They’re Coming to Your Town. Right out of the closet…
The scary threat of a Successful National Health Program. 2008 and Cato, meet 1992 and Bill Kristol. (More here. How truly ironic that the title is about how Tom Daschle would destroy the Republican Party. Didn’t he destroy the Democratic Party leading up to 2004?)
Okay, here’s the video. Sarah Palin interviewed in front of a Turkey Decapitation. Well, Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
From Germany: the fear of 1963 hanging over as one watches Obama. Be wary of open spaces.
A cheerful letter from Pakistan And God Bless America, too.
Run Bob Kelleher Again! (and why a vote for Kelleher was an undecipherable statement.)
No particular reason, here’s “Rainbow in the Dark” by Dio. I don’t understand this video.