insane by the fact larouche has been right all along… and you have been wrong and his public record proves it
you have no public record, except your hearsay etc. from losers who could not stand the heat in the kitchen… cowards and fools, like rachel
duggan was a suicide and kronerg jumped… larouche is alive and doing quite well
you have tired old re-hashes of high times writers and mothers being used by people she has no clue about where is the new investigation into duggan?
Well, pooh. There is now. Or a start to one.  Somberly, it’s something worth noting more than “gloating”.  But does revenire’s statement count as one of those Larouchian forecasts? Somewhere with the premise of Erica Duggan being “used” by former High Times writers on one hand, and Dick Cheney and the British Government on the other hand, she pushed it forward herself for the past five years. I was going to simplify this quote, leaving what I highlighted in bold with a preceeding summary that goes [insults of various people, insult of Mrs. Duggan in the cloak of a sort of faux humanitarian sympathy — belated at that].  What fascinated me about revenire was upon his introduction, his interest was Jeremiah Duggan. This was a little odd, as I’ve always felt I was just a little bit lax with the topic, always stating that legal issues notwithstanding the Organization was morally culpable for the death of Duggan — their best case on that regard scenario looking quite awful. (Revenire also having a knack to disbelieve everything from the outside world.)
That “Justice for Jeremiah” conference was heavy on the anti-semitic angle. Larouche is an esoteric enough topic that I have few foils to work with with differing thoughts on their activities, and that is why I once again have to go back once again to Alan Osler’s observations on watching the conference… and, I always come back to this because it really is a bizarre piece of commenting on his part… and Chip’s penis (link provided in previous postings, go down in this category).
Here’s a thought on why so many of there people in that room didn’t know what “antisemitism” means… […]
And “really anti – British”.  In traversing the Internet regarding Larouche, it is funny how I always come up against these things. As though some neo-nazis on the furthest extreme of the “right” take that “code word” business seriously and see a sympathetic analyst for their position. By accident, I suppose.*
The worst thing about this little shitfest was that the Duggans’s grief was hijacked. Wasn’t it supposed to be about reopening the investigation? But no one wanted to say “The police fabricated the evidence”, so were were left with 2hours of pure, undiluted bullshit.
“2hours of pure, undiluted bullshit”, and a re-opened investigation. Which will either drag nowhere or gets somewhere. And legal issues aside, the very least it will at the very least broadcast the organization’s culpability in something beyond a Simpsons punchline.
For what it’s worth, I thought about Larouche when I saw the headline London Times Reports British Tortured Obama’s Grandfather. Good fodder for the Larouchian engine which insists the “British Empire” is out to assassinate our Presidents. Sure enough, and skip to the end:
Lyndon LaRouche has recently stated that there is a battle royale around the Obama administration. Obama as a president and Obama as a candidate are two different things. As a candidate he was controlled by the British, by George Soros and others. But now he’s in the thrall of the institution of the presidency, which means the potentiality of dealing with what he is faced with is different, especially now, in the context of a new fourteenth century dark age.
Love that “Fourteenth Century Dark Age”.  No matter how bad things might get, an impossibly bleak outlook is made available for comparison’s sake. Well, it puts him off of one crusade for a while… though, off I guess he’s off the video-game crusade and onto a Satanist kick.
* Mental note:Â I need to compile a number of these sort of things.