The Fundamentals of the Economy

John McCain chimed in to say that “Our economy, I think still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”  Panic setting in as the United States government (past our clueless elected officials, George Bush and Harry “don’t know what to do” Reid included) has started nationalizing the unprofitable and unproductive sectors of the economy like a Bizarro Hugo Chavez, John McCain since had to re-invent his definitions to meet the changed reality, to escape Herbert Hoover-ville, and to greet a rhetorical pandering absurdity.:

“Our workers are the most innovative, the hardest working, the best skilled, most productive, most competitive in the world.  My opponents may disagree, but those fundamentals of America are strong.  No one can match an American worker.”

Yes.  McCain’s opponent may disagree, believing that the American worker sucks tremendous eggs, but not “Country First” John McCain and Sarah Palin.  Seriously, this is a parody of a Politicial Pander, and a Parody of a Political Strawman Argument.  I gather its sheer bull-headedness cannot possibly be met with anything but derision, right?  Right?

There is a manner in which I grudgingly, albeit almost accidentally, defend some items out of the McCain campaign repetoire.  A “mental recession” is never quite accurate, but there tends to be a lagging “psychological” impact which prolongs the troubles, fear of stepping out from the (relatively) long dark shadow we appear to be entering.  Being snake-bitten can do that to us.

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