If it weren’t for this angle, I wouldn’t mention the PUMAs at all, so I guess this helps them
It seemed about time someone made that PUMA – Larouche connection. Except it appears Larouche loses, as this coverage float-over is one removed, over to Webster Tarpley. (Or does that mean Tarpley loses, as he cannot be mentioned without mention of his Larouche connection as a necessary explication?) But the vibe remains, and to quote someone from The Atlantic:
“Don’t know if you guys saw this. It kinda made my day. More on the nuts that comprise PUMA here. It gets ill. I’m talking Lyndon Larouche/”Exterminate Jew Power” ill. Hmm, my guess is that these guys aren’t team players on the lam–but nuts filing into the asylum.”
Rubbish, Rubbish, Rubbish. I mean, I do not believe Gary Genazzio was Jewish.
So, in review, being for the benefit of the wikipedia-checking David Weigel for a bit more: Webster Tarpley renounced his association with Larouche (as seen here), referred to his organization as a “Maoist Cult”, but has carried on a parallel path of disseminating the exact same conspiratorial blather as Larouche (sans the omnipresent mention of the name), only with access to more arenas in the kook-o-sphere than can be afforded to Larouche — widely known now as, um, leading what is essentially a Maoist Cult. (Larouche does sneak into the People’s Daily in China on occasion.) I do not know if this makes Tarpley an affiliate, successful spin-off, or if Jeff Steinberg and Webster Tarpley are involved in some mushroom-induced grand conspiracy of their own.
And now he jumps from his perch at “9/11 Truth” over to that odd Hillary Clinton Personality Cult that is PUMA, where he can propagate past some imagined and un-examined grievances over the Democratic Party nominating process and on to the key-pin of George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski. And perhaps sell some copies of his on-some-best-sellers-list anti-Obama “Post Modernist Coup” book? (Incidentally, thumb through the Brzenski-Russia-hating thesis and do the work yourself of parsing out Obama, Clinton, and McCain’s tact right now visa-vie Russia/Georgia.)
In other news of… this variety, Dennis King, after a fairly lengthly absence, some new material for his “newest postings” update. Quote:
Lyndon LaRouche tells us how to conquer the world in one easy lesson. The text of this 1978 article–the most extreme version of the Fantasy Hitler’s “Great Design”–is accompanied by comments (in brackets) that expose, paragraph by paragraph, his appalling ignorance of history, his attempts to block all independent thinking by his followers, his obsession with plots by Jewish bankers, his use of code language, and the malignant narcissism that underlies his eagerness for a war of world conquest to be commanded by himself as President/Philosopher King of the Neoplatonic Humanist Republic of America.
I have to admit my reaction to this hyperbolic description was: “All very much true, but… So?” It’s a little easy to get jaded on failed potential president/philosopher kings of neoplatonic humanist republic of americas.
I am tempted to link to, say, a transcript of a debate with a “PUMA” blogger from NPR, but I see no real reason to bother.