A few months ago, someone marked as “Anonymous” stuck up a blog at blogspot.com called “Larouche Watch”, which seemed to be evoking the “Anonymous” who had been going after Scientology. They posted up a few posts — reprints of a few articles, I suppose most notably the Avi Klein piece for the Washington Monthly. But it was all very sparodic, and the rss feed stopped. Going over to the blog, I see a shift of sorts in editorial direction, deleted to a new first post with some feign of “balance” in the offing. Go figure. In lieu of waiting for something like that to materialize, I guess I have to continue to do some grunt work here (if you call cutting and pasting various items every so often “grunt work”. Because the world needs to know when Ann Coulter makes a cutting seemingly antiquated Larouche reference?)
Um. Exciting news about four untimely deaths? First off, Jeremiah Duggan:
Among the scheduled participants are German Parliament members Hans-Christian Ströbele (Greens) and Gert Weisskirchen (Social Democratic Party), as well British lawmaker Simon Hughes. Also speaking will be former members of the LaRouche movement from Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the United States.
The forum is sponsored by Weisskirchen, who is representing the chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on Combating Anti-Semitism, and Ursula Caberta, the head of the focus group on Scientology at the Interior Ministry of Hamburg.
Prompted by the mysterious death of Jeremiah Duggan in 2003, Simon Hughes, Shadow Leader of the House of Commons, will travel to Berlin this Friday to attend a forum at the House of Democracy and Human Rights entitled ‘Does the LaRouche Group Present a Danger to Society and a Danger to the Individual?’
According to the parent’s of the late 22-year-old, the notorious right-wing organisation was responsible for their son’s death, an accusation that has so far been brushed aside by German authorities.While officials claim Jeremiah committed suicide, throwing himself into oncoming traffic on a busy autobahn, the Duggans attest they have forensic evidence to prove otherwise. […] Armed with what she claims is irrefutable evidence acquired by hiring her own independent forensic pathologists, Erica has made submissions to the Attorney General for a further probe into her son’s death. Her investigation revealed that he may have been battered with a blunt instrument and that there were no tyre marks or other signs on Jeremiah to indicate that a vehicle had come into contact with the body.Now, Hughes will add another voice to the family’s five year campaign. The MP told the Jewish News: “As a London MP I feel an obligation to support the family. I want to raise the profile of this situation. The fact is, the Schiller Institute acts with anti-semitic values and is very, very dubious. I am absolutely clear that there has not been a satisfactory explanation of what happened. We owe it to Jeremiah to make sure this is not swept under the carpet.”
But wait. Just who is this Simon Hughes?
On his proudest achievement in parliament since 1997: “A young man called Jamie Robe was kicked to death in Rotherhithe in August 1998. Using my community links I helped break the wall of silence, encourage witnesses to give evidence, and secure convictions.” Hughes had to receive police protection following death threats linked to his advocacy for the family of Jamie Robe. The episode became an ITV1 drama, with actor Robin Kermode portraying Hughes. AND
Simon Hughes was an important figure in the fight to grant a young gay man, Mehdi Kazemi, asylum so he would not be deported to his homeland of Iran, which had executed his boyfriend and almost certainly would have executed him. Mehdi Kazemi thanked Hughes in a letter to people across the world who fought to save his life: “I would like to say thank you to my local MP, Mr Simon Hughes, and his team who gave me the chance to live and made a miracle happen when he heard that my life was in serious danger and asked the Home Office to suspend my deportation in December 2006. I would not be here if it hadn’t been for his intervention. He was here for me then and he was here for me again when I was eventually sent back to the UK in April this year. I do not know if I would have been granted my refugee status without him.”
But that’s wikipedia. Where anyone can drop positive or negative information on a politician. It just so happens two moments from his career were stuck up by supporters of Hughes. For the real lowdown on this Mr. Hughes, you have to go to the Schiller Institute page, and you will see the truth, which is: he’s also connected with a Friend of Israel.  Hint hint.   What is bizarre on the “Schiller Institute Page” is that the game of “Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon” has one more person by way of Simon Hughes to this “Israel” than with the other five members of the British parliament who pushed a probe into Jeremiah Duggan’s death.
I do not see this going anywhere, with way too many road-blocks to proceed much further — the Wiesbaden Conference has been isolated away and shut off from the World at large for a reason. Which is not to say I think any of it has been in vain. The simple reality is that in the shadow of the Iraq War, Larouche had a hook with which to grow Version #2 of his cult. That has stalled and crashed, due in no small part to easy awareness of Jeremiah Duggan. Though, also probably there is some natural turn-over (in this case turn-out) by the simple reality that the cult ceases to be any fun at a certain point.
As the cult settles into its current role of rambling on about the Worldwide Financial Crisis — and his take goes like this:Â “The British are having fun; back to their roots in the time of Edward III; they’re going back to their roots, their Fourteenth Century roots. British economists return to Fourteenth Century roots, in the New Dark Age of the Fourteenth Century.“Â “The only thing we can say about this,” he continued “which really sums it up, is that some people have a zeal to return to the middle of the Fourteenth Century. There’s no other way to describe it accurately.” — it should be noted that that does not hold a candle to the Perpetual Financial Crisis plaguing the Organization.
Looks like Bad Days at Black Rock–scanning recent “Ops Bulletins” (the ending sections of the “Morning Briefings,” in which LYM, or the “field,” or whoever’s out there these days, reports its activities) suggests that the LaRouche org is making even less money than it’s been making for years….
Squads of LYMers report making, oh, $4 on a “deployment.” ( —- Which is pretty interesting, considering the pamphlets have a supposed “$5 Donation Recommened” price-tag. —- )Â I’m not kidding. When time permits, I’ll post the quotes……., as we all know, the real money (sic) doesn’t come from the field. Howsabout the phones?……
I don’t know, but they recently had one of those all-hands-on-deck Sunday “deployments” of everyone in Leesburg, rushing to the office to dial for dollars. Guess they’re feeling the pinch…….. And Barbara wasn’t always exactly the way she is now.
I had always assumed the evolution of the “Economic Model”, such as it was, which had schlepped expenses at Kenneth Kronberg and PMR and walk away scot-free from Printing Expenses, would have de-centralized the much thinner and oft-littered pamphlets to local Kinkos, after printing out a master copy from some student’s account at a University. This is an exaggeration, but perhaps not too much of one.
If you look below we see something never seen before. The lit is being printed around the country if I am reading the expenses correctly. This means that there is no longer any central printing but local printing which places even more of a burden on the regions and their local business fronts. In this busines model, the downward spiral continues as the LYM and LYMettes are being moved from their free love ins at the campuses to hardball nickle and diming at card table shrines and carcinogen inhalation intersections. The tweeners like a John Morris and others are being moved around the country to get the regional field income rising as you now have to pay for the paper delusions instead of just sponging off of PMR to the transfinite and beyond.
Here are some accounts paid. We do not know what the total bill is, however, I would not discount the cult building up credit and having a larger bill than what we see here in money paid. I only looked at a few pages and pretty obvious printing related companies. What is amazing is seeing how much is paid out in rents and utilities for our “volunteers” and how the stipends may be getting interlinked with LPAC and the local corporations.
-RODGERS & MCDONALD $196,514 Carson, Ca
-MCARDLE PRINTING CO $102,092 Upper Marlboro, MD
-UNITED PARCEL SERVICE $85,512 for delivery
-TRI STAR OFFSET $67,071 Maspeth, N.Y.
-SILVER COMMUNICATIONS $43,999 Sterling, Va Graphics
-CPG CACI PRODUCTIONS GROUP $23,500 Chantilly, Va AV production
-GEM/LASER EXPRESS, INC $20,206 Dulles, Va Toner
-FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP $19,829 shipping
-ECHO $15,469 Leesburg, Va May be direct mail service
-WORLDCOMP $11,531 This could be the last payment
-AVALANCHE SERVICES $8,027 Kearneysville, WVa
-MARKET SHARE SERVICES $7,510 Burbank, Ca print/mail
This appears to be only current to June of this year, so by the next filing we can see how much is being spent on printing. Without a PMR to be soaked, hard cash needs to be funneled into paying printers and suppliers instead of LYM and LYMette “volunteers”.
Well, the buck stops somewhere. Either a shadow of Financial Obligations looms over Larouche — as it had with PMR — or he could brush it aside in his realm as a British – Zionist plot, or… it gets to be pushed down to the road to this moment.
Two items from a new page of obituaries for Gary Genazzio and John Morris, for what I guess would be the Org’s last words on those deaths.:
I didn’t know Gary well. My one vivid recollection is from the winter of 1984, working with Gary in a small, temporary, ad hoc local office in Cleveland. It was a Sunday, and our fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants budget was depleted. Incessant torrents of rain came down. I remember going to a freeway off-ramp with Gary, brandishing zip-loc bags of campaign literature at motorists until they opened their windows in the downpour in order to support our intrepid campaign. The memory of Gary’s unfailing good humor and esprit de corps that day has stayed with me through the years. […]
Good bye, John, it was a privilege to be your friend, and we will miss you terribly. Arrivederci in a better world, a world in which there is no rain, gasoline never ends, and finally justice and peace prevail.
In case you do not recall, forgot, or never knew in the first place: they died on a rainy night, having run out of gasoline en route from one Regional Organization to another. But don’t worry, folks. Lyndon Larouche received another name drop on a Russian television show, and his supporters are sure to be hard at work at wikipedia to gain his props. LYMers continue to wander in and through college lectures, to no real effect — en route to earning those $4. And Carroll Quigley quotations are sure to appear in a blog comment near you — so watch for that one as well.