Uncovering the last redoubts of the PUMA Movement
The last redoubt of the “PUMA”s, Hillary Clinton supporters who believed that their party was ripped away from them by a cabal of Obama-nists, can be seen in the election day comments of blog posts such as this one. Or here. If you scout about here you can see the attempt to rationalize the “disaffected Clinton” support as having “shoulda” put McCain over the top, if only McCain’s voters had turned out.
I suppose their delusion of electoral outcomes is more delusional than what you find here, which takes into account an Obama victory but supposes that Obama will be impeached because he was born not in Hawaii, but in Kenya. Or, at least I think she figured on Obama’s election. It’s tough to tell at times.
For those patsies wanting Obama change which is pure revolution, you have just lit the spark of a real revolution where court trials are heard in 3 minutes and the verdicts sound like a house raising for all the gavels hammering non stop in guilty verdicts.
You liberals set up Dan Rather and hung him out to dry. Dan is going to be back as the chief spokesman in urging on the purge of all his enemies from media and corporate.
Obama is going to bring down everyone from George Soros to Zbigniew Brzezinski to Charlie Gibson to Bill Keller to Howard Dean to Barclay Surrick, because you screw job liberals are not wiping out people who play fair in Conservatives, you screwed over PUMA voters who know how to fight and they are coming.
It is now too late in the lap dogs like Diane Sawyer to even break a story in this to save themselves. The group which must move to join Christians, Patriots and Conservatives is the PUMA voters whom John McCain has been wooing with the Clinton’s blessing.
PUMA voters help defeat Obama and America can go on after fixing our security and finance to fight the same political battles, otherwise hell is going to have no fury like the PUMA masses as they unleash from inside on the Obama corruption and fraud.
Then there’s this.
Obama has doomed the idiot Governors of Ohio and Virginia to absolute defeat. There is every reason to conclude that the Governor of Ohio will be impeached as he lied and covered up the illegal search on Joe the Plummer.
To be honest, I have tried to avoid paying attention to news on Joe the Plumber. Was there a full scale Waco-assault on his house? Bring me the head of Janet Reno! But the good news is it’ll be all documented in his upcoming book, sure to have a tough line against Ted Strickland.
At the end of the day, I suppose this is the last redoubt of the “PUMA Movement”, right there, waiting for the Media Coverup to unravel and bring down the Democratic Party, preparing for a “I told you so” run in 2012. It is this Behemoth Complex versus… The Rothschilds. The battle lines have been drawn:
Secondly, many now might be willing to give Obama the benefit of a doubt. I will do no such thing. Trust me I WISH I was wrong about him but I fear that I am correct. He will be the last world Dictator. He will run this country in a -don’t ask questions- communistic style. There will be “truth squads†in every state, your rights will be taken away and you will HAVE to listen to whatever he has to say.
I am unsure how to follow whatever developments happen in the arena of the “PUMA Movement”. Seem to be readily enveloped into various strands of freerepublic and prisonplanet land. Alex Jones, I note, has done his customary retooling of message — as the Clinton Regime was prepping to lead the world into a tightly controlled penal colonies was shifted to the Bush Regime prepping the penal colonies it has now been shifted to the Obama Regime. The much quoted as of late line from Woody Allen’s (1977) Annie Hall goes:
“I guess these are yours. Impeach Eisenhower.  Impeach Nixon. Impeach Lyndon Johnson. Impeach Ronald Reagan.”– Annie Hall, going through Alvy Singer’s political button collection.
Always room for darkly lit dissent of all kinds, easily and readily exploitable.