The Kennedy Obama versus the Harrison McCain

“How long do you give Obama?”

“Oh, about as long as Kennedy.”

And so goes a conversation, which runs on to me arguring that Bobby Kennedy in 1968 (same conspiracy that caught his brother, and I was referring to John in referencing with my slightly glib statement, which I don’t necessarily subscribe to — Lord Willing he serves out two fantastic terms in office and Saves the World and everything) wasn’t going to be nominated.  But what is curious is to reflect on something from the McCain camp, which is an urging that it’s important for him because, you know…

… So, you see, Obama = John Kennedy Assassination and McCain = um, William Henry Harrison — then our oldest president and susceptible to pnuemonia.

It should make for a Battle of Youtube “not connected to the campaign” commercials, hinting wildly at these possibilities.  I am not sure how to make it work for McCain, though — the possibility with Obama is to press Obama up against some Kennedy shots which include his assassination.  The most obvious paralel with McCain is a now obscure president from the goddamned Whig Party.  Perhaps Reagan’s late term dementia could be emphasized, but that would only help him amongst Reagan-yearning Republicans.  Hm.  It’s a thought.

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