I’ve been meaning to come up with something to say about “PUMAS’, a grouping of Hillary Clinton supporters who hold grievances about Barack Obama and a set of demands that work their way from various grievances which come from backing a losing presidential candidate who they think should win.
PUMA is an acronym which means in its pac-forming formation “People United Means Action” and in its bloggier edgier formation “Party Unity My Ass”. The more raucous version seems to stick, if this media mention is any evidence.
There really is nothing to say about them, even if it might be interesting to peak in and see what they are whipping up. And incidental comedy inherent in, for instance, the advertising swarm sticking up a pro-Obama moveon ad on a “proud puma” blog. (Maybe I ought do a screen-shot for the time sensitivity of this thing.)
As with celebrating the overthrown Shah of Iran back ini 1980, the Champion of Lost Causes that is Lyndon Larouche has floats in to claim the mantle of promoting Hillary Clinton, and dastardy Al Gore and George Soros-oriented Democratic Party Chieftain conspiracy theories on how the nomination was swatched from Obama to Clinton. Such the case that someone somewhere links to them, and Larouchies are the most visible contingency in gatherings of “PUMA“s.
Understand, the British assassinated Abraham Lincoln. And the PUMA movement is the ideological descendents of the Franklin Roosevelt campaign which defeated the banking collaboraters of Raskob and Alfred Smith (sort of the DLCers of their day), and Obama’s backers are the modern day Raskobs who were defeated at the 1932 convention. (I mention the assassination of Lincoln because that is where the Larouche “1932” video which “PUMA Warrior”‘s article is part of a current program.)
So, Hillary Clinton will be voted to the Democratic nomination in the 4-day campaign infomercials that are the modern day political conventions. Because the PUMAs demand it. If she is not, that’s just because of the dastardly George Soros.
And PUMA is lead by the vanguard Lyndon Larouche organization who will storm the convention and nominate Hillary Clinton.
I don’t know really how much of a presence to ascribe Lyndon Larouche in with a whole mass of “PUMA”s, but given the rather spare number of that movement — you have to look to find them, at best they’ll get this sort of ceremonial casting of Hillary Clinton votes at the convention which will be clocked in a manner to avoid having any media focus on those proceedings as opposed to the speeches — I don’t know why I shouldn’t just shrug and say… Lyndon Larouche… the Leader of the PUMA movement. (Or is that too danged mean?) Whatever, once you’ve concocted a narrow anti-Hillary Clinton bias in the Democratic nominating process you aren’t on level ground anyway.