Michael Phelps versus Fred Phelps

I wonder.:

The Blog Pulse on Olympic Swimmer Michael Phelps.

The blog pulse on Anti-Gay Activist Fred Phelps. 

Unfortunately, unlike the “Mark Foley”/”Tom Foley” situation of 2006, which saw a sudden blogging infusion of Tom Foley entirely tied to people mistakingly writing Tom Foley for Mark Foley — and thus identical graphs until a slight shift as October came when Tom Foley’s name came into reference due to some interest in the 5th Congressional race in Washington State, a deeper dig into these graphs shows no corallary between Michael Phelps and Fred Phelps — the graph spikes come due to interest in Fred Phelps being not allowed into Canada and in some various sundry controversies.  Michael Phelps’s spike comes from his new role as Greatest Olympian of all time — which I think is ahistorical and I point to such Olympic luminaries from the past as the Norse Gods Zeus and Thor.  But simply put, nobody is confusing Fred Phelps for Michael Phelps.  I am disappointed.

Nonetheless, Fred Phelps should start planning on capitalizing on Phelps-Mania and plan to stage his family/church “protests” at Michael Phelps appearances when he comes back to the States in Triumph.  There is no “gay” connection, you say?  Well, there’s not much “Gay” connection in much of Phelps’s protestations, but he can think of something.  Surely Michael Phelps’s Speedo-wearing has given him a following in the Homosexual Community?

4 Responses to “Michael Phelps versus Fred Phelps”

  1. Jared M. Says:

    Fred Phelps has a son called Fred Phelps, Jr., who may be Michael Phelps’ father.

  2. Justin Says:

    Can I get a source on that?… Even the most unreliable and pointless one will do

  3. nyflaguy Says:

    Michael Phelp’s gay—I highly doubt that, though anything is possible, I would say there is a bigger liklihood that he may be sterile, like any male who defy’s basic anatomy and keeps the manseed to close to the body on a consistent basis. Sperm need to be at a lower temperature than than normal boby temperature to be viable. Look up stats on Men who have and\or do wear designer jeans and\or tight underwear and swimwear, it is well documented.

  4. Justin Says:

    The idea that Fred Phelps Jr — the son of the anti-gay crusader as opposed to the identified father “Former Marine Fred Phelps” — fathered Micheal Phelps, the idea that Michael Phelps is gay, and the idea that Michael Pehlps is now sterile are three not mutually exclusive ideas. Further, there’s a bit of non sequiting going on here.

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